
21. Back Here By Monday(1)

"Skye," Julia said, knocking on the door. She wanted to continue but was laughing since Mari next to her was doing so. "Skye open the door we want to see what you're wearing!"

"Oh good," Skye said, the door to her dressing room flying open. "I wanted to see how your outfits are," she told them with a smile. "And you look fab."

"Like urchins?" Mari asked.

Tapping her nose, Skye couldn't help laughing when the two girls looked very confused, and she said, "It means you're on the nose. But not urchins, just imps."

"Little imps," Clive said as he and Peter were coming up to them from down the hallway to them.

"That too," Skye said with a nod and slight laugh.

"You look like you're really in the eighties," Julia then said to the two women.

"Good, then we've achieved our goal," Mary said.

"Exactly," Skye said with a laugh before they stepped out into the hall. "All the parents are out dancing?"

"They are," Mari said with a smile.

"We need to go get ready," Skye then said. "Get the instruments and go ahead on stage. You lot need to go to the Sky Box as usual."

"Cool, we're leaving," Clive said.

"Hold on," Mary said quickly. When the kids all stopped she said, "I have to change after the performance, and then…"

"Derek called to us while we were dancing," Castle said as the doctor had trailed out. "He said they confirmed you are dancing second tonight."

"I'm glad they finally got that set. Then you can wait with the kids," Skye told them. "We'll head off to meet the band.""Break a leg," Beckett told her. She smiled at the kids and said, "You guys can go now. We'll change very quickly and head up there with you."

Julia, though she wanted to go with her mother to see her dress for the first dance, nodded with the others and they went together to the balcony. "I'm so nervous," she whispered.

"Me too," Mari said.

"Imagine how Skye feels," Clive said. "Only two more weeks away from the finals."

Though she was distracted, Julia nodded at what he'd said and looked down at the dance floor. She felt a little weird not seeing her parents there when she felt Mari playfully poke her shoulder. She turned to look at the entrance from backstage, smiling when she saw her parents were there. "Mom, Dad you look so cool," she told them as she hurried over to them.

"You forgot something," Castle said with a smile, handing her the newsboy cap that was part of her costume.

Julia shrugged, taking it, and said, "I was hoping I wouldn't have to wear it."

"Is it too big?" Beckett said, running her hand over her daughter's hair which was braided back for the dance.

"No…" Julia said. "I just don't like it."

"It's not for too long," Mari told her.

"That's true," Julia said before she glanced at her parents again. "Do you like your hat Dad?"

"Of course," Castle replied, since he'd been given a thirties style hat to go with his suit cut from the same area.

"He's been tipping it this whole time," Beckett said.

"She's joking," Castle told the kids. "I'd like to, but it'd be very weird."

Julia smiled and said, "How do you feel Mom?"

"Odd… but there's something almost familiar about this," Beckett confessed, looking at her dress. She was wearing one that was made from blue fabric with tiny white flowers on it, the cut she wasn't a fan of but as she had said it felt familiar to her.

"You must have had a dress like that before," Mari said.

"Maybe," Beckett said in agreement. She smiled at the kids; all of them wearing overalls with different colored shirts on underneath as well as the same kind of hat. "Are you ready?" she then said as the music stopped and she knew the show for the ninth week of the season was about to begin.

"Yeah," Julia said first, smiling widely as her parents came up to the railing and they were watching as the O'Dells were on the stage, waiting for the announcer to start the show. As soon as the man's voice stopped the band was playing the intro to the song and she felt a chill at the familiar music before Skye and Mary were beginning to sing.

Welcome to your life there's no turning backEven while we sleep we will findYou acting on your best behaviorTurn your back on mother natureEverybody wants to rule the world

Beckett, smiled at the three guitarists, as they were all wearing polo shirts with the collars pulled up and Raj and Barry had patterned shirts. She knew they weren't enjoying their wardrobe that much, but she was glad for their sakes that they enjoyed the song since they'd been practicing it as much as they could in the week leading up to the episode. As Skye went back to her mic she turned her attention back to the band while she and her wife sang together again.

It's my own desire, it's my own remorseHelp me to decide, help me make the mostOf freedom and of pleasureNothing ever lasts foreverEverybody wants to rule the world

There's a room where the light won't find youHolding hands while the walls come tumbling downWhen they do I'll be right behind youSo glad we've almost made itSo sad they had to fade itEverybody wants to rule the world

"How cool they get to sing together," Mari whispered to her friend as there was an instrumental break there. Though she was talking to her friend she was also watching the dancers since they'd come out during the break.

Nodding Julia said, "I bet they asked to sing this one."

"They did," Beckett told her daughter. She smiled when the girls both looked at her with wide eyes and she said, "They wanted to sing together."

"And now they are," Castle said.

Beckett squeezed her husband's arm, shaking her head while she was smiling, before she looked down as Skye and Mary were starting up the next verse.

I can't stand this indecisionMarried with a lack of visionEverybody wants to rule the worldSay that you never, never, never, need itOne headline why believe itEverybody wants to rule the world

With another instrumental break, Julia watched as Keo and Peta were dancing together then, continuing to do so through the rest of the song.

All for freedom and for pleasureNothing ever lasts foreverEverybody wants to rule the world

Applauding with the rest of the audience, Julia wasn't surprised when Skye was rushing down to where her partner was, the other stars coming down the stage as well since they were being announced by Tom. She tried not to laugh when the dancers and Skye and Mary were running together off the dance floor to change, watching as Daisy and Sasha remained since they were dancing first. "I wonder how fast they can change."

"There's a commercial," Castle said as the show had gone to that.

Watching the others coming up the stairs, Beckett took her husband's arm to get his attention before she told him in Irish, "I feel weird being here.""I know," Castle replied with a nod. He then said, "But it's what Skye wanted."

"I realized she wanted us there," Beckett said, shaking her head. "And you wanted us to have a free lesson."

Castle smiled widely at his wife; since he couldn't really deny that; and said, "Which you didn't mind in the slightest."

Beckett squeezed her husband's hand that had taken her, and she said, "I didn't," recalling the past week when Derek was telling them what they would be doing just before his and Skye's Argentine Tango began.

"Okay," the pro was saying as he watched Castle and Beckett dancing the steps they'd learned back at home. "I'm glad Skye asked for you two to join us on this one, you move well together."

"Even though it's only for a short amount of time?" Beckett couldn't help asking.

"It does help," Derek said.

"We're supposed to have a setting," Skye commented.

"And a story," Mary reminded her wife.

Beckett nodded, knowing their friends were right, and she turned her attention with her husband to Derek as he was beginning to choreograph their steps. When they were attempting them, she thought that there might be a problem, but the pro didn't say anything until he was groaning at the end and his partner was asking him what was wrong before he spoke.

"I'm having a hard time with this one," Derek said to his partner.

"I noticed," Skye said as he'd been having some issues with some of their steps.

"Is it the song?" Mary asked.

"Not really," Derek replied. "But what I'm not sure of doing is this opening. We don't have that much time."

"So we're not really necessary," Beckett couldn't help saying.

Glancing at her friend momentarily, Skye walked over to her partner and said, "We should go through it again, see what we need to have before we start." When Derek nodded she said, "It'll open with the newspaper and pan up to the couples doing the tango before he runs in from the audience. They'll stop, and I'll go over to you and we'll talk about the fact that you stole the drugs for the sick.""Does Len know you're doing this?" Castle couldn't help asking when the investigator paused.

"People have been saying on social media they want more stories, since we've had some," Derek explained. "And they're allowing it for the others this time since it's different eras. But there's only so much we can do of course."

"Which means we need to go back to everything," Skye said with a smile. "That's when the kids will run in, yelling about the police."

"Us first right?" Mari asked.

"Exactly," Skye said.

"That's when you'll go ahead to the record player and switch the music which will start right when Val and Tristan will come over to us," Derek said, talking to Julia. "And we'll start."

"And we take turns stopping the music," Peter said.

When her partner nodded to the boy, Skye said, "And at first they'll dance with us," nodding to Castle and Beckett and the two members of the troupe who would be dancing as well.

"And I'll be at the bar waiting for you to give me the bottle," Mary said.

"Better?" Skye asked, looking at the pro.

"I think so," Derek said. "Let's have you guys start over and you'll join us for the start which I'll show you now too."

Paying attention to the pro, Beckett watched the steps with her husband and hoped they'd be able to dance them well enough during the show.

"Are you ready?" Skye asked.

