
I accidentally became one of the four horsemen!

Trey had a decent life, the best family he could ask for, the sweetest girlfriend, and his bestfriend Bri what more would he need. The normal life he was use to all came crashing down and it started with the first day of school. Being in the wrong place at the wrong time sends his boring life into a frenzy of mythology, monsters he's never see before, and life threatening situations he never thought he would be in. Getting heartbroken makes way for the apocalypse on the people that betrayed him, as well as the gods that's once controlled his fate

Izomatic · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter 1: It was just a dream?

"What's this feeling? It feels as if I'm floating along a river" A boy says as he's floating in what seems to be a sea of darkness he opens his eyes which give off a radiating purple as he looks around.

"What happened to me? Where's mom, dad, big sis?" Where am I? This feeling is so familiar but so new at the same time"

"What's this feeling? It is neither hot nor cold around me. Is this how it feels to be one with nothingness? What am I even talking about? Pops would be laughing if he heard me hahaha"

"Trey" I hear a voice call out to me as I look around. I just see black. I can't move a muscle. My body feels way too relaxed. I wonder where that voice is coming from. I could just be hallucinating or imagining things.

"Trey!" I hear the voice call out to me again more forcefully this time Hahaha now I know I ain't tripping what the hell was that? Out of nowhere My body starts to turn around. I literally can't move a finger. 

While I'm turning I see a light get brighter and brighter. The light starts to turn into an image. It's blurry so I can't see anything but fuzz at first. I tried to focus on the image and my eyes widened as I started to see it clearer.

Mom, dad, big sis? I call out to them but I receive no reaction. They were all staring at the floor. I wonder what's there for them to be so fascinated in awe of. My mom and dad started to move to the side making what they were looking at easier to see. I almost threw up at the sight of it. I held my mouth stuck in shock. It was me! What the hell happened to me? My lips were stitched together, my eyes were gouged out, with cuts and bruises all over my body. Dad, what's the meaning of this? I tell him wanting an explanation for the bullshit I just saw.

Waiting for an answer all you hear is just pure silence; they haven't moved an inch or said a single word. Dad! I yell at him one more time. I need an answer for what I'm seeing. After yelling his name all you hear is wicked laughter coming from my dad, then my mom started to laugh, and my sister joined too. They started to turn around to face me, and their laughter started to get distorted, My dad's head was sideways as he looked at me blood started to drip out of his eyes which were now completely black, he held a cleaver that had blood and who know what all over it. Blood was over each one of them. My sister had a sinister smile with blood spattered over her face using her hand. She wiped it away from her eyes. Her usual blue eyes were now red. She looked as if she was possessed with blood stains all over her white hair. 

I look over to see my mom and dad smiling frantically, blood pouring out of both of their eyes. They turn their heads to me but how? Can they see me? Hello? They just stare. Trey! I hear The voice calling me again yelling at me. They still just stand there as my body starts to move again, turning around slowly as I see my family wave to me goodbye. My heart starts racing. I wonder where it's coming from.Trey! Trey! Treyyyyy! The voice is getting louder and more distorted.

Trey!!!!!!! I gasp as the world shatters. 

I jump up, opening my eyes. I look around and notice I'm in my room. So was it just a dream? I think to myself as I look over to see my sister Trinity standing to the side of my bed with her hands covering her mouth trying to hold in her laughter.

What do you want? I ask with a hint of annoyance. Look at the time dummy. She says to me with an annoying smile on her face. I roll over and tap my phone to see that it's 7:01 a.m. I looked over to see my sister in some blue jeans, a blue crop top, with her lashes and glasses on and she had blue streaks through her white hair, and she also had a bookbag on. I looked at her for a minute till it hit me. Oh shit, I'm going to be late. I jump out of bed and run to the bathroom. I have to get myself together quickly.

