
I Got Reincarnated as a K-POP Superstar Prodigy

Dan Stevens was a trainee at BigHit Entertainment for many years but decided to quit before debuting. Now, he was one of the best K-pop Analysts and Producers in the industry. He was so popular that many people were threatening to end his life. Seeing this as a normal thing in the entertainment industry, he ignored the threats and went on with his daily routine. After coming home from his morning run, he was pushed off from his balcony and died. He soon wakes up in a body of a 10-year old kid named Kim Jinbo, who was known to be a prodigy in business from a very wealthy family. Little did he know that he was already in a parallel world where the K-pop industry was booming but there were a lot of things that were different. First, the industry was still in its infancy stage. Second, the k-pop idols he knew were in a different group or were not in their supposed groups. Third, some idols or idol groups did not exist. Fourth, other companies did not exist. Fifth, all of the songs from his previous life was not found in this world. And lastly and probably the most shocking thing among the rest, dating between idols were allowed. Is this JayB's chance to date his ex-girlfriend from his previous world who was also part of one of the hottest girl groups there? Oh and did I mention that he was best friends with 8 other prodigies in their respective fields who together would make the ultimate K-pop group in this world's history? Join JayB as he meets various artists and idols from his previous life who were now starting off together in his journey to being a k-pop superstar. AN and disclaimer: I wrote this for my bias. Please don't be offended or please don't get mad if I ship people or there will be cases that I would be using the artist's songs. I do not own any of the songs nor do I want to affect the lives of these artists. This is purely fictional and is not meant to harm anyone. Other than that, please enjoy!

Doxi · Música y Bandas
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101 Chs

Project Alpha – Ending the Show

"How the heck did you guys pull off this many number of viewers?" JYP PD-nim asked.

He snapped his head towards Zee giving him a glare.

"I-it wasn't me! I swear! If it was! I wouldn't give it that many viewers!" Zee rebutted.

"We all saw him sleep early last night PD-nim. The rest of us went out and handed out flyers." Matt-hyung defended Zee.

PD-nim just sighed, "Still… these are amazing figures for a team that didn't debut yet."

1.3 Million Views...

That's right… That many views in one night.

Well… It was 800k when Zee checked it this morning. It's already noon now and it hit the 1M mark.

Who knew?


I did…


2AM last night…

"Please support us as we debut soon!" We handed out flyers late at night and it's freezing cold.

"We're going to freeze to death before we achieve our goal." Seiji-hyung complained.

He's right actually. It's really freezing out here and there are less and less people passing by. We should call it a night.

"Hyung… it's only 1,308 views so far. Can we really do this?" Zhang asked.

I thought about what I needed to do. I already knew the answer but I didn't like it that much. But we need it for now.

"You guys head back to the dorm. I need to go somewhere and make a call." I told them.

They didn't want to do it at first but after convincing them they went home.

I slowly made my way to a convenience store to get some ramyeon. It was really cold and I needed something to warm me up. I was pretty much hungry as well.

After paying for the food, I went to the window side where the seats were.

When I finished settling down and praying for the food, I contemplated whether I should do it or not.

I took out my phone and stared at it.

A part of me says I shouldn't but there's a big part of me that says I should.

Screw this…

Just this one time…

I promise… just this one time…

I searched for the number that I wanted to call.

When I found it, I took a deep breath before releasing it. Have I really gone mad all for the sake of our careers?

I tapped on the call button and the other line rang.

The person on the other end picked up the call, "Hey Jinbo-ah! How have you been? Wait… Isn't it supposed to be 2AM there right now? It must really be important that you've called at this time."

The person on the other end was ecstatic to talk to me. I was too. But not in this circumstances…

"Hey dad… I need your help…"


The room was silent as we're still contemplating about we ended up having this much views in over a night. It was so unrealistic.

I wonder what happened.

I specifically asked dad to just have 9,000 of his employees watch the video from start to end without skipping it.

I also asked him to keep them quiet.

"JayB-ah. Did you hear what I said?" JYP PD-nim snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Sorry PD-nim. I just got lost in my thoughts." I replied with a smile.