Turning to her friend Beckett said, "As ready as I'll ever be."

"You'll do fine, you're dancing the same basic steps you've learned in your class," Skye commented.

Nodding Beckett didn't say anything for a moment before she told her friend, "But not after we start."

"It'll be quick," Skye told her reassuringly. "And your daughter is very happy."

Looking over at Julia, Beckett could see that she was talking animatedly to Mari and knew already she was eager for them to join in on the show actually dancing that time. She sighed and said, "If it wasn't for my daughter and husband…"

"I know," Skye said with a smile before she hurried over to her partner as the commercial break was nearly over.

Beckett felt Julia's hand take her own and she smiled at her and Castle who joined them before they were watching the screen as the rehearsal footage began with Tom mentioning the week before. When it went to them rehearsing she smiled as it showed the pair talking about their story for that song and then Derek teaching her how to dance some steps.

"I've been interested in this dance," Skye was saying in a voice over. "Since I know Derek tends to do well with it." The footage went to the pair sitting on the steps on their own and she was saying to her partner, "Will the lifts be a problem?"

"No, I told you, you're about the same height as Maria Menunous and I was able to do lifts with her," Derek replied, drinking some water. "Come on," he said when he was finished. "We'll try a few things out, see how it goes."

"It's week 9 now," Skye was saying as it then showed the two having difficulties with both the lifts and steps. "Everyone's tired and that definitely includes me." The footage had the pair completing a lift where she was spun around with her legs spread and they gave one another a high five before Derek was saying, "Again," and Skye groaned.

"Good luck," Julia whispered to her parents before she rushed to where she needed to be in the audience with the others.

Watching her, Beckett turned to her husband and seeing the troupe pair starting to dance themselves she got into hold with him. They danced, and she closed her eyes for a moment hearing the announcer saying, "Dancing the Argentine Tango, Skye McDouglas and her partner Derek Hough."

Standing at a bar, Skye was dressed in thirties style grey trousers, a dress shirt, suspenders and dark green patterned tie. She was wiping down the counter, waiting for her cue as Mary was leaning against the counter watching her. Her wife was wearing a dress from the same time period, but hers was a deep red in color. She saw that Mary was tapping the counter and she was ready when Derek hurried up to them. She walked around the bar in a hurry and the pro was looking back once she reached him.

A second later the four kids were running into the 'bar' and Beckett stopped with Castle as the other pair was doing the same. She tried not to roll her eyes seeing that Julia had taken off her cap and was waving it while Mari and Clive were crying, "La policía viene!"

Skye was speaking to Julia and Peter, only pretending to since they knew what they needed to do already. The song began with instrumental and she went to Derek who grabbed her a second before Val and Tristan came onto the dance floor just as they began, dressed in vintage police uniforms they were walking around the three who were dancing the same steps before they split the two couples off from Skye and Derek. With the first lyric the three pairs were moving around in a small amount of space, stepping back and forth a bit into the second lyric of the verse. There the men lifted the women and they spun them while their legs were slightly spread and then set them down. At the third lyric the women were leaning against the men's leg as they did an extension before they stepped forward for the next to lyrics. Since they were being slightly censored, the 'recording' became a bit scratchy at a curse word until the verse was over and Skye and Derek were on their own.

I can't understand how I've gone astrayI should be sailing away on a linerI was knocked on my back on a dock at Yang-Tse… to see ChinaBut… ready

The next verse was only three lyrics, but since Skye and Derek were alone on the dance floor; except for Val and Tristan walking around then; they could dance further. They were stepping forward at first before they moved their feet around each other. By the second lyric Skye was moving her foot back and forth in front of them before Derek was lifting her and she slid down his leg.

You must be crazyAnd you got no moneyAnd you're a liar

With the next verse, Derek was picking up Skye after they had strode forward and then holding her up while he spun her around. He set her down on the third lyric and they began to move forward while they were kicking up their legs together, taking turns with them. When they stopped they were on the last lyric and he was she was leaning against his leg as he made an extension after they'd spun by Castle and Beckett and she'd handed a small bottle to her and she gave it to Mary.

My straights are dire from the, the… into… fireI'd like to trust you… broken my…Sometimes there's no hope in, in chasing opiumI'd like to love you but I'm not sure what's in your eyesMmm, Shanghai Surprise

The next verse was further in the song and at the end of it Derek was spinning Skye around before Val was yelling, "Alto!" just as the investigator was standing again at the beginning of the second lyric.

Back streets so crowded that, no room to swing a catI'd like to know you but-

The two pro dancers were walking around the pair who were frozen with their cheeks pressed together, watching them. Skye made a motion to Julia and Peter and the former pretended to get the song started again before it picked up at the third lyric. The investigator began dancing again, Derek picking her up as she jumped up into his arms, spinning her to get Val and Tristan away from them. The last two lyrics they were dancing around together, moving their feet around each other again.

I'm finding out pursued by evil looking dudes it'sGetting hot for me like… when it deep friesOh, Shanghai surprise

With the last verse they were dancing to; the song five minutes long in its entirety; Skye and Derek were dancing with their foreheads pressed together. They were doing some basic steps together, faster to match the rhythm of the song, and they parted so he could spin her around as she wrapped her leg around him. On the third lyric her leg was down, and they began to dance in between each other's legs before he was spinning her at the start of the fourth lyric. When she came back to him they made their way back towards where Val and Tristan were standing at the end of the dance floor with their legs kicking up together that brought them to the end of the song.

But, baby, you look like any common crookThat's hanging 'round in those… shady places (ooh, babe)While you asses me… try to impress me?Step over here, let me see what's there in your eyesOh, Shanghai surprise

When Val and Tristan disappeared into the audience, Skye and Derek let out a whoop of joy before she was taking the bottle from Beckett and they were disappearing themselves before the music stopped. The pair came back onto the dance floor and the investigator was hugging Beckett and her wife in passing before they went to the judges table.

"Alright, I think you managed to help those that were sick," Tom said to the two when they'd reached him. He laughed slightly when they nodded and said, "Len, let's go to you first."

"Well what can I say?" the British judge said. "You did very well, and your choreography was suited to the dance and for your partner Derek. Well done."

"Bruno," Tom said.

"You were very convincing in fooling the police," the judge said. "With an excellently done tango. And I will say it now that you have the potential to make it even further this season. A fantastic tango and I can't wait to see your next dance tonight."

"I don't know if I have all that much to add since I agree with what Len and Bruno said," Carrie-Ann began as Tom went to her last. "But I will say you don't have anything to worry about concerning the lifts. You executed those perfectly and it was just amazing all the way through; even with the story."

Skye couldn't help laughing at the way Len started to laugh and she was about to start walking to the Sky Box when Tom stopped her.

"You'll get your scores here, but I just want to ask what would it mean for you to make it to the semifinals next week?" the co-host said.

"Oh, it would be… amazing if I could," Skye said with a nod. "Not really for myself. But my wife and our daughters. And my friends that are here too." She laughed when she heard her daughters crying out they loved her, and she waved at them.

"Alright, let's get your scores," Tom said.

Beckett, leaning against the railing of the Sky Box again with the others, breathed out as the announcer finally said, "Will the judges please reveal their scores. Carrie-Ann Inaba."

"Ten," the woman said.

"Len Goodman," the announcer said quickly after.

"Ten," the British judge said, smiling as he could see Skye and Derek jumping up together and hugging.

"Bruno Tonioli," the announcer said last.

"Ten!" he said immediately, holding the paddle up in front of his face for a moment.

"Oh good," Julia said with a wide smile, glancing at Mary. She wasn't surprised when the woman looked relieved and she said, "She'll do really well in the Flamenco; and you, both of you."

"Thanks," the doctor said, smiling at her.

"When do we need to change?" Beckett asked then.

"Not for a bit," Skye herself said, coming up the stairs with Derek behind her. "It's a while until we need to dance again, and your dresses will be quite heavy. Let's just wait until we should change." Looking at her wife, she saw the look on her face and was about to ask what was wrong when she spoke first.

"You just want to leave that on," Mary told her wife laughingly.

"Yes well… it's quite comfortable," Skye said simply.

"Are you wearing a dress?" Castle asked.

"Sure, why not," Skye replied. She then smiled and said, "You've seen what we've been dancing; I can't do my steps in a dress."

"We're not going to have that long," Derek said to his partner. "There's only two more after this one."

"True," Skye said with a sigh before she looked at the others. "That includes the rest of you, you know."

