
I was Reincarnated as Krillin? Oh boy.

Super huge fan of Dragonball dies and goes to a new world and chooses to be Krillin. ...Yep no worries about choosing to be a main support character here! he does his best to keep balance in this world but something is amiss as the enemies seem to scale with the changes and matches the growth of the main characters from their own growth... something isn't right. and it's up the reincarnated chosen to find out what is wrong.

Silverfang · Cómic
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68 Chs

Super Cell!! (Part 2)

The 6 Saiyans and Piccolo were understandably confused once they emerged form the earrings. But a quick run down by their known allies helped them up to speed on why two cyborgs and a bioroid was suddenly on their side.

And further panicked explanations helped them jump into action right before Krillin could die.

They chase Cell as he is now flying away from them in a panic trying to figure out how to pick them off. After all he maybe stronger than them but if they all combine their power they could defeat him.

He had to play this smart. His newest burn wound form their combined beams really hurt and stung.

But with a grin and the knowledge he just took out their strongest fighter he had the edge.

And his secret ability thanks to that strange ring that armored robot shoved into his body during his creation when Gero wasn't looking. He didn't realize he could jump dimensions and switch places with another version of himself to be destroyed then just come back.

But it has its perks. The annoyances ok that time line gave him a key piece of power that will help him here. He just didn't have the chance to use it yet. It was time.

The Saiyans all charged up their ultimate attacks at full power while Piccolo went times five Kaio Ken to reach 1.75 billion power. And he fired with everyone else helping him.

They all see the beams connect. Only to be shocked as an emerald green barrier erupts around Cell. They all pour on the power but after a solid two minutes they had to cut the beams. Piccolo had to revert to Kaio Ken two and then back to normal or else he would end up like Krillin. And it didn't help that their Senzu Bean supply Krillin held was burned up with his shirt.

He gnashed his teeth at that thought before his face morphed slowly into mounting horror.

They all had these faces as Cell emerged from the emerald barrier he formed.

His aura was now a rich emerald green. His green skin had actually looked more sleek now and had a more gem stone look to it. And his power had erupted to 1.8 billion.

He grins at them as he marvels at this new form he flexes his arm and looses a punch.

The resulting force sends all the female Saiyans who are only 130 million each flying backs few feet while the men who were closer to 200 million barely kept their place in the air.

Piccolo is now pale as Cell begins to hun happily at his form.

They all stare at him as he looks to them going, "Surprised? I am! I was expecting to double my strength! Not triple it! Hahahaha! This is amazing! I'm so powerful! And it's all thanks to that gift from my father's benefactor!"

Piccolo gulps as he yells out, "Who was that?! How did you unlock this form?! You had mere days before we tracked you down at best!"

Cell chuckles then outright laughs as he goes, "Let me tell you this. Multiverse theory is a bitch! Especially when I learned how to traverse it through time! I gained a new insight from the two timelines I visited! And have gained something greater than either other versions of myself I could hope for! I am now Super Cell! (#Trademark). Now are you ready to die?"

Everyone gulps and readied their powers to the maximum and charge right in.

The next few minutes wasn't a fight.

It was a slaughter.

Bulma tried to come up and punc him hard with a beam charged in her leg to blast a kick into him. He quickly grabbed her punch and crushed her hand into a bloody paste. She screamed in absolute pain at that as Vegeta and the others charged in. Vegeta had a red haze of anger clouding his vision as he roared out.

He blasted at Cell with a few half charged Gallick beams. Cell smirks and disappears in an instant transmission. Vegeta gasps as he rushedto his wife's side only to feel his spine break as Cell appears over him with a hammer kick right into his spinal column.

Vegeta crashes hard into the ground below and beds into the ground a solid 40 ft.

Bulma reacts with Nadia and Gine both by her side and they all fire off beams attacks at Cell.

He smiles as he senses Raditz and Bardock coming up from the sides to flank him. He smiles more and wills his barrier into a wedge to drive the beam into two split parts.

The split ends rush at Bardock and Raditz who both use their higher power levels to fight off the beams before they dodge fully.

Only Cell is suddenly in front of Bardock and lands a neck chop right into his throat. Bardock gags hard as blood erupts form hsi now crushed wind pipe. Raditz and Gine both rush at Cell while Bulma and Nadia go to help Bardock.

Cell merely smiles and turns towards them to dela with them. Only he suddenly feels something drill into his right arm causing him to stumble forward and look down at his missing arm.

He looks back at the perpetrator and sees a Kaioken times five Piccolo having just fired off his special beam cannon.

Piccolo grits his teeth as he prepared a second one.

