
Chapter44 Stay for the night, please?? (5)

"I think it is going to rain tonight" Qianqian guessed and fled.

Feng Li grinned at her as she ambled past him. He swore her essence still drove him crazy. He shut his eyes to relish the fragrance while it lasted but the woman didn't even look his way. She was just about to vacate the tower when fans besiege her.

Chloe followed the view of the boss to see him glancing at the masked woman. Her brows were creased in surprise.

"Why is everyone on her? She is just some damn author" Her eyes scowled at the woman with hatred.

She wouldn't let the man she was enthralled with get wavered by that woman.


Oblivious that the woman beside him was glaring at his woman, he tucked his hand inside his pocket and motioned an indication to one of his men by the door.

After escaping her fans, she clamped her unleashed hair into a bun and left the hotel but she was abruptly interrupted by someone.

Not again.

"Miss, the boss urged me to take the glamorous lady back home" Someone uttered.

Kiara lifted her head to see the person and sighed in relaxation.

"I thought I was going to walk home with foot tonight, thank goodness you are here" She smiled letting her perfect baby tooth be shown. The driver felt his heart beat faster but detecting the glare from his boss, he monitored himself.

"Who is your boss? I am really curious...Is he dangerous?" She knitted her brows as she got a hint of who it could be but she preferred to be sure he was the one.

The driver lessened his head in esteem and nodded.

"He is dangerous?"

"No, he is just someone you shouldn't mess with"

"Shit!! I knew it would be that bastard...What's with his sudden care now? If he thinks I will be smitten by this act, he must be delusional" She hissed and told the driver "You tell that narcissist boss of yours that his stupid gesture can never make up for the hurt in my heart".

CK gulped down hard hearing the woman badmouthing his boss. He could not help but lock eyes with the man five feet away from them. 

Seeing the awkward look on the guy's face, Feng Li felt sceptical once again.

Did she reject the proposal? But how would she get home then?.

His heart was restless. Just accept him, please.


"Alright, let's forget it and get me home before the rain starts," She told.

CK sighed in relief and followed her to the car. The anticipating media was about to encircle her and ask questions but getting a glare from someone, they stopped and left awkwardly. 


On the road.

The climate in the sky had obscured and a trivial drip of liquid was falling.

Kiara felt sophisticated feelings erupting in her body as she smooched her trophy. She had a contented smile on her face.

CK peeked through the front mirror and sort to look away when their eyes met. He blushed shyly and cleared his throat.

"Emm...it seems the weather has changed and it would rain heavily soon," He said in a whisper.


"Maybe it would be better we look for a place to stay for the night" He suggested but the minute those words left his mouth, the woman lobbed a deathly glare at him and frowned.

"Have you lost it or you are acting stupid?" She roared.

CK never felt more awkward in his life than he already is.

Should I tell her it was my boss' suggestion and not mine but if I did, that man will chop off my head and sell it to the dogs for free?.

Fuck!! I can't risk my head.

The thunder howled unexpectedly and soon like a storm, the rain started pouring heavily.

"See, didn't I say it will...emm rain soon?" CK shut his mouth up when he felt the piercing look coming from his lady boss.

Why did his boss have to get a mate with the same character? Gosh.

Kiara sighed as she watched the rain. Her thoughts wandered to her babies.

They hated thunders.

They must be scared now. Why did this rain have to start now?


In front of a cottage, Kiara held the umbrella over her head tightly and shivered lightly.

Was she going to spend the night in this creepy place and...ALONE!!?

Does she have any other choice?.

At least that crazy driver wasn't here, it was good he stayed in the car otherwise I would have chopped his baby dick into pieces.

With slow steps, she approached the small hut and got to the entrance. She noticed something burning from the inside and froze.

Is someone in? But that driver told me it was empty or maybe he had helped me make a warm-up. 

Yes, that should be the logical reason, right?

Feeling cold, she immediately went in and shut the door nearly promptly

"Phew, I should rest now"

She looked around the room to see stakes glimmering. She approached it and sat on the floor to keep herself warm.

"Why is it dark in here? That stupid driver didn't tell me this at all...they must be worried for me...why does this place not have any signal at all?"

"And this dress is too heavy, I can't take it anymore but I don't have anything else to wear...I only have my underwear inside it, if I have to take it off it means I will be half-naked"

Well, she has no other choice.

Soon, the expensive diamond dress was thrown to the side.

Kiara sat close to the fire and warmed her body up. Not a minute reached when she felt something wrapped around her body. She went stiff in shock and widened her eyes.

"Ahhhhhhhhh" She shrieked and screamed loudly.

Oh no, I am not alone in this place.

"Shhh, you are so soft" She heard a cold deep voice say. Her eyes flew wide open when she realised who the owner of the voice was.

Not again.