"That's okay," Julia said quickly, not surprised that Mari was nodding in agreement with her.

"Then we'll go now," Skye said, and they left the Sky Box together hurriedly so they would make it for the kids' dance that was coming up.

"Do you think that Skye's getting into her costume?" Julia was asking her mother as she was zipping her dress up in the back.

"Probably," Beckett replied. "You don't really think she's wearing a dress, do you?"

"No," Julia said with a laugh. "But I thought she might be in our dance."

"The soda jerk?" Mari asked, coming out from behind the screen.

"Yeah, the other one," Julia said, smiling at her.

"You look great," Mari said.

"So do you," Julia said before she looked up at her mother.

"You both are right," Beckett said in amusement as Mari was looking at Rebecca too.

"She's right, they did a wonderful job on your outfits," Mari's mother said, hugging her to her. "And since you're all dressed we need to go."

"Our hair?" Julia asked. "The same way?"

"Derek said it was up to you," Beckett told her daughter.

Looking at Mari, since they both had their hair in braided pigtails, Julia said, "We better take it down. And maybe see if they have headbands or ribbons or something."

When her daughter nodded Rebecca said, "Then this is going to be fast. Brace yourself Mari."

"Mom," the girl said in slight embarrassment before hers and Julia's mothers were brushing out their hair. When they were leaving the dressing room Mari asked Beckett, "When will you change into your dress?"

"After, when you need to get your flamenco dresses on," she told both girls. They went to where makeup was and after she had secured two ribbons she and Rebecca got them ready for their daughters. "You're ready now," Beckett said to the girls with a smile.

"Great…" Mari said before she literally launched herself at her mother.

"Oof, thank you honey," Rebecca said with a slight laugh. She leaned down and kissed the top of her head telling her, "I'll see you after the dance, to help you change."

"Thanks Mom," Mari said, squeezing her one more time before she let her go and watched her heading back out to the dance floor.

Reaching to her friend, Julia took her hand and said, "We should go and see if the boys are ready."

"They're here," Castle said, coming over with the two. "They're ready," he told his wife after they had all looked at Peter and Clive who'd had frowns on their faces.

"It's just for one dance," Julia told them, trying not to laugh at them.

"It's itchy," Clive grumbled.

"And these bow ties are annoying," Peter said in annoyance.

"It's just the one dance," Mari said though she couldn't help sympathizing.

"At least you guys are wearing normal dresses," Peter said.

"I don't think they're really normal," Julia said, since their outfits were in the style of the fifties.

"Well… at least you don't need to wear itchy sweaters," Clive said.

"Come on," Beckett said with a laugh.

"You didn't change," Castle murmured to his wife as they were heading to the crew member who'd called them over.

"Neither did you," Beckett replied, speaking in Irish.

"Easier to wear this instead of the Flamenco outfit," Castle said before they were stopped.

"The kids need to go," the woman said. "Sorry," she said slightly sheepishly.

"We'll be in the Sky Box," Beckett told her daughter though it was directed to all the kids.

Julia gave her parents a quick hug before she was going with the other four, holding Mari's hand tightly. "I'm really ready for this dance," she whispered to her friend as they were taken offstage and told to wait there.

"Me too, the outfits make it really fun," Mari said, whispering herself.

"We can hear you still," Peter said in mock annoyance.

"Sorry," Julia said, trying her best not to laugh though it seeped into her tone still.

"But they are nice dresses," Clive said before he slightly squirmed in embarrassment. "You look… nice…?"

"Why's that a question?" Julia asked him teasingly.

"I don't have a crush on either of you," Clive said, slumped over.

"Me neither," Peter said, raising his finger.

"We don't have them on you guys," Julia said. "But thank you for complimenting us, both of you.""I was worried what you would think," Peter told them.

"Thanks," Mari said.

Looking out on the stage, Julia smoothed down the skirt of her outfit before she said, "You know these aren't dresses."

"They aren't attached?" Peter said, startled.

"No, the belts cover where they end," Mari said.

Julia smiled as the boys looked at the belts she and her friend had on with their outfits. She was wearing a green sweater that had three quarters sleeves and a grey poodle skirt that was embroidered with white flowers along the front of it. She looked over at Mari and smiled at her friend as her outfit was similar, but her colors were blue and white for the sweater and skirt. And there were music notes on the side of it near the hem which she was slightly jealous of though she still liked the flowers on her skirt. She was shaken from her thoughts when Derek joined them, and she smiled at his soda jerk outfit. "You look like we could order sodas from you," she told him.

"I know, I almost did that to myself in the mirror," the pro replied in amusement. "We need to head out to the dance floor, Eddie and Emma are finished."

"What scores did they get?" Peter asked as they started to walk.

"Two nines and a ten," Derek said. "I think Sasha told me Eddie lost sync."

"Oh no," Julia said with a gasp. They were out on the dance floor so she looked up to see if the two were still there. But finding no one was leaning against the railing she shared a look with Mari and they turned their attention back to the floor where they were led towards the countertop of a soda fountain that was being set up.

"You remember everything," Derek was telling the four as he hurried them to a spot in front of one of the cameras.

"Are we joking before it goes to commercial?" Julia asked in surprise.

"Yeah, just something fast," Derek said. "I'll stay with you and your parents know about it; they're okay with it." He was startled when the four huddled up, led by Julia, and he glanced up at the Sky Box where her parents were with his partner.

"Why does that not surprise me," Beckett said in amusement as she and her husband had seen that as well.

"It doesn't surprise me either," Castle said. "But I wonder what she thought of. She's good at improv."

"Her gram will be proud," Beckett commented.

"Me too," Skye said. She smiled when the two looked at her and said, "She's taken to this well," before they looked down at the floor as Tom was speaking.

"Next up at the halfway point of our Eras Night dances," the co-host was saying. "We have the Hamptons troupe dancing a fifties styled Quickstep so stick around."

Beckett smiled, as the girls were pretending to fix the boy's bow ties they were wearing with sweaters while Derek was wiping down a glass behind them. "She's quick," she said when the show went to commercial after that.

"Very," Skye agreed before she felt a hand on her back. "Grá?" she said, startled seeing her in her Flamenco dress already.

"I was worried about the hem," Mary said with a shrug. "Ruffles," she said in annoyance as Castle and Beckett were looking at her.

"Yeah, I'll be wearing them soon myself," the latter said. She sighed and then told her friend, "You're pushing it Rose."

"Cosúil le caithfidh mé do lámh a dhúnadh," Skye said laughingly. It meant the phrase 'like I had to twist your arm' before she smirked and said, "Ne govorite mne, chto vy ne nosite yego dlya nego."

"What was that?" Castle asked Mary.

Holding up her hand, as her friend had said the phrase 'don't tell me you're not wearing it for him,' Beckett said back to her, "Kto yeshche."

"Guys?" Castle asked them.

Shaking her head, since her friend had said who else for, Skye then said, "It's good natured ribbing."

"Between siblings," Mary said.

Beckett did her best to not roll her eyes before she heard the countdown and they hurried to the railing so they would be able to watch the kids. She searched out Julia and quickly found her, standing at the counter and listening with the other kids to Derek.

When she looked up, Julia was startled seeing Mary was wearing a Flamenco dress and she wanted to point it out to the others, but they were getting into their places.

"Welcome back," Tom said. "As promised before the commercial break, dancing the Quickstep to the song Tennessee Waltz the Hamptons troupe."

As the music for the song began, Julia was dancing with Clive before they went together over to the counter. At the first lyric, Peter came over to them; having been dancing with Mari on the other side of the stage; and he held his hand out to her before they started to dance. They went across to the other end of the stage at the fourth lyric before they were stopping. The rest of the verse they began to jump around at the same time before they were kicking their feet in between each other's.

Well I was dancin' with my baby to the Tennessee WaltzWhen that old friend I happened, I happened to see, oh yeahI introduced him to my babyAnd while they were dancin'My friend stole my sweetheart away from meOh yes he did

Going back across the stage, Julia and Peter stopped halfway where they slowed down and spun around until the second half of the verse started and there they continued down the dance floor again. When they reached the end of the verse Clive and Mari suddenly started to dance, going across so the other pair could take a break.

I remember the night and that beautiful Tennessee WaltzOnly you know how much I lost, oh yeahYou know that I lost my, lost my babyThat night they kept playingThat beautiful Tennessee Waltz, oh yeah

Clive and Mari stopped spinning in the middle of the dance floor, turning back and forth until after the second lyric. When they stopped they began to kick their legs in between each other's before they went down to the end of the dance floor which took them to the end of the verse while Julia and Peter were standing across from them at the counter.