"It's alright. I don't know how this happened but this is good for you and for us. I already called MNET about this and they will be coming over to give you the details of what's going to happen next. They'll be here at around 1PM. Take your lunch and then let's meet back here at that time." PD-nim instructed.

We did as he asked and went to the cafeteria for lunch. We discussed as to what the next challenge is. We were really excited and nervous at the same time.

Just as we were about to finish lunch, my phone rang.

After checking who it was, I asked the members to go ahead.

"I'll be fine. It's just my dad." I told them.

"Tell your dad we said 'hi'." Dominic said before they left the cafeteria.

I went to one of the quiet places in the building and called him back.

Once the other line spoke up I immediately spoke. "Dad? What in the world just happened?"

"JayB-ah. I knew what you said. I really did what you asked but…" He trailed off….

This can't be good.

"But what?" I hurried him.

"But I ended up bragging to the entire building about the music video! Then they also started sharing it to their friends. You're even trending in Twitter and Facebook right now!" He responded.

"Wait what?! I'll call you again! Thanks dad!" I immediately hung up the phone and I went to the studio to check the internet.

"What the hell? We're actually number 4 in the worldwide ranking in twitter." I muttered to myself as I scrolled to check the comments.

It was mostly good comments. I even saw a video from Facebook where a user shared our YouTube video link. Under that were comments of nonstop praise.

Hah… no wonder EXO had it big in the previous world.

I turned the computer off and went to the conference room with huge smile on my face.


It's been 2 months now since Project Alpha aired. We went through various tasks and challenges.

And dude… you have no idea what we've been through. I barely had enough sleep.

After the first task, we were ask to perform on a park with our song Growl.

But here's the catch, we had to be the one to invite people to watch our dance. We were supposed to present it at 4PM, so we ran around town per unit to invite people to watch us.

We were promoting like crazy!

Oh, did I mention that the venue should have at least 2000 people in order for us to pass this challenge?

No? Well yeah… that's how it went.

We know that we trended and are actually very popular now but most of our fans were high school and college students which made things difficult for us.


Because it's exam week right now.

So we had to hustle in inviting people all over the place.

They took pictures of us, asked us to sign autographs, and even allowed us to perform a short sample of our singing and dancing abilities.

But it was a nightmare for us because there were practically a few people around since it's a weekday.

We weren't even sure that we'd reach 2000 people.

So we tweeted about our event but most of the people that replied or shared were still students.

We were very anxious but in the end it actually paid off…

10 minutes before the event, we were still in the hundreds. We all lost hope at that time.


Just before the show started, people started to flock the park. According to the producers of the show, we broke through the 2000 count already and it was still increasing.

That gave us our morale back. When we performed, we gave it all we've got.

But there was a surprise waiting for us…

The MC who was Nichkhun-sunbaenim, announced that before the audience leaves, the producers will be giving out one ball to each of the members of the audience.

Outside the park were 2 large jars. The people who watched would then place their balls in one of the jars. The first jar was for those who loved our performance, and the second was for those who didn't.

We were not allowed to see it and was immediately brought back to the company after taking a couple of shots and pictures with some of the people.

In the end, out of the 8,000 people who came, there were 700 people who disliked our performance. Which was still a pretty big number. It was almost 10% of our total audience.

It hit us very hard because it meant that we still needed to improve ourselves more. But the producers assured us that some of the people might have just been fooling around.

Regardless of the reason, we still had people who disliked us. But that's just how it is. We can't go around pleasing everybody.

The episodes and challenges after this one were even more difficult.

The one before this was fun though…

We were asked to showcase ourselves through a different unit group. It was our age line sub unit.

We actually have 3 still. The eldest line, the middle line and the maknae line.

The eldest line was composed of Seiji-hyung, Matt-hyung and You Chul-hyung. It was a strong rap group since two of our rappers were there. But when they asked me to make a song for them I was shocked with their plan.

But it was the best thing that they have planned out.

In the end, I gave them one of the best ballads I've heard in the previous world. The group that sang this one were legends. In fact, their ballads were so rare but were great.

