
I got Reincarnated in MHA with dough fruit

A office worker who liked to watching anime died from overworking got reincarnated in MHA

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4 Chs


Damien:after i said my wishes i found my self in this red place i had a vagues idea that i was being born

I felt so tired so i decided to sleep


I opened my eyes and bright light flooded into my eyes

NURSE:Congratulations Mrs Mochi,you have a very healthy boy

MUM:thank you nurse joy

[A/U i thought to use nurse joy because she the best nurse am i right]

Damien POV: i looked up and i saw my mum beautiful face and i looked to the left and i saw a man walking in. He also looked handsome

I guess this is my new family .I am very thank full for OAA for giving me wonderful family

thanks for reading my story i will do more chapters probably before eight o clock is up maybe after i dont know anyway thanks again

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