I was dancin' with my baby to that Tenne-Tennessee WaltzWhen that old friend I happened, I happened to see oh yeahIntroduced him to my babyWhile, while they were dancin'Dirty dog stole my baby from me, oh yeah

"I hope you're ready," Julia said softly to her partner so her lips wouldn't move. She wasn't surprised when he replied to her, though he needed to speak fast since they needed to start dancing soon.

"More than ready," Peter said.

"Get ready," Derek told them quietly.

At the very last verse of the song, Julia and Peter moved out as Clive and Mari were doing the same, all of them dancing at the same time. When they met they spun around each other before stopping at the end of the second lyric. They were dancing around in a circle for a moment before stopping and then kicking their feet through each other's before Clive and Mari spun away from the other two and left Julia and Peter. From the fifth to the eight lyrics, they were spinning, dancing forward and then spinning again. On the last lyric, they went to the counter and pretended to sip a drink with two straws as Clive and Mari were doing next to them.

I remember that night and that beautiful Tennessee WaltzOnly you know just how much, how much I have lost oh yeahYou know that I lost my, lost my babyThat night they kept on playingThat beautifulThat wonderfulThat marvelousThat gloriousThat beautiful Tennessee Waltz

Beckett was applauding with her husband and the McDouglases heavily before Derek came around the counter and hugged the kids as they threw themselves at him. She squeezed Castle's hand tightly as the pro led the four to the judges and shared a smile with him as Carrie-Ann was calling them up to the table.

"That was amazing, I can't believe you four are only eleven and ten," the judge told them with a smile. "And even though you two have said you're not as dedicated as Peter and Julia," she then directed to Clive and Mari. "I can see you are."

Thanking the judge, the kids were going to walk back to Derek when Len motioned them over.

"Very nice lines and I appreciate your holds," the British judge told them. "And your footwork was fantastic. Great job."

"Thanks!" Julia said with her friends before she hurried over to Bruno.

Laughing the judge said, "I suppose I'm last. But I think Len is right, you were spectacular in your hold at your age. And you're all four very good dancers, I'm looking forward to seeing you next week."

After they had thanked him, Julia went with her friends over to Derek and they stayed by Tom before the show went to commercial and they then hurried backstage, meeting her mother before they went to the dressing rooms to change for the Flamenco which was not too far away.

Out in the audience Eliza smiled at Fleur; who she was sitting with; and said, "Do you miss getting to dance?"

Shaking her head, the little girl said, "I like seeing Mummy dance more."

"And your mommy," Eliza pointed out.

"Yeah, did you see her? Her dress is so pretty!" Fleur said happily.

"It is," Eliza agreed, remembering the white Flamenco dress with light blue polka dots.

"I feel sorry for Mom," Marie said. She wasn't surprised when her sisters looked at her and said, "She doesn't like ruffles."

"I don't think my mommy does either," Eliza said.

"She doesn't, but it's only for the dance," Jim said, knowing that the design of his daughter's flamenco dress was the same as Mary's with ruffles on the skirt and at the end of the sleeves.

"How do you two like your dresses?" Beckett was asking the dressing room while she put her hair into a bun.

"They're really covered in ruffles," Julia said first as she walked out from behind the screen where she'd gone to zip up Mari's dress before her friend had done the same to hers.

"But they are cool," Mari said with a smile as Beckett turned to them.

"You both look beautiful," she said with a smile, studying their hair which she had done before letting them get dressed in their costumes.

"And yours Mom?" Julia asked.

"Hold on," Beckett said with a smile as she stood up from her chair. She took her dress and went behind the screen, changing from her thirties dress into the flamenco dress she'd been given. She zipped it up as much as she could before she went back around the screen and told her daughter, "You'll have to help me sweetie."

"Sure," Julia said, smiling at her. "You look really pretty. Dad's going to love that dress."

"I thought the same thing," Beckett replied, turning. "I hope you'll be able to reach."

"I will," Julia said firmly before she was pulling the zipper up the rest of the way. "There," she told her mother.

When she turned around Beckett was going over to the door at the knock on it and opening it said, "You took your time," teasingly.

"I had to, I knew it might take you a while," Castle said, studying her closely.

Beckett reached out and squeezed his shoulder firmly saying, "Let us get out, the dance will start soon."

Castle nodded and hurried to step aside, smiling as Mari came out into the hallway soon. "You look great," he told her.

"Thanks, it's so real," Mari said. She then studied him and said, "You do too."

"You feel weird though, don't you Dad?" Julia said as she walked out next.

"A little," Castle replied since his outfit had black trousers and a white shirt with a black bolero jacket. "Luckily Derek and Skye are wearing the same."

"But different colors," Beckett said with a smile, watching her husband hugging their second oldest.

"You look great too sweetheart," Castle said when they parted. "Too bad we're not actually in Spain."

"I know," Julia said. "But I'd be afraid to dance in a dress." She then said, before her father could say anything to that, "I get to keep the dress," looking down at her dress that was dark green with tiny white polka dots all over it.

"We're gonna use them for Halloween costumes next year," Mari said, squeezing her friend's arm. Her dress was white with red dots on them that were a medium size and some ruffles were fully red. "Where are Peter and Clive?" she asked.

"They went to get their makeup over with," Castle said, not surprised when the two girls left and headed down the hall in that direction. He turned to his wife and was going to speak when she was wrapping her arms around him, leading him to immediately do the same.

"We should probably go back inside the room," Beckett told her husband.

"No, we're fine," Castle said before he leaned over, kissing her gently.

Beckett was a little frustrated by that, but she knew they couldn't really do much more until they were back at the guest house. When they parted soon after she murmured to him, "Promise me you'll do better later," speaking in Irish.

"Of course," Castle said before he reluctantly let her go. Taking her hand, they went together to makeup and since he had little he needed he waited for his wife while Julia stood with him.

"What?" Beckett asked, looking at the two when she stood from her chair and found them staring at her.

Castle took her hand again and pulled her after him back to the hallway to the dressing rooms. "I forgot to tell you," he said seriously to her. "You look stunning Kate."

"I can't wear this for you later," Beckett replied with a smile, speaking in Irish.

"You don't need to, just… keep this for a little?" Castle asked, touching her bun carefully.

"I will," Beckett said before they shared a kiss.

"Mom, Dad," Julia said softly, feeling bad for interrupting them. When they turned to her she said, "It's almost time.""We're coming," Beckett said, taking her husband's hand and they walked swiftly up to the Sky Box where they saw Daisy and Sasha were just finishing their Lindy Hop.

"Are you all ready?" Skye asked, smiling at her friends.

"Are you?" Beckett said as Mary was adjusting the navy-blue bolero jacket the investigator was wearing.

"We are," the doctor said.

"Hopefully you dancing before you dance with Derek won't hurt you," Peter said.

"Oh, thank you," Skye said. "We'll be alright."

Getting out of the way of the pair who were coming up after the judge's comments, Beckett went to Julia and took her hand as they went down the stairs saying, "Are you ready?"

"Yeah, don't worry," Julia said while they went hurriedly to where they needed to stand on the dance floor while the crew was hurriedly setting up the façade of an old outdoor market for the Flamenco. She wasn't surprised when the pair got their scores; a thirty; and she then said, "Here we go," as it went to Tom.

After the co-host had introduced Skye, Mary and Derek; the doctor watching the other two with her hands on her hips; it went to the biographical video about the investigator.

"I was born," Skye was saying as the footage showed the investigator standing on the beach. "In 1980 in Santa Monica." It went to her sitting on a chair in a room as she said, "Unfortunately my mother had some complications after giving birth to me and she passed away, so I never knew her. I was raised by my father, Robert McDouglas and he gave me my nickname since he was certain I'd love flying as much as both him and my mother."

"Robin was very proud of his daughter," Liam said as it went to him. "He'd always wanted children and he loved his wife very much. But he was proudest of the fact that Skye did end up loving the sky and flying. I just wish he'd been able to see where she is now."

"In May of 1986," Skye was saying as it went back to her. "I was on a flight with my father returning from Washington DC. Unfortunately, the plane we were on ran off the runway after an emergency landing, I was only one of two survi…" She turned away then, trying to speak a few more times, before the footage flashed for a moment and Mary was standing and leaning over to her wife, hugging her tightly.