I can't be late on my first day of school. This is going to be so embarrassing. I told you, you shouldn't have been on the phone with Anna all night, dumbass. Trinity yells at me down the hallway. I roll my eyes as I start to brush my teeth, I spit, rinse, put mouthwash in, and rinse again. Whew, now I don't have to deal with trashy ass breathing to start my day off. I went back to my room to choose my outfit, I didn't know if I wanted something casual, or dressy, or if I should even care and choose something random.

After about 5 minutes of looking in my closet, I finally chose my outfit to put on and look in the mirror. Looking in the mirror this is me from top to bottom. I have black dreads with gold tips on the end of a few, my golden brown skin was shining just like my purple eyes, and I have a tiny mustache growing. Just give me a bit of time for those of you that were wondering. My outfit consisted of a white Nike shirt, Black Nike basketball shorts, and some black forces. I wasn't trying to overdo it and went with the casual approach. 

  I feel I Overthink a little too much hahaha. Making my way downstairs I see my mom gathering her things with a cup full of coffee "Mom" I yell out to her to get her attention She looks up at me and smiles saying "Good morning son" You need to hurry you'll be late for school". I know I know I tell her she hugs me and kisses on my cheek and heads out the door saying "your lunch is on the counter don't forget it".

My mom looked as if she was in a hurry she had on black stockings with some short heels, a black skirt, and a long-sleeved white button-up. Her white hair was up in a bun. She was wearing black eyeliner that complimented her blue eyes, and light brown skin complexion. I don't know why she and my sister have white hair. She only told us it's a trademark of the women in our family.  My mom is a lawyer so she's very busy most of the time. I heed warning-making because I'll die if I don't have lunch for the day. I know I'm exaggerating but still, a man's gotta eat.

So once I'm in the kitchen I see my dad sitting at the table reading his newspaper as usual. "Good morning Dad," I say to get his attention. He lowered his newspaper and greeted me with, a "Good morning son are you excited for your first day of school?" he was wearing a pair of khakis, a nice black button-up, and a black tie with blue stripes the colors complimented his purple eyes and he had a cleanly shaven goatee, he must have shaved the night before. And he had his usual waves on top with a few grey hairs starting to poke out just as they did with his goatee. He always says everything needs a little bit of salt and pepper hahaha. But back to my dad I told him "I'm kinda excited but nervous at the same time ya know the usual" he got up and patted me on the back saying "Haha my boy I'm sure you'll have a wonderful day, and you better watch out for the ladies ya know you're a chick magnet like your old man" I just laughed. "He better not be a chick magnet that'd be a lot of dead ladies'' Trinity says entering the kitchen 

"Of course with a sister like you," my dad laughs. "I'm the least of the demon's worries ain't that right bro," Trinity says.

  I shiver saying "Yeah should've seen what Anna did to the last girl that tried hahaha" as I nervously laughed. 

"And dad if she heard what you said it'd prolly be way worse" Trinity says making my dad gulp "well have a nice day I don't want to make you guys any later" My dad says urging us out the kitchen. 

Me and Trinity start our way to school. We usually walk, sometimes she drives but we live right around the corner so walking ain't too bad either. As we're walking I hear someone yell "Trey-60"

"Breto" I yelled back to turn around and see my friend Brianna running behind us. She had on a girls rule crop tops with some black tights, and some white forces on, she had gray eyes, with fiery red hair. She is a few shades darker than me but barely. "Is there something wrong with your lips?" I asked as I pointed at her mouth. Her lips were glowing and fatter than usual. She just winked at me saying "yours ain't touching them sweet cheeks" I just rolled my eyes. We tend to have a flirty atmosphere around us so I never take nothing she says seriously. 

"Trinityyyy!" Brianna yells as she lays her eyes on my sister. "Trinity could only helplessly smile while she gets assaulted with affection from Bri. Brianna and Trinity was in the same grade which was one over mine so we weren't that far off.