Cell rolls his eyes as he regenerates the arm and turns to deal with the most annoying of the group.

He is stopped short as he sees a fully healed Bulma, Bardock, and Vegeta all fly up to him and blast at him with fully charged beams alongside Raditz, and Gine.

He gasps and blocks their attacks as he wonders, 'Okay how did they do that?!'

He notices Nadia putting away a small pouch labeled emergency. He smiles as he pushes through the beams with his barrier acting as a battering ram.

The Saiyans push forward with their attacks and even Bardock and Raditz use their Kaioken times 10 that Goku taught them in their spare time in the time chamber.

It barely slowed him down any.

Cell blasts through the wall for Saiyans and even kicks, punches and blasts them away for good measure.

He beelines for Nadia and readied an thrust with his fingers to pierce her head off.

Nadia goes to dodge but Cell is faster.

Only for a body to come between them.

He quirks and eyebrow as Raditz is there in front of him and gripping his arm.

Cell goes to ask what he hopes to accomplish with this before Raditz yells out, "Now!!!!"

Cell widens his eyes as behind him he feels Bardock in Super saiyan form now at times 20 Kaio Ken using a Kamehameha. Cell grins and raises the still imped Raditz as a shield.

Bardock sees red as the others all join him. Even Vegeta emerges with a Kaio Ken times five to aid him. They all fire despite Raditz being in the way and Cell gasps as the beams hit and destroy Raditz. Cell in a panic has to use his own body and energy instead of a barrier as he wasn't expecting them to sacrifice their ally.

He fights the beams off as they cut off form over use. He sees them all panting and losing their golden hair.

He crosses his arms and goes, "Well this has been quite the treat! Being able to fight me so well despite the power difference between us all! Ah~ but like any good game it is over too soon! Now to kill you all and... Why do I feel like I'm forgetting something?"

He suddenly feels Nadia full nelson him from behind. She is coated in a brilliant red aura and has super Saiyan 2 sparks coming off of her in large angry sparks.

He gasps as she has managed to reach 1.5 billion thanks to that combo.

He looks down at Piccolo and sees he has recharged and everyone is currently channeling their power into him through their own bodies to super charge this beam.

He growls and gets ready to activate the time ring.

However as he goes to use it he suddenly gets kicked hard in the head by four bodies.

He looks with a now dizzy head at a healed Krillin, angry 21, and an absolutely pissed off pair of Gohan and Gine II.

He curses as the beam is launched.

He goes to try for a solid area to Tien jump too but his head is still messed up from the kicks.

He can't concentrate.

The beam hits. He and Nadia both disappear into the beam.

Nadia laments she will need to be revived but if it meant killing Cell then it was worth it.

Cells remaining body, torso and head with some chunks of his arms and legs left falls to the ground looking like a piece of burnt charcoal.

Everyone takes a breath as all adult Saiyans are out of energy.

Piccolo falls to his knees as he is out.

And I and 21 charge our beams up alongside Gohan and Gine II to burn the last of Cell away.

We fire and for a moment his body flickers. Then he is suddenly standing there right as rain. Even blocking our combined beams!

I grit my teeth and prepare to fight again only for him to shock us as during our beam attacks his split into three!

Each one rushes at our downed allies! As I got o stop them with our other friends one of the clones comes up and begins to engage us!

We try to fight past it but it still has around 600 million for power.

We can't help but listen to our allies being beaten and broken right in front of us as we try to reach them.

Even Piccolo is nearly dead as they are about to smash his head in.

However right as they are about to finish off our surviving friends who now lay in broken limbed piles around the clones we feel it.

A rush of warmth and friendly energy.

It is far away one instant. And the next it is suddenly right in the middle of our defeated friends.

We see Goku and Chi chi standing there between our friends as the Cell clones look at Goku in shock and are suddenly in the air with deep dents in their chest from Goku and Chi chi punching them both.

Cell breaks off from fighting us and fuses with his other pieces to stare down the shocking powerful Goku and Chi chi as both are standing there at a solid 800 million while in super Saiyan 2.

Cell senses this and grins at them tauntingly and says, "Well well well! The OG power couple have come to face me! Welcome to the slaughter! You may have come back more powerful! But I am still the perfect being with my new perfect form! You have no chance!"

Goku listens and Chi chi and him both go from serious faced. To small grins adorning their faces.

Goku speaks up, "Cell we have a surprise for you. And you. Won't. Like. It."

Cell laughs at that promise and says, "Well~ at first you have my attention. But now you have my erection!"

I go to ask, "Do you even have a-?"

He glares at me and I shut up immediately to see how this plays out.