"We lost Robin that day," Liam said as the footage changed to him. "He died protecting his little girl and he asked me to continue that."

"After that," Skye said. "It was hard to go on, but I decided the best thing I could do was to try and keep what happened to me from happening again to other fliers. With the encouragement of my dad, I got my masters in psychology and as soon as I had left Oxford I applied and was accepted into the NTSB Training Academy."

"I met Skye after she graduated from NTSB training at the newly formed NTSB West," Doug Feith said next. "You could see that she was extremely passionate about what she would be doing, and she proved herself well." The footage then showed scenes of Skye and Derek dancing and the head of NTSB West said, "And she's doing the exact same thing on the show."

"It's hard to imagine Skye not tackling each dance head on," Beckett then said, her and Castle sitting together.

Julia smiled at her parents as they were looking at each other, knowing her mother was embarrassed at being on the screen. She wanted to speak but her father was talking that time and she looked up.

"And because she's doing this for her wife and daughters it makes it even more important, she does the best she can do," Castle was saying. "Which is what drives her."

"That's definitely one of the things I love about her," Mary said while there was footage of them practicing the Flamenco with Derek. "And it's so wonderful to see how happy she's been with this, that's all I wanted for her."

"I'm doing my best for everyone who cares for me," Skye said, the footage ending and getting back to her. "And if I can make it at least to the finals, then I'll be happy. All I want to do is dance."

The music of the show played while the logo went across the screen before it went to Tom standing near the corner of the stage while behind him Skye and Mary were standing in two spotlights; the only ones on the floor at that moment.

"Before their Flamenco tonight," the co-host was saying. "Skye and Mary McDouglas will dance a traditional Flamenco."

As the guitar player; on the stage in front of the band; began to play Mary started to use the castanets that she had in her hands, stomping her feet.

When Skye began to dance as well, Beckett began to call out to them; as the two women had instructed them to do. She felt a little embarrassed but felt better when Derek helped her and after a bit Emma up in the Sky Box she could tell. She watched the two dancing around each other with just the guitar music until the lights went off as they froze close together with their hands up in the air and them came on at the fake market set up.

Castle, playing the guitar he'd been given a little, watched the kids in front of him dancing the Flamenco while his wife was 'helping' them though they knew already. He smiled at the boys, wearing simple shirts and black pants, as they joined in and Mary came over to help his wife as the announcer was saying, "Dancing Flamenco, Skye McDouglas and Derek Hough, featuring Mary McDouglas," Skye walking in on the other side and watching her wife.

The music from the song began and Skye was walking over to Mary before she started to walk away, and she reached out for her just as Derek was doing the same on her other side. They looked at each other before Mary was stepping back and the two were stepping up to each other as the first lyric began. They began by stomping their feet before they stopped at the second lyric and walked around each other before Mary was parting them by walking in between them. They walked after her on the third lyric and grabbed her at the same time before they were all dancing together through the end of the verse and into the next one.

It was late in the mornin' of NovemberShe was loading up the wagon in the rainShe said she'd be back in the morningBut she never came through here again

Skye, Mary and Derek split up before they were dancing in unison, moving their legs and arms together. At the third lyric Derek was spinning both women and they came together to dance towards each other at the end of that verse. When the title of the song was sung after that, the pro was trying to dance with Mary and Skye took his arm and spun him before Mary was coming back to her.

I'd see her in the marketShe never had much to spendThese days the market's an old parking lotAnd she never came through here again

Maxine, Maxine, Maxine, Maxine

At the first lyric of the next verse Skye and Mary were still dancing, but Derek soon came back and took the doctor away and they were dancing together up until the third lyric before the investigator took his arm and they were dancing together.

Time plays tricks on your memoryIt's been a long weekendShe said she'd be back here by MondayBut never came through here again

Julia smiled as Mary joined in with them and they were dancing flamenco steps for the first two lyrics before they stopped at the third. There she was happy to see Skye's idea of her and Derek taking the ends of the shawl off Mary so she could dance out of it worked. It was left on the ground by the two and they danced down part of the dance floor at the last lyric of the verse and then the title of the song being sung again.

Some say a saucer landedAnd someone took her inThey found her blue serape here on the groundAnd she never came through here again

Maxine, Maxine, Maxine, Maxine

At the very last verse of the song, and the title again, Skye and Derek danced together after the first lyric. They were basic flamenco steps at first before they faced each other, and they danced faster until the end of the third line. The end of the dance had Mary dancing back and forth between the two until the music stopped and Skye was dipping her fast as Derek stepped away from the pool of light that shone on them.

And if you should see herShe may be old by thenTell her that I miss her, and you can ask her whenShe's ever coming through here again

Maxine, Maxine, Maxine, Maxine

Okay, that's it

"Oh good," Julia said happily while they were applauding with the audience. "At least they kept George talking at the end."

"I don't think they could cut it out," Beckett said. "Come on," she then told her and the other kids, urging them over to the Sky Box where they would be waiting.

Hurrying up, Julia went straight to the railing just as Tom was calling on Bruno to give his opinion of the dance.

"Oh, what a difficult decision," the Italian judge said to Mary. He then laughed and said, "Though I don't think it was. I have to admit I wasn't sure why they had picked you."

"It was my choice," Skye said rapidly, thinking he would say it was a bad idea.

"And I can see why, she's quite a dancer too," Bruno said.

Smiling as her wife hugged her Mary thanked the judge before he was continuing.

"I know there are going to be some people who wonder if you had an advantage knowing the Flamenco before this," Bruno said. "Though you knew an idea of what we might ask I don't believe it was enough to help you. That was an amazingly well danced Flamenco."

"Len," Tom said.

"I had wondered about you too Mrs. McDouglas," the judge began.

"Mary's fine," she said quickly.

"But Bruno is right, you were able to execute these steps very well and what I liked was that you didn't forget your lines," Len said, directing that to Skye. "You looked fantastic and I felt like I was in Seville."

Laughing softly, Skye hugged Derek and then her wife before Carrie-Ann was speaking last.

"I couldn't help get emotional watching you in the footage before your dance," the judge said. "And I see why that passion transferred over to this dance; your wife?" When Skye nodded Carrie-Ann then said, "That's very good inspiration to have as I loved it. You had a story again, but you focused very heavily on steps. Those that you had in sync were just perfect. Your parents would be proud of you, I'm proud of you."

Julia smiled at her mother as Skye suddenly hurried to the judge, hugging her quickly over the table before Tom was sending them up to the Sky Box.

"Think they'll get good scores?" Castle asked her.

Opening her mouth; intending to speak fast; Julia couldn't answer her father as Skye, Mary and Derek had reached the box and Erin was speaking to them.

"I want to ask you about your dance before you two danced with Derek," the co-host was saying. "Why did you take the risk with two dances?"

"As soon as I found out we were dancing the Flamenco," Skye said. "I knew there would be some that thought we had an unfair advantage, even though I didn't know the ballroom version of this dance. So I thought to even the playing field a little we'd dance the traditional Flamenco and then go ahead with the ballroom version."

"You also had the Hamptons troupe with you," Erin said, smiling at the kids who were standing with Castle and Beckett, Eddie and Emma with them. "Do you four know how to dance this?" she asked them.

"Yep," Peter said immediately, laughing when his friends did.

"Do you?" Erin then said to Beckett.

Shaking her head, and because she didn't have a mic on her, Beckett pointed to Julia and said, "She showed me what to do," a little loudly.

"And very quickly, what was it like dancing together?" Erin said, directing that to both Skye and Mary.

"Amazing," the latter said first and even before the co-host stopped speaking. Mary laughed with the others before she said, "It was, I wasn't intending to do this since it was just for Skye to dance."

"There was no way this wasn't going to happen," the investigator said firmly. "And it was fun."

"A lot of fun," Derek added.

"Okay, let's get your scores," Erin said.

Julia felt Mari squeezing her hand hard and she leaned over, as the announcer was speaking, whispering into her ear, "It'll be good."

"Carrie-Ann Inaba," the announcer was saying.

"Ten," she said immediately, waving her paddle.

"Len Goodman," the announcer said next.

"Ten," the judge said.

In the Sky Box Derek was hugging Skye and Mary as they were embracing each other tightly. He let them go as they turned at the announcer saying, "Bruno Tonioli."

"Ten!" the last judge said.

"That gives you a perfect score for the night," Erin was saying as the three were hugging each other at the same time. "How are you feeling."

