
21. Back Here By Monday(2)

Nodding Castle said, "But I kept to what I said, I came to you whenever I could get away from the Presidio."

"I'm glad you did," Beckett said, pressing against him.

"Okay?" Castle asked when they'd been quiet for a while and he could feel her shifting around against him.

"No," Beckett said with a slight frown. "I'm not really happy that we had to leave while they were working on Julia's dance."

"She talked to me about it," Castle said. He wasn't surprised when his wife looked at him immediately and he was quick to tell her, "She just said she wants to surprise us."

Beckett started to speak but she paused and then sighed saying, "I guess she wants to make it more meaningful that way."

"Are you going to tell her she doesn't need to?" Castle asked, knowing she was thinking that already.

Shaking her head Beckett told him, "I'm tempted to, but you know how she is about dancing. I don't really want to stop her, it's not good for her art… or her self-esteem."

"Craft," Castle said suddenly.

"What?" Beckett asked in surprise.

"Her craft," Castle said. When his wife raised her head he said, "Well… that's how Mother would say it."

"And Julia prefers the word art," Beckett said with a smile. She kissed his cheek and then said, "Skye told me something earlier."

"Oh?" Castle asked, wondering if she was going to change the subject again.

"About the Freestyle," Beckett replied. "If she makes it to that she wants to include Julia."

"Not Mari?" Castle asked. "Or the boys?"

Shaking her head Beckett said, "She wasn't sure, though I'm getting the feeling she wasn't really telling me the truth."

"Maybe she's not sure," Castle pointed out.

"Maybe," Beckett replied thoughtfully. She then smiled and said, "I hope she's serious though."

"Me too," Castle said. They were silent for a while and he then said, "Kate?"

"What?" Beckett said, looking up at him.

"When we're at the gardens, I'd like to spend some time with you and Josie," Castle answered.

Smiling, Beckett kissed at his jaw a few times before she told him, "I'd like that too," knowing they would end up spending a lot of time already with Julia and Eliza. "You wouldn't want to spend time with me?" she asked, nuzzling his jaw while she spoke.

"Yes," Castle said slowly. When he could feel her lips moving in a smile he couldn't help shuddering and said, "Would you want to?"

"I do, maybe after we're with Josie," Beckett pointed out to him.

"I'm sure Mother or your dad would take her for us," Castle said.

"But I only want to walk around," Beckett said quickly. She could easily see the uncertainty on her husband's face and told him, "I don't know if it would be the best idea for us to start making out."

"At least one?" Castle asked.

"Can we really stop?" Beckett pointed out.

"No, but… just a little," Castle replied. "And remember it's all we can do being out in public."

"And we'll be in public," Beckett told him.

"If we're alone at the moment?" Castle told her.

"Then it'll only be a moment," Beckett said with a smile.

"That's enough for me," Castle said before he was suddenly moving and kissing her hungrily.

Beckett didn't mind him doing that, since they'd been planning on doing at least that at first, and she responded to him passionately until they had to breathe. "You're still going to want this on Wednesday?"

"I'll probably want this tomorrow," Castle said firmly.

"It's funny…" Beckett began with as she was running her fingertips against her husband's lower lip. "I will too."

"I love you Kate," Castle said intently.

"I love you too Rick," Beckett said, a slight smile on her face. She took his kiss, responding to him eagerly before they lost themselves in each other. She knew they needed some rest, but as long as Castle was kissing her she could put off sleep just a little longer while they enjoyed being as close as they could.