Bri and Trinity have always been in the same classes and became really close even though they're complete opposites in a sense. Bri tends to be very affectionate while my sister is very antisocial and has a hard time dealing with feelings unless it's messing with me of course. So we finally made it to the school once we had reached the entrance we all decided to go our separate ways.

There was 4 different buildings once you reached the entrance one for each grade from freshman to Senior. Trinity and bri were located in the building on the very right which was meant for seniors. And the building I was in was to the left of there's which was meant for the juniors. While the one beside mine were for sophomores and etc. Going into the Junior building you could see could entering and walking around the school some was starting at there phones by themselves while some had already made a group of friends that they were heading around the school with.

After a few minutes of standing around looking at my phone we hear "Attention all students come to the auditorium" on the speaker from someone talking on the intercom and without wasting a second I head to the auditorium. I looked to see if I could see an a anywhere but she didn't show up at all but there's always later right. I keep telling myself not losing hope in the slightest.

Once I make it to the auditorium I follow the other kids and sit in the middle starting at the stage waiting for the principal and staff to start our orientation. 

Once the principal came up to the podium they had set up. The previous talking the students were doing had stopped and it was pure silence. The principal looked very youthful yet domineering. He looked like he was in his late 20s, he had a head full of brown messy curls, green eyes, he was cleanly shaven, and wore a all black suit. He seemed like very powerful man. "Silence" was the first word he spoke as he looked around at all of us.

He started the intro "Welcome to another year at Eclipso high everyone, and if you're new here we welcome you all with open arms, My name it Nate Wheeler but you can call me principal Nate this school was built to make everyone the best versions of themselves that they'd like to see in the future, no dream is to big. We are a school that stands tall and strong on our standards. At this school you are made to reach for the stars and hopefully become brighter than the stars you were reaching for. We have literally everything that may interest you and fill in your hunger for knowledge so you'd be able to attain such power/ strength that'll help you evolve. So who's ready for a new year!" All of the students and faculty clapped to the short introduction the principal had gave he started to let the other members of the faculty introduce themselves to the whole student body.

While that was going on I started to look around the auditorium just out of boredom tryna see if I could see anyone or anything interesting, I don't dislike people but I don't like them either though. I'm usually in a stalemate that stops me from being able to make friends. Heck, I don't even know how I ended up with Anna honestly.

So while I'm looking around the auditorium I managed to find Trinity and Bri. My sister looked very drained and tired, opposite of how she was earlier. It seems Bri is doing a number on her. She's not gonna want to do anything after school I bet haha. Bri looked happier than ever as she was talking to some of the other kids in their grade as she laid on Trinity who seemed uncomfortable with the whole situation. She never complains about Bri though I guess she's become accustomed to it.

I look back forward at some of the staff introducing themselves. One woman had my jaw dropped, eyes stuck, and my mind in awe. I've never seen a woman as beautiful as her my whole life. She had Caramel brown skin, long evergreen hair, green eyes , and a nice curvy body she was very attractive. She was wearing a blue button up that looked like it was going to bust from her chest and some blue jeans which seemed to be in a tougher battle than the one her shirt was in. My jaw was on the floor and it looked like all of the other guys in the auditorium were too as the girls looked very jealous as they checked their bodies comparing them to woman they seen. Who knew seeing one person could make someone so insecure. We all started at the stage silently waiting for her to start her introduction.

The woman came up to the podium and stared at the students smiling saying "My name is Mai Truly but you can call me Mrs Truly. I am this school's guidance counselor. If you ever need any help, need to vent, or someone to talk to, my door is always open" she gave a short speech and sat back down in her seat. Even though she only talked a little bit that was all it took to capture the hearts of the students including myself. I still had my eyes stuck on her. I don't know why but I kinda feel connected to her. Sorta like we're the same. As Trey was in his own little world thinking about Mrs Truly he didn't notice the 4 pairs of eyes on him all with different agenda as the orientation continued.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know. Its my first time writing so all criticism welcomed. I hope you'll accompany me and trey on his adventure (:

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