They sang Big Bang's If You.

The Maknae line were also intense since they were the most balanced team with Jiwoo being there as their choreographer, Zee holding the ropes in terms of rapping and of course, the legendary Zhang who is the master in singing.

The main dancer, the main rapper, the main vocals of Alpha were all in one unit which made them the scariest of the bunch.

I didn't want to get involved with their group in terms of the song choice but Zhang wanted me to work with him on creating a song. But I ended up writing the lyrics and producing the song. He was in charge of the small details which still were very much important.

BTS' Boy in Luv worked well with them. The people watching were practically screaming the entire time they were performing.

With Jiwoo's looks, Zee's charisma and Zhang's powerful vocals, the girls in the crowd were all melting.

I even heard one girl yelling about her wanting to have Woo's babies.

You can just imagine how intense it was. I've never heard Zhang sing in a raspy and growly voice before. But it was so epic!

Jiwoo also surprised us with his rapping skills.

In the end they received the most cheers and yells from the girls. Which is practically good for our group.

For us, the middle line was composed of Dominic, Jeong Do and Me. We were the first to perform and we wanted to sing something to the fans and the future fans. Something that would cheer them up when their sad.

So our unit went with something simple yet meaningful.

We sang EXO's Sing for You.

During our performance, we could see people crying on their seats and turning on their phones and waving it in the air.

After this episode, the people and the fans got to know us better. That we were not just a group that wanted attention but we wanted to be a part of their lives and get to know them as well.


We were here with the last challenge. They call this episode, "Win the Crowd".

We were finally going to perform with our original units. It was a pretty busy week for me since JYP PD-nim asked me to make the songs for everyone because they were going to include the songs in our first album if ever we were going to debut.

I didn't get enough sleep as I was producing 4 songs. I don't know why but PD-nim asked me to write a song that was going to be our title track.

Growl already reached 100m views and it was the first time a group that didn't debut achieved that. But PD-nim wanted to use a different song that would give a huge impact to the people.

After what seemed like a grueling week, I finally was able hand the staff our songs. When they listened to it, they were really surprised. They thought that nothing could top what we've written so far.

I guess the previous world's hits were really a huge hit for this world too.

So for each unit's songs, I had to go for SEVENTEEN's hits since we have the same units as them.

I gave the song "Make it Shine" to the vocal unit. I believe that it would showcase their singing abilities well since the song heavily focuses on harmony and control.

For the rap unit, I had them do "Trauma" since it was part of the top rap songs sung by units in the previous world.

The performance unit was the tricky part since we shouldn't have much singing or rapping in it. I decided to go with "Highlight" since the choreography for the song is really good.

With that, we were able to perform to the best of our abilities. And with the chance to highlight each member properly.


"I've never been this exhausted in my life! Wait! Oh oh oh! What do you call a dog with no legs?" Seriously, all Dominic wants to do all day is sleep. Why did he ever want to become a doctor in the first place? And his jokes…

"Shush… One more word from your mouth and I will end you. I'm trying to rest for a while before we perform the last song later." Yo Chul-hyung is still pretty much cold towards people.

"Hyung… we still have one more song to perform. Why did JYP PD-nim ask the audience to leave?" Woo asked.

Suddenly I heard crashing and breaking noises coming from the comfort room. "I… I'm going to ask someone to fix that. Don't worry." Zee still pretty much is the clumsiest one among us.

He already broke 5 sinks this month! What the hell is he doing with those sinks?!

"Didn't I just say to quiet down?!" Yo Chul-hyung yelled which made Zee flinch. Yo Chul-hyung then put on his earphones to drown out the noise.

He's usually cold but he has the biggest heart among us.

"It's okay, Zee. You know how he is." Matt-hyung being the caring mother that he is, consoled Zee.

"Anyway, JayB-ah. What is PD-nim's deal? Wasn't he satisfied with our performance earlier?" Seiji-hyung's still the most pessimistic one among all of us. He easily doubts and questions everything. That's why PD-nim asked me to be the leader instead of him even though he's the eldest.