"Great! Thank you so much judges!" Skye said, trying to call out to them.

Julia was smiling as Erin talked about how viewers could vote though she knew there was still the elimination at the end of the show. She did her best to ignore it as the show was going to commercial and she went over to Derek suddenly.

"Mind if I take off the jacket?" Skye was saying to her partner.

"No that's alright," Derek told her. "But make sure that you put it back on at the end."

"And I need to take off my contacts," Skye added. She smiled when Derek didn't say anything and left, squeezing Julia's shoulder in passing.

"I was going to ask if we had to change," the girl said with a smile.

"If you don't want to that's fine,' Derek replied. He then said, "You didn't want to?"

"No… I like it," Julia said before looking over at Mari as she'd walked up to them.

"Me too," the girl said, looping her arm through her friend's.

Watching Derek go backstage, Julia turned to her parents and she was surprised seeing her father was gone. She hurried to her mother, her friend following her, and said, "Where-" before she was being interrupted.

"He went to take off his contacts," Beckett said. "Too?" she said, looking past her daughter.

"She said they were bothering her," Mary said, smiling at the two girls when they looked at her. "I'm surprised you're leaving your dress on."

Shrugging Beckett said, "I might as well."

"I'm thinking the same," Mary said laughingly before they turned their attention to the dance floor as they could hear the countdown was beginning.

While the show went on below them, Beckett wrapped her arm around Julia and they waited for Castle to rejoin them.

"Did we miss the dance?" he asked, standing on his wife's other side.

"No," Beckett said quickly as it was about to start below them.

"Not much longer," Julia said.

Squeezing the girl against her side, Beckett said softly, "I know how you feel," before Skye and Mary were standing with them and they looked down as Lisa and Keo began dancing below.

"Skye and Derek," Tom was saying at the end of the show, the five couples remaining on the stairs and stage. He had already told Eddie and Emma that they were heading to the semifinals and the investigator and her partner were next.

Julia, with her friends, parents and Mary in the Sky Box grumbled wordlessly under her breath before the co-host finally spoke.

"Are safe, you're going to the semifinals," Tom told them.

Breathing out hard, Skye hugged Derek tightly before they turned to hear that Jonathon and Whitney were in jeopardy before Daisy and Sasha were told they were the same. "Lisa?" the investigator asked her partner, surprised since the actress had been doing well and was just after them in scores that night.

Derek shrugged, and they listened to the music before Tom finally said, "You are both safe, there is no elimination this week."

"Oh geez," Peter said in the Sky Box. "I wish we would have known that before."

"Then it wouldn't have been so exciting," Beckett said with a smile as the five couples were hugging each other on the dance floor while Tom and Erin were ending the show. "But at least they get another week."

"And we find out what we have next," Julia pointed out.

"We do," Castle said. When he saw the way his wife was looking at him he said, "I'm eager for that to; whether or not we're involved."

Beckett shook her head, as she smiled, and they made their way backstage so they could change and make their way to the studio to see what they would have coming up for the investigator and the kids the next week.

"Are we all ready?" Derek said.

"Just open the envelope," Skye said in a mock annoyed tone. "We know what's in there already."

"Alright," Derek said with a laugh. "By the way, why didn't your band talk in your bio?"

Giving him a brief look; since he was opening the envelope while he was speaking; Skye said, "They didn't have time; they have work outside the band."

"I cleared my schedule," Mary said when the pro looked at her. "If you're wondering, now tell us what she's dancing to."

Derek couldn't help laughing again and he said, "Okay first you do have permission for your performance next week."

"Do you have something different?" Beckett asked, surprised at how pleased Skye and Mary appeared.

"We're all going to be on the dance floor this time," the latter said first.

"Not just me," Skye said.

"What's the song?" Mari asked.

"Mary Jane's Last Dance," Skye said.

"I'm not surprised you know that one already," Derek said as Julia was gasping in joy.

"I know it too," Mari said. "They're gonna let you sing it even though there's cursing in it?"

"It's not that bad, and they've had songs they dance to that are worse," Skye was quick to say.

"If ABC okayed it…" Castle said.

"They did," Mary said. "Now about the songs they're dancing to…"

"Our first dance is Contemporary," Derek said. "Don't react until I start choreographing," he told his partner firmly when he heard her suck in a breath loudly. "It's to Struggle, by Paul."

"That's a great one for that dance," Julia said.

"I trust your judgement," Derek said in amusement as the girl was looking at him. "But you know this one in case I need your help teaching her?" he asked Julia. When she nodded he then said, "And our second dance is the Cha-Cha-Cha to Unconsciousness Rules by George." When he heard the kids reacting he glanced at them and said, "One of yours?"

"Yeah," Peter said.

"What about the kids?" Genevieve asked.

"Well…" Derek said slowly.

"If you want it to be just Peter and Julia that's okay," Clive said, not surprised when the pro looked shocked.

"We thought you might want to do that again," Mari said, reminding him that it wouldn't be the first time the pair would dance alone.

"What's the dance?" Beckett said.

"Contemporary," Derek replied. "And to a song that I picked out for the two of you."

"What song?" Mari asked eagerly, wanting to know and wanting to assure the dancer that she and Clive didn't mind they'd be sitting out the dance.

"Tiny Dancer," Derek replied, smiling when Mari immediately hugged her friend as tightly as she could.

"I always thought she should dance to that song," the girl said. "And now you will."

"Yeah," Julia said. When Derek asked her what was wrong she said, "We haven't done that much with that dance."

"We're okay with it, but we never danced it in competitions," Peter added.

"Alright, I'll work with you two don't forget," Derek said reassuringly. "And helping Skye with our dance it'll help you two out too." When the kids nodded he turned to the investigator and said, "And now we can start getting this dance together, once I listen to the song," waving the CD before he headed to the player and they were listening all together.

"Do you have something already?" Skye asked as she'd been studying her partner while they were listening.

"Yeah," Derek said. "But you have something yourself." He glanced at her and asked, "For the song I'm guessing."

"My own struggle," Skye said, glancing at her wife. When she turned back to her partner she wasn't surprised to see the slightly confused expression on his face and she then explained, "My sexuality and being afraid to get close to people… after what happened to me."

"If I tell the show that's what this is about," Derek said in a slightly warning tone of voice. "They'll want to talk to you about it."

"I'd prefer it if we were talking to each other," Skye said.

"Just us?" Derek asked in surprise.

Nodding her head Skye said, "I'm comfortable doing so with you and…"

"And if I'm okay with what you tell me then the audience won't mind," Derek said. When she nodded he told her, "I'm game. Now though we should turn back to the choreography."

"Does that change what you wanted to do?" Mary asked him as the two went to the middle of the floor.

"No, it helps it," Derek replied. He turned to his partner and said, "We'll start now but… I have an idea."

Beckett had to smile at the look she saw Julia and Mari giving each other at that but then focused on the two to watch as Derek was teaching some steps to Skye already. She felt her husband taking her hand, squeezing it, and she knew he was feeling the same as she was about their daughter since Derek had her step up to help him while the evening in practice continued.

"You're wondering."

"Is it that easy to tell?"

"Not really all that hard to," Skye said, handing the mug she held in her left hand to her friend.

"Our spouses?" Beckett asked her.

"They're letting us talk alone," Skye replied. She wasn't surprised seeing the way her friend was looking at her and said, "It was their decision, not mine."

"Or likely my husband's," Beckett commented.

"Or my wife's," Skye said before they looked at each other and began to laugh.

When they had calmed down finally Beckett said, "I'm wondering why."

"Really, the song has always said that to me," Skye replied after a moment of silence. "And I'm not going to shy away from who I am." She then smiled as she looked from a rose bush; they were sitting at the table in the rose garden; and then said to her friend, "Plus I don't want Mary to be there."

"Too personal?" Beckett asked. When the investigator nodded she then said, "You were okay when you came out right?"

"To be honest not fully," Skye said. "I was just coming out to Dad but… even with him being gay himself I just didn't know." She pointed her finger at Beckett and said, "Promise me; if any of your three youngest daughters are the same that you'll assure them as soon as they come out to you that you still love them."

"I will," Beckett replied swiftly and keeping her tone of voice firm. "I've thought that already."

"Good," Skye replied. "And I'll be mentioning other kids coming out as well," she added.

"When will you tell Derek?" Beckett asked.

"Tomorrow," Skye replied. She then smiled and said, "It's funny we're going to Huntington on Wednesday."

