
In The Town Without Me (I’m Free)

Dabi watched the gears turning in her head, finding it quite amusing, “Well, Touya… what’s wrong?” The question surprised him, forgetting that was her original approach, “People.” It seemed she knew what he meant, “They call you a filthy rat, too?” “Something along those lines, yeah.” Monster. Hideous. Unsightly. Disgusting. Deformed. Repulsive. Horrid. A Freak- just to name a few. Her expression turned contemplative, “Don’t you wish they’d go away sometimes?” She asked, sitting down crisscrossed in front of him. “I wish I lived in a world where I’d never existed.” He replied flippantly. She nodded, “I can grant your wish if you’d like.” Dabi only scoffed, “Sure, kid. Go ahead.” OR Dabi sulks in an alleyway about how Hawks never loved him, being separated from his reality by a little girl while doing so. Could he be who he wants to be, now? [BEST READ ON APP. FORMATS FUNNY ON THE WEBSITE]

Sento_Writes_Stuff · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Mom, Hawks is a Fucking Idiot

The genie girl unlocked her house door, opening it to be greeted with darkness. While this wasn't unusual, it did warrant her suspicions. She toed off her school shoes, setting the scruffy blue dress and stuffed animal down, she put her hand in her pocket to feel the two glass ornaments in there. It had been a moment since she'd been home, since she was out looking for the corresponding soul to Touya's which took a little over two days.

Before Poruka could even take a single step into her house, the lights turned on and her adoptive mother exploded a confetti popper in her face.

"Surprise!" She smiled with her eyes closed, the smile lines around her face and the crow's feet at her eyes accentuating.

Poruka looked around the room, shocked, "Hey mom… what's all this?" She'd completely forgotten it was her own birthday today, she'd been too focused on helping Touya and Hawks.

Her mother only laughed, "You've been out granting wishes so much lately, I figured I'd surprise you for your birthday!"

The brunette's gaze softened, "Mama… you didn't have to."

The older woman shook her head, still smiling, "Of course I did! You're my daughter and I love you!" she grabbed Poruka's forearm, ushering her to take a seat.

She gave her a slice of cake, getting one for herself as well.

Her mother sat across from her, resting her chin on the backside of her hands which she had neatly folded and propped atop the table, "So, have any hearts this time? Grant any otherworldly wishes?"

Poruka sighed, shaking her head in fondness, "Yes, I have two." she tightened her grip ever so slightly on the figurines in her pocket.

"Well, what are you waiting for? Show me! You know I think they're pretty." Her mom waved the top hand in a 'Well, go on now!' motion.

The purple girl pulled them out of her pocket hesitantly. People's hearts, which she received when she granted reality-altering wishings, were very important and special to her.

She'd cast one of her personal wishes to use the hearts like a looking glass into that person's life. She could view how they spent the wish she'd granted them, which she appreciated. She loved seeing the joy on that person's face, which she'd met previously looking hopeless. It was her very reason for doing this. When the figurines break, she can no longer check on that person. She doesn't know what breaking a figurine even does to the person on the other side. That's why it scared her so.

Poruka refused to allow others to remain in their pain and suffering like she worried she would herself many years ago, before her adoption.

It's also why she wrote poetry about them. To remember why she helped them. To embody the remnants of the change she gave chance to. When she alters realities, the shift doesn't go unnoticed. Her power doesn't extend that far. People who'd been in the same world as her one day, go missing the next. If anything were to prove that, it would be the current ongoing search party for Pro-Hero Hawks. She'd been reluctant to grant his wish, but he looked so ravaged by heartbreak that she wouldn't allow herself to let him suffer.

Yes, people would die without him. A lot of people. But who was she to belittle one life over the life of everybody else? Perhaps this argument could go both ways, evermore still, she didn't regret her decision.

The brunette glanced at the figures in her pale plum palm, smiling softly at the glistening of the glass. Touya and Hawks had some of the prettiest hearts she'd ever seen. Touya in particular, though. Hearts take on a shape based on a lot of factors. A life lived, decisions decided, feelings felt, and values valued. Every part of a person's essence formed their heart.

Setting the figurines down on the table gently, adjusting them so her mother could look, the moment she removed her hand she could hear her mother gasp.

"Oh, my Buddha… they're breathtaking- Ruka, dear, may I ask who they belong to?" She held both hands loosely in front of her mouth, eyes wide and not leaving the glass figures.

Poruka paused, knowing her answer would worry her mother, but keeping this from her would as well, "The blue phoenix belongs to the villain known as Dabi…" she trailed off, nervous.

Her mom broke her gaze from its focus, "What?"

"You know you heard me," Poruka whispered, evading her stare.

"Do you know how dangerous that was?! Amano Poruka! You know better than this." She scolded, though gently.

The lavender girl finally looked at her mother, "I know, but mama, he was crying blood in an alleyway. I've never seen somebody with such a heart-wrenching look of pure, unadulterated grief. I couldn't allow myself to just look the other way!" she cried in defiance.

Her mother's already soft gaze completely dropped any anger it had held, "You have such a pure heart, Poruka, you know that?"

"So you've told me." The brunette whispered, to which her mother sighed.

"Just be careful. I would be devastated if something happened to you." Her mother reached across the table to gently brush her thumb along Poruka's cheek.

She leaned into the tender touch, "I know, mama."

"For a villain, his heart is awfully beautiful." The older woman remarked, closely studying the figurine.

Poruka nodded in agreement, "I was very surprised, too. When I looked to his new reality I was even more surprised at how different he looked."

Her mother raised an eyebrow, "Oh?"

"I was expecting the burns and piercings to disappear due to the nature of the wish, but- he was completely unrecognizable."

"Was he ugly?" Her mom tilted her head, intrigued.

"No, he was the opposite. It was bizarre!"

Her mother stayed quiet for moment in thought, "Describe him for me?"

Oh, her mother was planning to use her quirk. She can take detailed descriptions and quickly draw a perfect sketch that fits the description to every detail. Sure, it was cool, but not always the most useful.

Still, she described him to the best of her ability, her mom's hand moving too fast for the eye as it drew what she described. When she was done, she gasped, "Woah, he's pretty." she said, showing the drawing to her daughter.

"That's him." Poruka confirmed.

Her mother nodded, "I see what you mean. I wouldn't have recognized him if not for his eyes."

"Yeah… also, the other figurine is Pro-Hero Hawks." The brunette said it like she was talking about the weather.

"Excuse me, what?" Her mother raised her voice more than usual, which served to scare her a little bit.

"Apparently, he and Dabi were lovers… which I didn't know when I granted Dabi's wish. Supposedly they'd broken up, pretty sure it was Hawks' fault since the guy is a little douchey, but Hawks was inconsolable. Figured it might've been some kind of huge misunderstanding- I mean, they are a hero and a villain. There has to be a lot of trust there for it to work." Poruka explained.

Her mom just stared, processing, "I… I guess that makes sense. I think?"

Poruka only shrugged, picking up Hawks' figurine, "It's been a day so I'm going to check on him." she said, holding it up to her eye and peering in.

She was surprised to see him in the middle of a villain raid. If this was his way of proving himself, he expects more of the world than she originally thought he did.

Setting the figurine back down in silence, she stared ahead in slight anger, "Mom, Hawks is a fucking idiot." she spat, showing her annoyance.