"Relax guys… I'm sure it's nothing. The staff wouldn't let us change into our final clothes if we weren't going to perform, right?" Jeong Do is still pretty much the guy who thinks based on logic.

"Jeong Do's right guys. It's probably nothing." I assured them.

"I really hope so." Zhang who was usually calm, cool and mysterious in whatever it is that he does, was nervous.

Although he was nervous, he still looked cool leaning on the door post while closing his eyes.

He's like a character straight out of a manga that girls easily fall for. Kind of reminds of that kid with the red eyes in one of the ninja anime in the previous world.

Just then, a manager went in the room. "Hey guys, you're being called to the stage."

"Ye!" We all answered.

I guess this is it. We'll probably be performing to an unknown audience.

When we went on the stage from the sides, we noticed that it was very dark and the stage behind us was closed with large black curtains. The only source of light was just this one light shining towards us.

It showed a silhouette of a man sitting in the front most part of the audience's seats. This person was JYP PD-nim.

When we saw him, we immediately lined up on stage.

"How is everyone?" He asked just out of the blue.

We were already holding our microphones because we were about to perform… I think?

I was the leader so I had to speak on behalf of the group. "We actually don't know what we're feeling PD-nim."

"I know what you mean. But let me ask you, do you know why you're here?" He asked.

"No, PD-nim." I answered truthfully.

"Let me hear from the rest. Seiji-ssi, do you think you passed every test on this show?" He asked Seiji-hyung.

We all turned towards Seiji-hyung as he turn to look at each of us. He slowly lifted his mic and spoke, "I am confident that our group did its very best to pass all the trials for this show."

"Then why do you think I let the audience leave?" He asked Seiji-hyung again.

This time, Seiji-hyung just stayed quiet and lowered his mic. He was too unconfident to answer.

"A while ago, you were very confident. Now that I asked you this question, you suddenly lose that confidence? How are you going to debut with that attitude?" JYP PD-nim was quite harsh towards Seiji-hyung on that one.

He just bit his lip to stop himself from crying. Matt-hyung saw this and answered on his behalf. "PD-nim, I think that you have a surprise for us that's why you asked the audience to le-"

"It's exactly because you easily go and trust your feelings that you failed to lead the group. You are supposed to be part of the elder line." JYP PD-nim interjected.

What's up with him? Why is he grumpy right now?

Did we fail our mission that badly?

JYP PD-nim sighed. "I thought that all of you were ready to debut."

We all gulped at what he said.

Is he saying what I think he's saying?

He sighed again rested his face on the palms of his hands. We all stayed silent for a while before he lifted his face and spoke. "Do you think you're ready to debut? Huh? Let me hear from anyone in the maknae line."

The three maknaes were hesitant and were shaking before Woo decided to speak for the group. "PD-nim, we did our best in all the trials that's why I'm sure we're ready to debut."

The members all nod in agreement which made PD-nim massage his temples. "Do you think that 'doing your best' is enough to debut? Do you think it's enough to make you last in this industry?"

We all stayed silent and bowed our heads.

He's right. It's not enough. Many tried and many have failed. Both in this world and in the previous one. It's much more difficult to last in this world since there are only 5 companies running the industry.

The competition is much more intense. That's why PD-nim is revealing these things to us.

This is our reality.

If we debut, THIS will be OUR reality.

We all looked at him as he frowned at us. "In this show, you have shown me all that is good in you. Your courage, your character, the way you handle your problems as a team and how you overcome what seemed impossible. It inspired and impressed me to be honest. But you've also showed me your weaknesses as a group."

He paused for a as he stood up and made his way to the stage. When he was already in front of us, he started pacing back and forth like he was contemplating on a dilemma.

He finally stopped and placed one of his hands on his hips. He turned to look at us and sighed. "I can't believe I'm saying this…"

We all held hands and look at each other. I then mouthed to them, "It's going to be alright." Before tearing up a little.

I guess this journey will take longer than expected.

"Congratulations on passing your trials." He said.

I knew it. We still ha-

Wait… what did he say?