"It's a coincidence," Beckett said with a nod. "If you two want to go on your own at all…"

"We'd like to for a bit after we show our three youngest where I proposed," Skye replied slowly.

"We'll take them," Beckett said, nodding. She finished her tea and then said, "Should we get them?"

"I'll send Rick to you," Skye told her friend before she took the two empty mugs and she went up to the house, calling goodnight as Beckett did the same.

"Hey, where's-" Castle started to say when he saw the investigator was walking up to the house.

"I told her I would tell you she went to the guest house," Skye interrupted him. She watched the writer hurry away and turned to her wife with a smile saying, "I thought it would be best if I made things shorter all around." She nearly jumped when she felt her wife's hand on her shoulder and she turned to her saying, "What?" at the expression on her face.

"Come on," Mary said in Italian, tugging her hand so they could go together towards the stairs.

Skye didn't say a word, letting her wife pull her at the top of the stairs into their room before she herself closed and locked the door. "What did you want?" she asked.

"Just this," Mary replied, wrapping her arms around her wife and kissing her. It was gentle but lingered, and when they parted she murmured softly, "And a bath.""I knew there was far more to it than that," Skye said, laughing. She brushed her lips to her wife's and said, "I'd far prefer a shower."

"Okay," Mary said simply. When her wife suddenly looked startled it was her turn to laugh and then kiss her briefly. She led her to the bathroom; not having to take her by the hand; and after closing the door she said, "Undress."

"And why should I listen to you?" Skye asked, smirking.

"It's either you take care of your clothes yourself or I'm going to end up tearing everything off," Mary said firmly.

"Good idea," Skye replied after pretending to consider that. She pulled off her workout top and then her other clothes while her wife was doing the same. They slipped into their shower stall and she let her attention focus fully on Mary as they pleasured one another earnestly. When they had finished she and her wife dried each other off inside the stall and she said, "Do you not want to leave either?"

"Not really," Mary said with a smile.

"But we should. Should get dressed," Skye said.

Sighing Mary told her while they were stepping out, "When the show's done for the season…"

"We will grá, don't worry," Skye said with a soft laugh. They split up out in their bedroom, dressing facing away from her wife telling her, "I know you're watching me."

"I can't resist," Mary said simply.

"Bollocks," Skye said while she turned around, dressed. Seeing her wife in her pajamas she laughed when the doctor jumped on the bed and crawled on her knees until she was where she was standing. "No?" she asked.

"No," Mary said. "Get on the bed grá," she said in amusement.

Waiting for her to get out of the way, Skye followed her wife before she laid down on her side, looking up at the ceiling.

"What're you thinking?" Mary asked her gently, running her fingertips over her lower lip.

"Don't get mad, Kate and I were talking about my idea for the dance," Skye said. She quickly relayed their conversation to her wife and said, "I think she was confused why I wasn't having you there."

Shaking her head Mary said, "I'm not your dance partner this week."

"Still," Skye said.

Mary smiled and gently kissed at her wife's jaw saying, "You don't even agree with yourself."

Pretending to huff in frustration, Skye turned to her and they kissed deeply before she said, "I don't but I just hope people hiding themselves might find a way to feel comfortable enough to accept who they are." She then glanced at Mary and asked, "That's not incredibly self-serving is it?"

"No," the doctor replied with a smile. "But I can see why you fear that. Though I agree with you, it's hard to be this happy and not want to help others. And you tend to do that."

"And you," Skye was quick to point out to her.

"Okay, so you'll do that talk with Derek," Mary said to change the subject. "And we have Huntington on Wednesday."

"I'm more focused on that," Skye replied.

Mary laughed and said after she'd shaken her head, "At least you are. It's better for you stress wise."

"I'm doing fine grá," Skye said, sitting up then.

"Your leg-" Mary began.

"Is fine," Skye said firmly. "Go ahead," she then told her wife as she was touching her leg around the thigh. "I've been stretching like crazy; especially with tonight." She then smiled and said, "That was fun."

"It was," Mary said, moving her hands away. She then said, "I really never thought they'd let me dance with you."

"Neither did I, why did you think I was bringing you in any other way I could," Skye said.

"You love me that much Rose?" Mary said with a smile.

"Of course," Skye said firmly. They leaned towards each other and kissed gently before they slowly parted and she told her, "For now though I'm going to need to get some rest."

After the women had turned off the lights and had kissed one another good night they lay in the dark though they didn't fall asleep immediately.

"I'm worried about you."

"I'll be fine," Skye told her wife soothingly.

"But dancing blindfolded…" Mary said in obvious concern.

"It's not for that long," Skye said in the same tone as before. "Only the beginning and I'm not going to be dancing that many steps. Plus remember Derek will watch me."

"At least he's not going to be doing the same," Mary grumbled. She felt her wife hugging her saying, "What about Julia?" to change the subject.

"And Peter, they'll do well," Skye replied. "Especially since Julia's taken to that song as much as she has. Well… since she loves the song already."

"She's like you in that," Mary pointed out.

Wincing Skye said, "Best not let Kate hear that."

"Why are you so worried?" Mary asked since her wife's accent had grown stronger with that which she knew meant she was concerned about something.

"I don't know, just better to not," Skye said. "Come 'ead, we need to get some sleep. I need sleep."

"Goodnight grá," Mary said with a smile, her wife's accent thicker at the start before it evened out.

"Night Mary," Skye said. She let her wife keep her arm draped over her and closed her eyes. She didn't fall asleep directly, going over her steps and only hoping things would be alright during the semifinals episode before she finally nodded off.

"What is it?" Castle asked, watching his wife while she was looking at her phone.

"No, I'm just checking my e-mails," Beckett said, shaking her head. They were sitting on their bed, dressed in their pajamas and she told him, "I'm sorry about… curtailing what we talked about earlier." She was a little taken aback by the slight frown on his face but before she could ask why he was looking at her like that he was speaking first.

"No," Castle said quickly. "You said there was a reason."

"I can't at the moment," Beckett said.

"You… oh it just started," Castle said. When his wife nodded he said, "It's okay. But it didn't start until we got back right?"

Beckett smiled and nodded saying, "It didn't, which was a relief."

"How's your stomach? Cramps?" Castle asked hurriedly once she had stopped speaking as he'd remembered she suffered from that when she was menstruating.

"No, I'm okay," Beckett said.

"What about on Wednesday?" Castle asked slowly.

"I'll be fine," Beckett told him reassuringly. "By then things will slow down." When her husband seemed unsure she leaned over; as he was sitting next to her on the window seat; and kissed him tenderly. "But I won't be able to do anything until my birthday."

Counting in his head rapidly Castle said, slightly smiling at the same time, "You're a liar. And did you think we'd be able to do anything after two theme parks?"

"No but…" Beckett started to say before she trailed off.

"You know it's alright to need our intimacy that much," Castle said, slightly surprised she was talking like that.

Shaking her head Beckett said, "It's not that, it's more I was hoping for something tonight; looking forward to it."

"I see," Castle said. "I'm sorry."

"It's not your fault," Beckett said in amusement.

"I realize that but-" Castle began when she suddenly placed her fingers on his lips to stop him.

"We're just lucky this isn't happening every single month," Beckett said. She waited for him to nod and once he had she moved her hand away, kissing him before he could speak again. "But are you alright waiting?" she asked, since they always needed to the few times she menstruated during the year.

"I always am," Castle said with a shrug. "It's either that or see you go through another pregnancy… I hated doing that before," he suddenly said. He wasn't surprised when his wife was glancing at him questioningly and he said, "You had no birth control, so we did need to wait every month."

"We got rest," Beckett said suddenly after they were quiet for a minute. They looked at one another and started to laugh before she shook her head and said, "Though we did… why?"

"I'm not sure," Castle replied slowly, knowing her question about the fact that they were repeatedly intimate in their past life as in their current one.

"You have an idea about that though," Beckett said.

"I do but I don't know if it's right to be honest. I had the thought that what if it was because we had to repress what we felt for each other when we were around each other?" Castle said. "Back then I didn't think you'd want me, you thought I'd want someone else. And now…"

Beckett nodded, though slowly, and said, "But after so many years back then it would get-" She wasn't surprised when her husband kissed her to cut her off but was still planning on finishing her thought when they parted.

"Don't say it," Castle said firmly. "We were together for years and the only thing that slowed us down back then was our ages, but we managed to keep going… for years."

