
I Woke Up in Star Wars, but It Was Weird

A man dies just as he finished off his last Class in Star Wars: The Old Republic. When he wakes up he finds himself in a Galaxy far, far away. "Sith barons, Sith Dukes, Sith Empress? Huh?" Not the Star Wars he remembers. And now his sister and her friend wont leave him alone? Korriban has a proper academy for Sith nobility? "What the Frek." This series follows Vex Eras as he discovers this untouched part of Star Wars legends lore. His main goal is to keep it low key and chill, but he cannot stand how lame and meek the current generation of Sith are. "Perhaps i can push them in the right direction? At the very least maybe just my sister?" Pictures of the characthers can be found here: https://imgur.com/a/i-woke-up-star-wars-was-weird-oF1D9qa The series takes place during the New Sith Wars. somewhere between 1500 BBY - 1200 BBY. Mostly gonna be set in a gentrified Korriban at least for the first few arcs. OP MC. No Harem No cheating No NTR. Yandere This is my time writing so please be kind.

Vexeras · Película
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46 Chs

The first time always hurts the most.

A month had passed since I acquired my ship, the "Sleepy Cosby." It was a stupid name, but I really loved falling asleep to the Cosby show growing up, and I really wanted to pay that forward. I'd spent the past weeks cleaning up the smuggler's old warehouse and getting the Sleepy Cosby ready for flight. It wasn't all work, though. 

I also bled my lightsaber's Kyber crystal. Which definitely wasn't in Legends? It took a few tries. To channel that much hate into the poor innocent crystal. But finally i was playing the closest thing they have to skyrim on my data pad the other day and i lost my save with 800 hours in it because i accidentally updated my data pad mid save. I was malding hard so I figured I'd take it out on the crystal. 

'But I'm not a crystal guy usually.'

Today was going to be a great day. My mother has been on my case lately about how I'm making almost no progress on finding any info on the local "Freedom fighters," but little does she know I've recently made contact with someone and installed an asset within terrorists' ranks. 

Dressed in my full Sith ensemble. The drip was real. I felt ready. I was in character, fully embracing the role of Darth Relic. 

"Today, I will take someone's life."

I look into the mirror and see an expensive Kylo Ren knockoff in the reflection as I reassure myself what I already know.

"Terrorists are bad for business."

I speak as I start up my speeder bike.

"God probably doesn't exist."

My anxiety is flowing at a new constant. I sigh as I head to the club.



I got off my speeder and looked up at the club's neon lights flashing in the early evening darkness. 

'Star Wars has neon? That's such an odd choice.'

The line outside was long, filled with people looking for a night of distraction and excitement. The bouncers at the door eyed me suspiciously as I approached. They were big guys, clearly used to dealing with troublemakers. But I wasn't just any troublemaker.

"Hey, get a load of this. What does he think? Is he some kinda a superhero?" 

His buddy laughs at him.

"You will let me into the club," 

I said, using the Force to amplify my words and influence their minds.

Their expressions went slack, and they stepped aside. 

"We will let you in," they echoed.

I smirked behind my helmet and walked past them, feeling a surge of confidence. Inside, the club was loud and chaotic, with music pounding and lights flashing. The air was thick with the smell of sweat, alcohol, and spice i think? I ignored it all and headed towards the back, where the private rooms were.

A Twi'lek dancer was waiting for me in one of the rooms, her outfit leaving little to the imagination. She gave me a sultry look.

"Oh look, it's the guy who can choke me better than anyone else in the system, no hands even."

'Is she flirting with me? If so, she must be a moron. That was the worst pickup line I've ever heard.'

I grab her throat with the Force, not applying much pressure but enough to get her to shut up.

"That's it, daddy. Yes, right there, frek, frek."

Suddenly, memories of my wet nurse flooded back. I dropped the dancer in the confusion. 

'No, Rinka does not have power over you anymore, Vex.'

I compose myself with the combined power of ten inner therapists. Darth Relic has no time for distractions.

"You think you can seduce me?" I growled, my voice distorted by the helmet. "I'm here for information, not your pathetic attempts at charm."

She flinched at my tone but quickly composed herself. 

"Of course, Darth Relic. I have the information you asked for."

I crossed my arms, keeping my stance intimidating. 

"Then speak."

She hesitated for a moment, clearly nervous. 

"The leader of the rebel faction on Ares II… it's the local governor of Ares City."

I stiffened, my mind racing. The City governor?

"Alton Drak?" I Barked. My voice modulator is somewhat hiding the surprise in my voice.

