
Chapter45 Stay for the night, Please?? (6)

All her efforts went in vain.

Throughout the event in the celebration, she had avoided every contact with the man after the dance between them. Why is it going this way? Why did the two of them have to encounter each other all the time? With the way things are going, it wouldn't be long before he finds out about the kids.

I don't want that to happen.

I ignored him during the award ceremony on stage. I ignored him while leaving the hotel but there he is now. How did he get here? How does he know this place?

Why is everything going wrong? Why? Why? 

Seeing him so close to me makes me hate him the more. What will I do with so much hatred in my heart? It will only hurt me the more. I won't gain anything from it. But the more I try to forget the past, the more I try to forgive and forget him, the more it comes back to haunt me.

Should I hurt myself in the end for everything to stop? The sadness I feel in my heart, the lump in my throat, the memories I can't seem to forget. Why? Why are they coming back?.

But my father told me not to keep a grudge against someone because, in the end, it will destroy me.

"You are so warm" The voice thawed and wrapped its arm around the girl. The sudden touch from the man jolt Kiara and broke her thoughts. She pushed his arms away feeling aggravated and rose immediately. Remembering her underwear, she used the suit on her shoulder to cover her body.

"W..What are you doing here?" She cried 'Why don't you leave my life?' She wanted to say but it was better she didn't.

The thunder howled and lightened struck as she was about to speak.

"Can you be quiet and warm me up?" The man spoke, his eyes closed but in the corner of his lips, a grin lingered there. He watched his woman in amusement. Everything was going as he planned and he hopes it continued that way.

He must have seen my face. She cussed in her heart.

And he confirmed it by asking "Why didn't you tell me you were back?

"So what? It's not like you care" She replied to his question nonchalantly. 

"Kiara, what happened after I had left back then? I need some explanations...you can't keep me in the dark anymore and hold hatred over me for something I don't even know about" He asked not leaving his eyes from hers.

He knows something happened then that made her overthink causing unnecessary pain for both of them.

Reminded about the past, she forgot the lesson her father told her. She felt her eyes reddened by the mention of what happened by then. She still remembered vividly what she had to pass through on that faithful day that traumatised her a lot and it was all because of him and his fake promises.

"I hate you...even if I did overthink, I still hate you" She said with gritted teeth. 


Finally, we have come to the beginning of the love and hate relationship between Kiara and Feng Li. I hope you all will follow their journey. 

We can also find out about how the awkward relationship between An Bai Su and Gu Wen would last.

Guys every music recommendation I give, I hope you all will listen to it while reading that chapter. It makes the scenes in that chapter feel real and I hope you will also listen to it.

My fellow colleague has finally updated 'Taming the Mafia Don'

Thanks for your great support once again.

Some asked why I chose to write this story and what it is all about in the real world sense.


 I will gladly explain in the next chapter.

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