
20. Gonna Sing My Song(2)

Shaking her head Beckett said, "I don't think I can. I can remember things but specific dates…" She shrugged before she then said, "Once you recall I seem to."

"So you remembered everything," Castle stated. At his wife's nod he held her close and then told her, "We were amazing together love."

"I could see," Beckett said, running her hand down his chest lightly. When he took it and brought it up to his lips she told him, "I love you Rick," pushing herself up.

"I adore you Kate," Castle said, sitting up as fast as he could. He kissed her hard and then said, "I love you," the second they'd parted. He cupped her face in his hands and pulled her to him for another kiss while he was touching her as intimately as he could before he realized she was doing the same. "Vixen," he breathed out huskily at the touch of her hand on his erection.

"Hmm, do you know what I want right now?" Beckett asked him. When her husband breathed out a, "What?" she moved and laid on her back again before she tugged at his hand. When he was laying on top of her she told him seductively, "I want you to fuck me. Fuck me now lover."

Castle's response was to kiss her intently before he moved to do what she wanted, entering her body swiftly to their groans of pleasure that made their lips swiftly part. Before he could move he was telling her, "I want to worship you my love."

"Please," Beckett begged him. She was crying out heavily as he thrust the first time and she brought him down to her so they could kiss again. And as they made love together, she was elated at how he was taking her as she desired. She knew already they would only stop to regain their strength before the morning so they could be intimate again as they would never feel fully sated, needing one another always.