Breathing out slowly Beckett said, "I don't think that would affect us here." She smiled when her husband shook his head and she kissed his cheek saying, "But this does."

"Do you need-" Castle began as he was worried she was in pain.

"I'm okay, I took aspirin, I was just referencing the fact that we're going to have to wait," Beckett said.

"Well, there's that rest thing you were talking about," Castle said, squeezing her to him with one arm when she laughed softly. As she was leaning against him he pressed a kiss to the top of her head and was about to suggest they go to bed when she was suddenly pulling away and looking up at him.

"Tell me what you're remembering," Beckett said.

Not surprised she'd figured that out, Castle said, "Why don't we get into bed and I'll tell you there."

Beckett nodded before they stood and got on the bed before he was pulling her against his side. She expected him to start talking but when he didn't she asked, "Is it sexual?"

"No… I mean part of it is but it's not so much that I need to leave it for another day," Castle said. "It's just… it's not exactly pleasant." Since the lights were still on he could see his wife was looking at him in confusion and he said, "It's the day Pearl Harbor was attacked."

"Oh," Beckett said softly. She could see how tense her husband was and said, "You can tell me love, the good and the bad that you remember."

With a nod Castle took a moment to think of what he was going to be telling her and then said, "It was nearly eleven thirty; a Sunday of course; and the girls were putting some last ornaments on our Christmas tree while they listened to the radio. You and I were in the kitchen finishing up lunch and we could hear that radio because the volume was up."

"How old were they?" Beckett asked, her cheek pressed firmly to his shoulder.

"They'd all had their birthdays," Castle replied. "But we were forty-two and forty-one of course. And you were still incredibly stunning."

Beckett smiled as she murmured a thank you to him, not telling him he hadn't needed to say that since she knew he was trying to delay just a little.

"Julia was nineteen, still living at home as she wasn't sure what she would do yet," Castle replied. "She was going to school at Berkley at the time and was majoring in French. I think she would have been a teacher or tutor if she hadn't joined the WASPs. Eliza was fourteen so she'd just started high school that year. Alexis was thirteen and was in her last year of junior high. And Josie was eleven, so she was in I think sixth grade… yeah, sixth." He knew he couldn't delay and he began with him going into the dining room, peeking in on the girls to see if they were finishing with the tree.

"Girls," Rick said with a smile as he saw his oldest and youngest were dancing together. "The tree?"

"Oh, it's all finished Da," Julia said, smiling herself. "I was just showing Josephine how this new dance went."

"Lunch is ready girls," Kate said, walking up behind her husband with her apron in hand. "Wash your hands and-" she began.

"This is an emergency bulletin," the radio was saying, the music cut off. "There has been an attack on the United States Naval Base in Pearl Harbor on the island of Honolulu, Hawaii Territory. Japanese military is suspected in the attack, great loss of life is feared. Stay tuned, there will be more bulletins as we learn more of this dastardly assault."

"Da?" Alexandra said, her and her two sisters rushing to their parents.

"What does it mean Da?" Julia asked worriedly, her heart dropping at the mention of Japan.

"We might be going to war," Rick whispered, looking at his wife as their two youngest burst into tears before he and Kate focused on comforting them.

Kate managed to calm Josephine down and once she had she was going to tell them they should have some tea when her husband was speaking again.

"I need to go love," Rick said.

"Go where?" Beckett asked in surprise.

"Into the city, I need to enlist again," Rick said, bracing himself as his wife went to him.

"Rick you're not a young man, they won't take you because of your knee," Kate said, fighting her tears as their two youngest let out a scream.

"I have to do something," Rick said seriously. He turned to the youngest girls and hugged them saying, "It'll be alright, I probably won't see any combat. But you have to understand this isn't just for the attack, it's about Europe too." He looked at his family and then kissed his daughter's cheek gently before he said, "Take care of your ma, help her until I come home."

"We will," Julia said, knowing she spoke for all her sisters.

"I'll be fine Rick," Kate said when her husband turned to her. She wrapped her arms around her husband's neck and told him, "I know you'll want to protect us."

"Be aware love, I know Hawaii is far but… I would hope they wouldn't attack us here," Rick said. "And don't wait up."

"Girls get a basket ready for your da," Kate said, looking at the girls but not letting go of him. "And make sure he has plenty of food for the trip." When they were going into the dining room, she turned back to him and they kissed, doing so passionately before they slowly parted. "I love you Rick, don't sign up for combat," she said firmly. "I can't wait for you here while you're across the sea, I did it before and it nearly broke my heart."

"I'll stay here in the States if I can my love," Rick said. They kissed gently since Josephine and Alexandra were walking into the room. "I love you Kate," he told her gently. Thanking Julia; who handed a basket to him; he smiled at his family and promised to return as soon as he could before they saw him to the car and he started to make his way to the nearest Army Recruitment Office across the bay in San Francisco.

"That was a horrible day," Beckett commented when he stopped. "I think I walked back and forth on the sun porch repeatedly, Julia had a hard time keeping me calm."

"The girls?" Castle asked, as he couldn't recall what she had told him in their past life about that day.

"They were scared, I also talked to my sister and mother and we were all worried," Beckett said. "Mainly about you since we knew what you were doing. But I was alone when you came in that night; late."

"I was worried seeing the lights on downstairs," Castle replied as he knew she wanted him to continue. "But you were very insistent on speaking first as soon as you saw me."

"Oh Rick," Kate said, running to him as soon as the front door was locked behind her husband. She threw her arms around him tightly saying, "They're saying President Roosevelt is sure to declare war on Japan and we might even fight in Europe now too."

"Sgt. Matheson agrees, they're going to need a lot of men," Rick said grimly, not surprised when his wife was shaking her head and making their cheeks brush together. "But it needs to be done Kate, you know what's happening in Europe and at Pearl Harbor…"

"But Rick," Kate said, pulling away a little so she could look at him. "What will you do?" she said tearfully as he was wearing an Army uniform.

"I won't be seeing combat," Rick replied, reaching into the pocket of his slacks to get his handkerchief. He handed it to his wife and said, "They knew about my knee already and told me I'd be of more use here in the Presidio; for training."

"Oh," Kate breathed out, clinging to him as her knees went weak.

"You knew about my knee my love," Rick said, nuzzling the side of her head. "But I can help train the men to be functioning units that will fight."

"You can," Kate told him. She kissed him briefly as she heard running and they turned to see all four of their daughters were clamoring down the steps. "Girls-" she began to say.

"Da!" Julia said as she was the first on the floor. She ran to her father and hugged him before feeling her sisters hugging him around her. "Please don't tell me you'll need to fight."

"No, I'll be at the Presidio," Rick was quick to say, kissing them all. "Just to help train the men."

"Will we need to move there?" Alexandra asked.

"No, no, since I'm so close I'll go from here," Rick replied. "And because I'm only just rejoining the Army to help train."

"I'm relieved, when will you start?" Kate asked.

"Likely once the president declares war officially," Rick said. "Sgt. Matheson said it would be soon."

"This week?" Elizabeth asked.

"Very likely," Rick replied, nodding his head. "But we'll be fine girls, whatever happens your ma and I will take care of you."

"That means we need to go to bed," Julia told her sisters with a smile.

"She's right," Rick said. "You have to be tired and I know I am."

"He's right," Kate said. "Let's get you all to bed." She was relieved when no one protested, and they went together up the stairs. She watched her husband kiss the girls goodnight before they sent them to their beds and once they could she took her husband's hand. They went up to their room and she closed the door before she watched her husband unbuttoning the top of his uniform. She went over to him quickly and finished it off for him before helping him get it off. She took his hat, though he didn't want to let it go at first and went to hang everything up in the closet.

"Are you alright love?" Rick asked, taking his shirt out from his slacks while he kept his eye on her.

"Yes I… I was going back and forth in the house and to the porch waiting for you before it grew dark," Kate replied, leaning against the door.

Walking over to her quickly Rick took her in his arms and embraced her saying, "I'll come home love, whenever they allow me to." He looked down at her and said, "I need to."

"Good," Kate said before her husband was leaning down to her and kissing her. When they became a little too intense they parted, and she helped him with his slacks before folding them. She wasn't surprised when he reached for her and unzipped her skirt, making her turn to him so she could wrap her arms around him and they began undressing her so they could finish with him.

Rick picked her up once they were both bare, carrying her the short distance to the bed and laying her there before they were coupled, making love to one another to drown out the world just for that moment.