
I was Reincarnated as Krillin? Oh boy.

Super huge fan of Dragonball dies and goes to a new world and chooses to be Krillin. ...Yep no worries about choosing to be a main support character here! he does his best to keep balance in this world but something is amiss as the enemies seem to scale with the changes and matches the growth of the main characters from their own growth... something isn't right. and it's up the reincarnated chosen to find out what is wrong.

Silverfang · Cómic
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69 Chs

Recruiting... the Royal Pain

I decide to train first... Then talk to Piccolo once he sees the results of us training together first hand to know we are doing our best to fight off a threat greater than himself.

That should kick his pride into motion.

I train hard and I train fast to make the most of my new weights and growth potential.

I check my progress a week later after surviving in the mountains for a week.

Krilling power level 194 --> 213

I pump my fist in joy at seeing how I have grown nearly 20 points! But I knew this was just the beginning!

Now it was time to meet Goku and Chi chi for a meet up.

I stop by capsule corp to see how Yamcha was training... And I was disappointed.

Gone was the proud student of the turtle hermit school. And in his place was an arrogant man who thought he was the strongest ever. No wonder he had decreased in power and growth over the course of the series.

I saw him training in an elite gym. Many fighters and bodybuilders went there to push their limits. And they were doing well! Many of them were power level 15 to 70. One fighter I saw would have been a finalist in the usual world martial arts tournament. He had a whooping power of 121!

But I found Yamcha maxing out the 400 pound limit of every machine and just pushing himself to the maximum reps he could do. While that might work for now I knew in the long run he would stagnate and become weaker than ever.

I shook my head as I saw his power level was only 154. He was 15 points short from his post raditz power level. And that meant he only gained 3 points a year in the original timeline.

Ugh I had my work cut out for me to boost everyones power.

I went on my way with my package of books under my arm as I flew to Gokus house.

I landed outside and pushed my hearing to the limit.

First yes they were at it again... Really agressively if I'm being honest especially once I heard Chi chi go, "Yes Goku! Aaah! Mmm! Final round! Then we can meet Krillin! Ugh!"

Gokus voice came next and man he was out of breath. And I was blushing hard at what I heard next, "Understood Chi chi! This 10th round will be the final round!"

I walk away a few paces to the forest as I hear them scream their climax from my position and simply do some warm ups to make me slightly out of breath and hide that I got there early.

I walk towards their house and find them cleaned up 30 minutes later and sparring lightly together outside.

Goku had switched to the same weights I had and Chi chi had on Gokus old ones.

They had trained hard it seems. Goku was now 278 and Chi chi was finally at 135. She was nearly ready for ki training.

I come up to them and ask, "You guys ready for your sparring?"

Both nod as I give Chi chi the bag of books. She looks through them and smiles at the titles.

I asked Bulma to find:

How to series: How to date a martial artist. Both male and female tips.

How to series: How to show your spouse you love them! Tips and tricks for both genders!

Basic mathematics and mid level for dummies!

Basic to intermediate reading and comprehension skill!

Basic history skills!

History of martial arts development!

Kamasutra for couples!

Chi chi was smiling and thanking me for the first few before I pointed at Goku during the discovery of the education books. She smiles in thanks then blushes crimson at the final one.

She glares at me before I smirk and point at Goku once more before giving her a wink. She goes steaming red but goes to put the books away while I prepare to spar with Goku.

We both get into stances and rush at each other.

I won't bore you with the details right now. But I lost. However it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. He actually struggled against my new power level. Which I took great pride in.

He rested and recovered while I helped Chi chi begin to train in ki basics. Goku being a natural, was a bad teacher for that so I taught her for him so he could continue from where he knew how to teach.

Eventually we parted ways after dinner and I went back to my camp site in the mountains.

Both Chi chi and Goku improved a bit today and I knew it would pay off in spades once Raditza got closer.

However I knew there was a giant green elephant in the room I had to approach. One who would be tricky to fight against.

I knew I needed a bit more power to face him and convince him. But first I sensed his power.

I found him on an island wasteland with the whooping power level of 254.

I couldn't match that. So I waited another week while tracking his progress.

I finally reached a new level. A level he would have to respect as It was close to his.

Krillin power level 213 -->246

I pushed myself hard by seeing Goku twice and sparring until I was purple and blue from bruises. I used a Senzu Bean to help and I was ready to face Piccolo and recruit him to our side.

I flew off and found him. He was in his spot meditating off the ground.

I landed only a bit away from him and saw he had already grown by 3 points since I last saw him.

I gulped and waited for him to open his eyes.

He did so after an hour.

He grunted and smriked at me. "Hello small martial artist! Want a rematch where I can finally kill you?"

I smirk back and say, "Actually that was one way to get to my point. How about this. A match. I lose? I become your loyal servant."

He scoffs at it remembering my old strength that I am keeping my ki at right now to fool him.

I smile and say, "I win though or at least last 30 minutes in fighting you. You hear me out to a proposition I have so that you can have a chance to conquer earth in the future."

He perks up at that and scans me for any lies, after a moment he grins widely and goes, "Ha! Very well puny human! You have my attention. Prepare yourself!"

He rushes me as I set a timer on my phone and rush back at him.

We meet in the middle and our arms grind against each other harshly. I bruise a bit as he grits his teeth in pain. Then the kicks and punches fly.

He begins to shoot out various energy beams while I save my energy and just fly around them.

He smirks as I seem to be the same strength level as back in the tournament. Only to gasp as I suddenly match his speed and match him blow for blow.

We exchange blows for the next hour. Way past the promised time. And while he is slightly stronger than me. I made sure to push myself every inch.

He is left panting while I am lying on the ground while propping myself on my elbows.

He pants out, "Very well human! You have earned your time! Now explain how you got so strong! And what you wanted to proposition me about!"

Needless to say the next 10 minutes was very shocking to him.

So shocking he didn't speak for another 5 minutes after the story and explanations.

He looks at the sky, "Other invaders. All stronger than me or my father in his prime."

He looks to me as I was channeling ki to heal myself some. He walks over and asks, "Alright human. I'll work with you and your friends. But remember it is only until I gain dominion over this world! Don't think we are anything more than temporary allies!"

I grin as I shake his hand shocking him as I use my strength to move his forcefully. "Don't you worry Piccolo... We will win. And we will show them the might of earth!"

I tell him the meet up times and where to meet. He growls at meeting up at the lookout and seeing his other half. But sighs and relents so that we can prepare for the new threat. I tell him about increasing the weights of his armor over time or else he will stagnate. And he growls out an affirmation.

I fly off with a smile on my face for a job well done.

Now only time will tell if it worked.