"Yes," she replied. "He's been using his position to secretly support the rebellion, funneling resources and information to them."

I nodded, feeling a mixture of anger and fear of what the rest of the night holds. "You've done well. Now leave."

The Twi'lek bowed and hurried out of the room, leaving me alone with my thoughts. Governor Drak…This is a man my family breaks bread with once a week. He has two kids, one a newborn. 

'Can I even save them now that I know? I guess I can try?'

If mother gets her hands on this information they might actually waste the entire family. Being found guilty of being a traitor in this Sith Empire is a death sentence for the whole family.

I left the club and headed to the governor's compound. It was a large, heavily guarded estate on the city's outskirts. Getting in would be a challenge for anyone that wasn't me.

I used the Force to cloak myself as I approached. Lazily walking by the guards and security systems with ease. Inside, the compound was quiet; the only sound was the faint buzzing of machinery everywhere. I made my way to the governor's quarters, where he was likely sleeping at this hour.

Pushing open the door to his bedroom and then closing it behind me, I saw Governor Drak lying in his bed. Unaware of the danger that had just entered his home. I approached silently, my heart pounding with a mix of anticipation and dread.

"Wake up," I said, using the Force to amplify my voice.

The governor jolted awake, his eyes widening in fear as he saw me standing over him. 

"W-who are you?" he stammered.

"I am Darth Relic," I replied, my voice cold and menacing. "And you have betrayed the Empire."

He tried to scramble out of bed, but I grabbed him by the collar and hauled him to his feet. 

"You will answer for your crimes," I growled.

"Please, I can explain—" he started, but I cut him off.

"Save your excuses," I snarled, ripping off my helmet to reveal my face. "Look at me, Drak. Look at who you've betrayed."

His eyes widened even further as he recognized me. "Vex? You're Darth Relic?"

"We eat dinner with you every week, Drak! You have a family! Your daughter's first words were six months ago, Drak! What the Fuck were you thinking! Do you know what I have to do to maybe save them right now!" I screamed in agony.

His eyes went wide as he took in the meaning of my words. He quickly dashed for the door, but I held him in place with the Force. He started to plead, but I couldn't listen. I ignited my lightsaber, the red blade chaotic, casting a sinister glow. 

"You've made your choice, Drak. You made me do this, you rat fuck!"

As I raised my lightsaber, I felt a pang of sorrow. I hesitated for just a moment, then brought the blade down. The governor's eyes widened in shock, and then his head unceremoniously hit the ground. The same way I saw Zenna do it. Tears ran down my face over someone I saw as an uncle. I put my helmet on to hide in the character.

I deactivated my lightsaber and took a step back, feeling a strange mix of emotions. I had done what needed to be done, but at what cost? If I report to my mother that I dispensed justice myself will that be enough to save this family? I steeled myself as i cloaked my way out of the house.

I turned and left the room, my mind swirling with thoughts. This was just the beginning. There would be more traitors and more enemies to face. 

'Actually, so far on this planet alone, the one your father rules over, the only people who haven't tried to kill you are your family.'

I frown at this somber thought. Perhaps my mother's zero sum view towards life was correct. This sure is a far cry away from the Boston I used to know that's for sure.

As I walked back to my speeder bike, I couldn't shake the image of Drak's head from my mind. The look of betrayal, the fear… it was seared into my memory. But I pushed it aside. I was Darth Relic now, and I had a mission to complete.



My mother was waiting for me outside of the property. She must already know. She mentioned knowing everything im up to long ago so its not a surprise. She can sense how upset i am miles away. To my surprise as i approached her she embraced me in a tight hug. 

"I'm sorry you had to kill the governor, sweety."

She rubbed my back in a very comforting way. I started to cry hard.

"Take this as a lesson that no matter how well you know someone, anyone is capable of betrayal."

I just cried harder into the hug.

'I don't want to kill anyone else.'

She just stayed there no rushing just holding me as long as i would need. Truly a good mother.



Hela's POV

'My poor boy'

I rub his back as his tears leave puddles on my clothes. 

'Maybe if we were born as commoners, I could have given the peaceful life you so wanted. But you did so well.'

I can't help but crack a huge smile; it's not like he'll notice. 

'Im so proud of you Vex. You killed that traitor without even a second thought. So efficiently too. Shame about his family though. They had been known traitors for some time. Granted we were bugging them for info. But its okay their loss was worth your growth today son.'

I tighten the embrace.

"You are destined for great things, Vex."