
I accidentally became one of the four horsemen!

Trey had a decent life, the best family he could ask for, the sweetest girlfriend, and his bestfriend Bri what more would he need. The normal life he was use to all came crashing down and it started with the first day of school. Being in the wrong place at the wrong time sends his boring life into a frenzy of mythology, monsters he's never see before, and life threatening situations he never thought he would be in. Getting heartbroken makes way for the apocalypse on the people that betrayed him, as well as the gods that's once controlled his fate

Izomatic · Fantasía
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3 Chs

Pray for me

     So once orientation was over we were told to head to our homerooms on my way out of the auditorium Trinity tried to stop me to help her with Bri, but I just kept walking as if I didn't see a thing. I know she's gonna try to kill me when I get home hahaha.

    When I got back into my grade building it's lively as ever. It seems more of the kids have grouped up and seemed to have their own things going for them. While I'm still by myself as sad as it sounds, I really don't mind it.

    "Um.. please… um…" I hear someone say behind me I turn around to see that it's a girl twiddling with her fingers. She was very short; she looked about 4 '11 she had snow white skin, red hair, and crimson red eyes. She's very cute but Anna is way better. I'm not into lolis but to each their own.

"Is there something wrong?" I ask the strange girl. She just continues to look down and plays with her fingers saying "Well um….. I was wondering…. Um….. I don't know nevermind" and then she just takes off running. "Wait!" I yelled at her but she was already gone.

I wish the lady wouldn't have caused a scene because after she ran everyone stopped and started to stare at me. Their eyes were like daggers to my heart. I feel as if I'm going to die. I start to head off to my homeroom as fast as I can so I can get the eyes off of me. Making it to my homeroom I was able to calm down. I sat in the last row closest to the window. Everyone hasn't showed up yet including our teacher. I just sat staring out the window at the bright blue sky and the fluffy clouds. I wish I could lay on one as if that would ever happen. 

"Ayo" I hear to my right I look to see a boy waving walking up to my desk. He had bronze-like skin, gray eyes, and black hair cut low with waves. He had an athletic build "I bet he plays sports" I think to myself.

Noticing I was staring at him for a good minute I finally responded so I wouldn't seem weird saying "hi" as I tried to give a friendly smile. He smiled back at me saying "My name is Tempus how about you?" as he holds his hand out to me. I return the gesture saying "My name is Trey it's nice to meet you" he nods as he lets go of my hand.

"I didn't bother you did I?" Tempus asks, looking very concerned. I decided I wanted to mess with him a little bit so I said "yea man you kinda did interrupt something very important for me" with the most serious face and tone I could manage he starts to frown saying "I sincerely apologize I won't bother you anymore" he says as he makes way to turn around to walk away just when he's about to take a step I bust out laughing the kids that were in the classroom look in our direction but go back to their own conversations once I calmed down a bit. Tempus was just standing there with a look of confusion on his face.

I finally manage to get myself together and I tell him "I was just joking man your fine" Tempus laughs saying "Not cool man you really had me there for a minute hahaha" to think I just made my first friend could this day get any better. Tempus and I continued to talk for a minute about things like music, anime, and video games before the rest of the students in our homeroom and teacher finally arrived. Once our teacher came into the classroom everyone sat in their seats waiting for him to speak. 

The teacher picked up a black marker and started to write on his white board. All of us just watch in silence as we patiently wait for him to finish

"My name is John Blackwell" he says once he sits his chalk down. "You can all call me Mr. Blackwell" he continues "I will be your homeroom teacher welcome to your jr year" as he smiled to the class. Mr Blackwell had and gray peppered beard, he was tall and stocky and had long white hair and snow white skin. 

Mr Blackwell continued to explain the criteria for the classroom and before I knew it his class was over I went to my other classes and met my other teachers and before I knew it the school day was over. I found out that me and tempest had all of the same classes and we were laughing and cracking up all day. I still never got to see Anna though the whole day. I hope she wasn't avoiding me. 

"Aye you trying to go hoop?" Tempest asks as we're walking out of the school. "Hahaha this ain't what you want I'm a demon in basketball bro" I say and we laugh together for a min. As soon as I was about to accept the invitation I felt my phone vibrate. So I check to see who texted me. I bet it's Trinity tryna figure out where I am. So I look at my phone and to my surprise it's Anna. I was happy until I read this message she sent.

She said as follows "Hey... I'm sorry I haven't got to see you all day today's been very hectic…. But can I see you later? I need to talk to you, it's important" I frown at the message I just read that only can mean one thing. "What's wrong bro you acting like you just found out your girl is cheating on you or sum" Tempest teases as he sees the frown on my face. Bad timing bro I thought to myself. I turn the phone around and show Tempest the message, he just gives me a caring smile. So he was thinking the same thing I am, I'm fucked. 

"She could be pregnant" Tempest says as a way to give me some support and to stop me from thinking negatively. "Dude im a virgin" I responded. Tempest looks at me with pity. As if he had just seen a poor hurt cat or something and I didn't like it. I smacked Tempest in the head. He has to be as much of a virgin as I am if not he has to pay! Me and Tempest stood outside the school joking a little while to take a bit of the worry away, Anna texted she wanted to meet at our usual spot around 5pm. It's 4:20 now but the more I wait for us to talk the more I am anxious about this whole situation. I told Tempest I have to postpone our basketball match and we'd have to reschedule it for another time. He understood the whole situation I was going through and told me he was gonna pray for me. I could only thank him cause the heavens know I need it. We exchanged numbers and I went to go meet my lover.

Lady weird if you ask me

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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