
In The Town Without Me (I’m Free)

Dabi watched the gears turning in her head, finding it quite amusing, “Well, Touya… what’s wrong?” The question surprised him, forgetting that was her original approach, “People.” It seemed she knew what he meant, “They call you a filthy rat, too?” “Something along those lines, yeah.” Monster. Hideous. Unsightly. Disgusting. Deformed. Repulsive. Horrid. A Freak- just to name a few. Her expression turned contemplative, “Don’t you wish they’d go away sometimes?” She asked, sitting down crisscrossed in front of him. “I wish I lived in a world where I’d never existed.” He replied flippantly. She nodded, “I can grant your wish if you’d like.” Dabi only scoffed, “Sure, kid. Go ahead.” OR Dabi sulks in an alleyway about how Hawks never loved him, being separated from his reality by a little girl while doing so. Could he be who he wants to be, now? [BEST READ ON APP. FORMATS FUNNY ON THE WEBSITE]

Sento_Writes_Stuff · Cómic
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17 Chs

Missing Person’s Case

Hawks continued to pat Touya on the back, perhaps concerned for the lanky man who was crying heavily.

"So… he's really the ex you mentioned?" Hawks asked, rubbing reassuring circles.

Through tears and hiccups, he replied, "Yeah. I-... I thought I got away from him but he's- he's there. And why? Why did he have to follow me?"

Deeply bothered for the taller man next him, Hawks wrapped a wing around him and pulled him tight. His crying hitched and he leaned his head onto Hawks shoulder.

"I don't know what happened between you two, and seeing him now I can imagine my presence isn't too comforting, but I am here for you if you need me, okay?" Hawks assured, placing a hand in Touya's hair and gently caressing his scalp.

Touya stayed quiet for a moment, his breath having calmed down though tears were still streaming down his face, "I won't tell you the entire story, because this isn't the time or place, but I am willing to tell you some of it." he worried he'd regret opening himself up to this person again, but he knew it was the only way he'd get the comfort.

Hawks looked contemplative, "I think I know a place."


They sat at a balcony atop the venue, high above the other buildings and in complete solitude. The air cold on Hawks' skin, though Touya looked completely at home. He supposed that made sense, thinking about it. He'd read Touya's files while they were being processed- not to be creepy or anything, he was just curious. Though the files didn't really quell his thirst, it'd only made it stronger.

Touya had his arms wrapped around himself, hands faintly grasping their opposing elbow, "That man on the screen was my ex-boyfriend of… of a year and a half…" He paused tentatively.

Placing a hand on his shoulder, Hawks gave a weak smile, "You don't have to share anything you don't want to. I know these kinds of things can be hard."

The ladder sighed, closing his eyes, "We broke up about a week ago."

"What? That recently?" Hawks was surprised at the time frame, given it was a little before Touya had miraculously shown up here.

The taller man nodded, "He- he told me that I was pretty and I believed him. I thought he loved me, he made me think he loved me. But I found out- that- that he'd been going behind my back the entire time. It was all a lie. I was just a tool in a game to him. I- I can't believe I let it happen again." He'd started to rant, tears looming like dark clouds covering the sky of his eyes, overcasting a stormy sea.

"Okay, Touya, please slow down." He eased, steadily looking him in the eyes with earnest, "Take a deep breath with me, okay?" he hovered his hands over his lungs, slinking them up as he breathed in and slowly down as he breathed out, Touya followed in shaky breath.

Hawks kept a steady gaze on Touya as he repeated the motion a few times, the ladder visibly calming, "You okay?" he affirmed.

Touya nodded so he spoke again, "What do you mean by 'again'?" he asked, eyes searching the other's gaze.

The question caused him to avert his gaze, confusing Hawks, but not allowing him to speak as he answered the question, "My father used me in a similar way. But… I don't want to talk about it. Please?"

"Okay." Hawks slowly pulled him into a hug, which the other tentatively returned. They stayed like that for some time.


Dabi felt very exhausted when they returned, Endeavor and Shouto sitting in tense silence close to where they left them, when they got closer, Dabi spoke to Hawks in a loud whisper, "Thanks for that, by the way. I feel like nobody likes me or wants to even be friends with me, and-" he started, though Shouto interrupted.

"I literally can't relate to that problem at all, but do you know who no one likes?" The bicolored teen smiled to Dabi slyly, looking over to where Endeavor was seemingly lost in thought, "Hey, Endeavor!"

They all stifled a snicker as the middle-aged man jerked his head over, "First of all, how dare you." he replied instantly, stomping over 'till he towered over the three of them.

Dabi, who was a solid 5'11 in his trinity boots, was the only one who stood close to him in height. Though he knew he had nothing to use to back himself up- being lanky, no longer covered in burns and piercings, and unable to use his fire without blowing his cover. So he stood down, along with Hawks, being the shortest (by an inch, but apparently size matters).

Shouto, however, stayed. Both he and Enji stared into each other's eyes with their signature resting bitch face until Enji spoke, "You spend too much time with your friends."

"I know." Shouto replied, neither of them moving.

Hawks, having lost his edge from the previous conversation, covered his mouth with a wild smile. Dabi, who's dated the man for a while (in another reality), knew exactly what he was planning as the words escaped the blonde's mouth, "The giant horse cock weighs over eleven pounds-"

"OH MY GOD." Dabi cursed in knowing. He didn't believe in God, because if the guy's real, he's an awful person, so he felt very justified using his title with anger. Buddha was right, life is suffering, he knew it well.

Shouto laughed and Enji's flames went out in what Dabi could only infer as speechlessness and humiliation.

So for the time being, he'd forgotten all about the new discovery that had plagued him only moments ago.


Shota continued to fill out paperwork, occasionally glancing at the case file he'd built towards revealing Dabi as Touya Todoroki. His current issue was the little girl that was with him- he found somebody whose name and quirk matched perfectly in the database- but age and face did not.

Amano Poruka was sixteen years old, having turned sixteen the day prior on March eighteenth. She'd been adopted by an older woman named Amano Sana, currently fourty-eight and working as a nurse.

Poruka had warm wisteria colored skin, short brown hair with small matching braids on each side in front of her long ears (which pointed straight up) and a short ponytail on top of her head, hooded amber eyes with black sclera, pointed shark-like teeth, whose often seen wearing large gold hoop earrings and a short; loose mesh piece of black cloth much like a nijab over her nose and mouth.

Basically, she looked how her Quirk was named, like an Arabic Genie.

The girl he'd seen had olive skin, long and knotted butter blonde hair with small matching braids on each side, round hazel eyes, pointed shark-like teeth, wearing a navy victorian style nightgown, carrying a worn cream colored rabbit stuffed animal, and looked to be around seven years old.

Sure, they both had the matching braids and shark-like teeth, but that's not enough similarities to build a missing person's case on. A missing criminal may not be important to most people, he knew that, but if Dabi was Touya, his family would want to know.

Not to mention Pro-Hero Hawks had also been missing for two days. Shota had a sneaking suspicion that this wasn't a coincidence. He knew it was Poruka, he just had to prove it.