
Chapter43 Stay for the night, please?? (4)

Room 607

Two silhouettes sat contrary to each other. One looking gloomy and the other one nonchalant.

"Is this how to behave to your woman, Gu Wen?" The woman bridged her arms promptly.

Gu Wen straightened himself up from the bed and strode towards the entrance bluffing not to hear the woman's grievances

"WHAT DO YOU THINK OF ME EXACTLY...DO YOU EVEN LOVE ME?" She yelled out at the top of her voice but the man had already left the room. Depressed, she crouch dreary against the bed and draped her knees with her arms.

What's going on with you? Is it that you don't find me attractive anymore?.

Amid her opinion, she didn't notice when the man came into the room. Gu Wen clenched his hands into a fist when he saw her coy state. She looked fragile like a newborn yearning for attention and he loathed discerning her like that. 

"Is it the right time to let her go?" He thought.

An Bai Su yet unaware of the man's presence bit her lips in an endeavour to hold her cries from coming out but it still did stun the man.

The hostility in his eyes heightened but he didn't want it to show otherwise it would be bad for both of them.

But why is she crying? Is she that sad to see me with other women?.

If that's the case...maybe I don't need those promiscuous women anymore.

Gu Wen coughed out to make his presence known but the woman was lighthearted to hear. With knitted brows, he walked up to her and brushed her hair before caressing it slowly.

An Bai Su opened her closed eyes and looked up to see the person. Her tears streamed down as she met eyes with his. Her whole face had already turned red making her hiccup.

Gu Wen frowned and said, "I haven't been gone for even a minute and you cried this much, really?"

The woman bit her lips and turned her face away to hide the tears.

"You are the cause" She mumbled.

Gu Wen's lips curled upwards in amusement.

"Can I know what my mistake is then?" He grinned. An Bai Su rolled her eyes and wish she could take that stupid grin off his face but sadly she couldn't.

"I just want to be alone" She murmured feeling tired.

"So you can continue crying out a river for me" He mentioned chuckling.

An Bai Su glared at him, and retorted "Who is crying for you? You must be delusional to think I cried for you" but Gu Wen is not stupid to understand she was too prideful to admit it.

"We'd better go back to the party to congratulate that stubborn woman" He patted her hair and turned to leave the room.

"Do you love me?"

Gu Wen froze on his spot when the words he always wanted to avoid still hounded him.


"Hello...it's so nice to finally meet you...I so much adore your books'

"Can I get your autograph?"

"I wish to be as strong as you are"

Deep down, Kiara thought she didn't deserve to be told those.

Back on stage when she wanted to take off the mask and show her real face, she had a second thought and decided not to. 

She was satisfied with everything going on.

The next thing to do was to meet her family or not.

She would just let nature take the course.

Feng Li never took off his eyes from her even when speaking with his assistant. At every silly face she made, he would shake his head and smile that the man beside him would think his boss had been possessed.

A while later, Chloe entered the building. Unaware of the stares at her, she went beside Feng LI. That act of hers caused a bigger problem in the media world. They began taking pictures of them.

Mr Bai greeted politely "Miss Marshall"

Chloe also returned the greeting and bowed to her boss.

Feng Li looked at her and smiled "You look beautiful tonight, Miss Marshall"



"Brother, please don't take me to an early grave" A voice spoke.

The three people turned their heads to the intruder.

Feng Li frowned in disdain.

"Was that a compliment, big brother?" Qianqian asked.

Feng Wen picked her cheeks and said "What do you think dummy?"

"You are the sickly dummy, not me" She retorted.

Chloe and Mr Bai smiled watching the family drama before them. 

"Will you two not start now...not here?" Feng Li growled.

"Whatever" His brother snorted and left the place but on his way, he bumped into someone while chatting on his phone.

"I am sorry," He said and glance but to see the person. Non chalantly, he cried "Oh, it's you"

He left.

Kiara was perplexed. What did he mean by 'Oh, it's you'?. Does he know I am the one?

But how come.

Pushing that at the back of her head. She left