
In Harry Potter as the Dark One

Vixenne Nocturna, a girl that once was an orphan in her past life, found herself one day dying peacefully in her sleep, expecting to finally be free of the miserable existence of life. Yet, instead of passing on, she found herself waking up within the embrace of the darkness. Offered a second chance by the Darkness, she was reborn in the world of Harry Potter as Kin to the Darkness, as The Dark One. A being that governs over all forms of darkness itself. She is neither good nor evil. She neither likes the golden trio nor the death eaters. Her actions are selfish, she cares only for herself. Follow her on this journey through the magical world, with her unique background. ------- Disclaimer - I don't own Harry Potter, this is just a fan-fiction, anything mentioned in the story that is inspired by the original work is owned by its respectful owners. I do not own the cover. #yuri #femalelead #systempanel #stronglead #noharem #luna #villain #antihero #voldemort #hybrid

ZeroX0666 · Película
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36 Chs

Chapter 13 - Learning More About Magic

About a week had passed since the girl had left the room and wandered around.

She had laid low for the week because she didn't want to draw any suspicion to her and give away the fact that she was wandering around.

She didn't know if they were even looking for anyone since they didn't mention anything to her— but she also knew that even if they were looking for someone they wouldn't mention anything to her since they didn't trust her.

And she was literally a child.

But not all was still throughout the week as she had time to finally make a clear goal for the future— and she quite liked it.

It was simple, nothing too outlandish like taking over the world or changing it for the better or anything like that. She didn't care about that— she only cared about herself and her happiness.

And that was her goal, to become the happiest she could be in this new life and live it to the fullest without any regret or doubt.

It was a straightforward goal— but much harder to accomplish than one would think.

Especially in the world of Harry Potter— a fictional world that was merely a series of shows on a screen for her before she was sent to it by the Darkness.

A world she knew was real, but at the same time found it hard to come to think of it as her new reality. It wasn't something as foolish as it is a fictional world or the likes— it was simply the fact that she felt the world was made for her.

But that ultimately didn't matter since she believed the world was real as long as she was in it— after all, everything is as real as you make it.

Speaking of the darkness— she had decided to call it Darky because calling it 'the darkness' all the time was quite odd to her.

But that was beside the point— her plan was the main topic right now and she kept getting so easily distracted sometimes.

Her plan was simple— gain enough power so that she wouldn't have to worry about dying in the hands of anyone. That way she could live a happy and long life in the way she wanted to without having to worry about angering some pale ugly murder-hungry wizard Nazi.

Who was her father by the way— which didn't make it any better.

And she planned to achieve this power in multiple ways— but her main way right now was to master her ability over the darkness.

This wasn't to say she didn't have other plans and ways she intended to learn and grow strong.

Some ways she wanted to try more than others because of how fun they sounded to her— and she had full plans to do so.

Like learning magic.

The magic of this world was vast and barely explored or explained in the movies she had seen. And she really wanted to see what the peak of that magic was.

If it even had a peak that is.

Now she wasn't some bookworm like Hermione— and she had no intention of only reading a bunch of books and trying to cram herself with information.

That was a terrible way to learn, and all that would do for her was instill rudimentary ideas of magic in her mind that was created by other wizards and witches.

She didn't want that— she wanted to put her magic to practice— she wanted to experience learning how a spell worked firsthand.

And above all, she wanted to create her own type of spells.

But before she could do any of that, before she could even start learning about spells, she needed to know if she could use magic at all— due to her how weird body reacted to it.

After all, her body and blood seem to have an effect on the magic it comes in contact with.

Which by itself wasn't too bad, since magic resistance existed within this world, but her body reaction didn't work like magic resistance.

She didn't have a higher tolerance for it— her body actively made the magic act weird and stop working.

That would be a problem if it affected her as well, which was why she had already started to put one of the plans into motion in an attempt to get magical books.

The first thing she did to get this going was speak to the old man about magic— showing her interest in it and actively acting excited to see more about it.

Using the books she got from Hogwarts as a base for her information this wasn't too hard.

And to her surprise— after much convincing and subconscious emotional influence thanks to her age, looks, and gender— she got the old man to agree to show her a spell.

It was a small step, but a step nonetheless.

And this way she would be able to see how magic worked in this world— and attempt to do it on her own.

And if she failed and it backfired, she could explain it away by saying she was trying to copy what the old man. In the instance they found out about it.

That is to say— she had full intention of testing it out to see if she could do it.

She had already asked the old man how magic worked, but he gave the same rudimentary explanation that the books gave without actually explaining how to use it.

He explained that all wizards are born with the ability to control magic, but newborns and young children just have so little control and affinity with the magic of this world that they can't use it.

Which was why with time they would slowly get soaked in the magic of the world— and their body would grow more accustomed to it, thus allowing them to eventually use magic.

They usually find out about this through the usage of accidental magic, where their emotions and wants play a part in controlling the magic around them subconsciously to do something without any words or will behind it.

Something that wasn't truly understood apparently from the book's explanation but was so common that it was overlooked as mere normality.

The books also went on to explain that there were other ways to increase this control over magic, such as constant usage, practice, a deeper understanding of magic, or even potions and alchemical substances.

But this information didn't help her because she wanted to know how to sense and use the magic now; she didn't have time to wait for her body to get soaked in the magic of the world— if it even would be.

So she had to come up with another way, trying to sense that magic herself.

'It shouldn't be hard. I mean, I'm pretty sure people have done it before and can do it from what I remember in the films. I just don't know how it works.'

She wasn't wrong, sensing magic wasn't something outlandish in the world of the Potterverse.

But nor was it easy.

She needed a method to actually sense the magic of the world, and since she had never sensed it before, she needed a method that would also aid her in finding it.

And she had just the method— using the darkness.

Her idea was simple— she had to learn how to sense for the darkness by being trapped within it for hours while in her mind, which was how she came to eventually be able to control it.

So with that idea in mind, what if she used the darkness— a corporal form of existence— to try and interact with the corporal form of existence that was ambient magic in the world.

It was no easy plan, nor was it something she thought she would be able to do with her current capabilities.

In fact, she fully expected this idea to fail and for herself to look stupid for trying it.

But trying it was still better than not.

So with that idea in mind— she put trying to feel the magic around her to the test.