"I'm sorry. I think I must be going deaf. What did you say PD-nim?" Zee asked.

"I think he said we passed our trials." Matt-hyung said.

We all looked at each other in confirmation.

"Does this mean…" Seiji-hyung couldn't even finish asking because he started to choke up in tears.

PD-nim then smiled at us and clapped his hands. "That's right. Congratulations, Alpha! You'll have your debut soon!"

We all cheered and hugged each other while crying.

It's finally happening!

We're finally here!

"But it's impossible for you to perform without your in-ear monitors. They are a symbol of you guys being officially part of the roster under JYP Entertainment after all." He continued.

We then turned to him and formed our line again waiting for him to give us our tokens back.

"What? What is it?" He asked as if he was clueless.

"Aren't you… going to give our tokens back?" Zhang asked.

"Oh sorry about that." PD-nim laughed while we laughed along.

"But I don't have it anymore. I didn't get to keep them when the show started. I also don't intend on buying you a new set as well." He continued.

Our laughter turned to silence after that remark.

Is he joking by any chance?

What does he mean by that?

"So how…" Yo Chul-hyung tried to ask.

We all had one thing in mind.

Are we still going to have another set of challenges?

"Why don't you guys turn around first?" He instructed.

We all had questioning looks before we just obeyed to what he asked.

He chuckled before he said, "I can't give you your tokens back because I don't have it. But they do…"

As soon as he said that, the curtains in front of us started to part and revealed a group of people that we didn't expect to be here.

They were all posing at us before they laughed and approached to congratulate us and welcome us to the family.

It was our sunbaenims…

2PM, GOT7, IU, SISTAR, CNBLUE, AOA, Wonder Girls, SF9 and even Baek A-Yeon-sunbaenim was here. I thought she was in France for her tour?

They were all here welcoming us to be part of this family.

We were crying and hugging our seniors. But they just laughed at us while they handed back our tokens.

"Congratulations Alpha for making it into the JYP Nation's roster! Welcome to the family!" JYP PD-nim announced and everyone applauded.

We said our thanks and continued crying while shaking the hands of our seniors.

"Now, you guys have one more challenge to do." PD-nim continued.

We all turn to look at him while our seniors went off the stage and went to the audience's seats and sat down.

Ugh! Now what?

"You will be performing for your sunbaenims one of your songs which is Growl." He continued.

We all sighed in relief. It could have been worse but we're thankful that it's just that.

But before we could prepare our formation, JYP PD-nim announced something again. "You will also be performing for a very special set of guests tonight."

What now?!

"Respected guests, please come in and have a seat in the front to see the performers well." As soon as PD-nim said that.

A group of well-dressed people came in the room. The moment we saw this, we didn't hesitate to jump off the stage and ran towards them.

"Mom! Dad!" I cried as I hugged both of my parents. I didn't get to see them personally for more than two years.

This was indeed a pleasant surprise. I didn't let go of them while I continued to cry.

The rest of the members of Alpha were also crying their eyes out while hugging their parents. I kind of felt bad because I was the reason why they left their families.

They had the right to refuse but still went with me and accompanied me on this journey. That's why I'll forever be thankful for these guys.

The members all turned to look at me and started running towards me and they all gave me a hug.

"Thank you" was all they kept telling me. Their parents also thanked me for this. They didn't think that they would see their sons do something that actually made them happy.

They knew that although we were prodigies in our respected fields, we were never really that happy with what we were doing.

Achieving something like this with our friends is something worth cherishing compared to racking up millions of dollars for the business.

"May I ask the Alpha's members to please go up on stage and perform their hit song Growl?"

We all turned to JYP PD-nim and hugged and thanked him. He just chuckled and motioned us to get on stage so we could move on with the show.

We ended the night by singing and dancing our hearts out. Even though our voices were cracking up on stage because we still ended up crying out of joy, it didn't matter. What mattered was that we're finally standing on the starting line towards being superstars.

Little did we know that there was a girl at the very back of the seats who was secretly smiling happily as she clapped along with the music. It was HER…


Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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