
Hybrid In Twilight

Meet Ulf Ulf was born during the time of Vikings! Ulf is an abomination to vampires and shapeshifters alike! Ulf has a secret. This isn’t his first life. Read more to find out the rest. I do not own twilight! Just my OC! PS this is not and will not be a harem... don't even ask. I have a mate picked for Ulf already and it's unlike any other fic I've found on this app.

Just_authorsama · Película
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8 Chs

2 Ulf The Wild PT. 2

I remember the large jaws clamping down on my shoulder and a few smaller but equally sharp mouths clamp down of both of my wrists and another large mouth clamp down on my thigh. All I felt was immense amounts of pain and the slow encroaching darkness coming to claim my life once again.

*Sometime Later*

When consciousness found me once more I knew everything and I mean everything was different. It was like someone dialed my senses up past eleven all the way to one hundred. I could see every particle of dust that stirred at my slightest movement. I could hear a squirrel chasing another squirrel over a hundred yards away. The smell of old blood and shit from the corpses and their decaying aroma all around me utterly overwhelmed me and made me want to vomit. But despite how nauseous my surroundings made me, I had an unbelievable thirst. I knew without a shadow of a doubt that I was now a vampire. But…

I also knew that I wasn't just a vampire. I had a primal urge to run, fuck, and fight. My body felt hot, while vampires were suppose to be cold and undead creatures. From the heat I was giving off I could walk naked through the winter back home in Norway and not even feel a chill.

I made my way back to my camp so I could try and get a handle on the new me. Because I was seconds from a major freak out and I needed to meditate. I noticed the sun didn't burn my skin and inwardly rejoiced that I wouldn't burst into flame or sparkle like a diamond in the sun. I just felt tired and sluggish but I couldn't tell if that was due to the experience I just had or a new symptom of my existence.

While in meditation something new happened. I was no longer sitting clearing my mind by the snuffed out camp fire from the night before. I was standing in a forest of trees with an eight foot tall black as night wolf with blood red eyes staring down at me. I knew I should have been scared witless but somehow I knew he either wouldn't or he couldn't hurt me. I reached out my hand and touched his head. When my hand made contact with his soft fur large amounts of information flooded into my brain. This was my inner wolf and this forest was something akin to a mind palace. Every tree was a memory. The wolf was a representation of myself as a guardian of these memories. It also past on the knowledge of some of my new found abilities. Well the abilities of my wolf side anyways, I would have to experiment myself to get a hold on my vampiric abilities.

It was during this time I knew that I wasn't just in Vikings but from the knowledge the wolf gave me I knew I should have sparkled earlier but due to the mixing of the monsters that bit me I am now a different beast altogether. I decided then and there since I'm immortal now that I wouldn't just go back to Kattegat and be the Earl's man, neither would I follow Ragnar but I would forge my own path through Britain and most of Europe over the next thousand or more years then I would catch a ride to the Americas. There I would do the cliche thing and start a bunch of popular businesses and get filthy rich.

So over then next 200 or so years I spent time roaming Britain alone. I hunted humans and animals alike. I wasn't chained to the moon like other werewolves nor was I restricted to only drinking blood like vampires. I'll admit that on several occasions, I would divulge my guilty pleasure and drain a human dry. Mainly murderers and rapists though. And during that age they were not hard to come by. I watched the rise and fall of Ragnar Lothbrok my old friend and that of his sons. Unfortunately Ragnar didn't want the gift of immortality when I offered to turn him into what I am seeing as he was the reason I got to live this amazing life by inviting me on his raid. Slipping in and out of his prison was child's play to me, but the man was more curious about the after life than continuing his existence. He longed for either Valhalla or to see his old friend Athelstan. I roamed around learning various trades and ways to fight. My favorite was learning to blacksmith although I wouldn't forge anything too mind blowing I did forge myself a beautiful axe and hidden blade like that from a popular video game from my past life. Figuring out the spring mechanism was a bitch though admittedly but it did become one of my favorite weapons even though I obviously wouldn't ever really need it since I could accomplish the same effects with my bare hands, but I'm still a man and I like my toys. And by pure coincidence I made a discover that yet again set me apart from the average vampire. I had the ability to imbue runes. I was toying with my axe one boring day and carved the rune for lightening on the side of it then I did my impression of Thor. I'll be damned if lightening didn't fucking strike my axe in the middle of a damn sunny day charging my axe with lightening. Scared me shitless. Dropped the damned thing which released the charge into the ground which resulted in me getting shocked till I passed out. Stop laughing... That shit ain't funny... It did however lead me to create another fun toy though. A bracelet, with 100 detachable beads. Each bead had an unfinished rune on it. With one swipe of my sharp thumb nail to complete the rune I could have an explosive at my disposal or a lightening charged "fuck you".

Over the next few hundred years I had yet to change anyone into what I am. I don't really know what would happen to be honest. I'm a freak of nature myself, would one sired by me be as well or would they be either werewolf or vampire? Fuck if I know. I did manage to leave Britain though. I explored France, Germany, and down into Spain. I decided to steer clear of Italy and other areas where I remembered big covens resided. The movies and the books didn't really go over anything other than Italy and Romanian covens so I just decided to avoid those for now. I was grossly stronger than regular Vampires and other shapeshifters but with enough numbers I'm pretty sure they could eventually pin me which would result in my death. Now that's something I'd like to avoid.

Eventually though, my luck did run out. The year was 1597, and I was in the process of draining some unlucky sod back in some backwater nowhere town in Britain. Suddenly there are 6 vampires surrounding the hut I was currently in. I could smell them. Now I had many run ins with vampires in my travels. They knew I was different but not the extent of it really. Now I could tell these 6 were different, I recognized their uniform and I knew my luck had run it's course. They were in the classic black and red attire of the fucking Volturi. Now for some reason I felt that I could have reasoned with them to an extent since they hadn't outright attacked me. When I came out of the hut I was approached by a familiar set of twins. They told me that their leader simply wanted an audience with me.

Not wanting an outright confrontation with the Volturi, I went with them quietly back to their country of Italy. Aro was just as much of a weirdo as he was in the movies. He wanted to know what I was and how I came to be since I was clearly a vampire but appeared to be living. I decided to not be completely truthful. I simply told him I didn't know what I was, that I had been attacked in the night some 804 years ago, then woke up this way. I told him I had a thirst for blood, but could also eat regular food and even sleep if I was inclined although I didn't much. He was very curious and "asked" to use his gift to see my circumstances. I was hesitant to agree since I didn't want him to read my memories of both lives and he would know I had lied. I prepared to fight my way out but his little minion Alec, used his gift to rob me of all my senses completely. Fortunately or unfortunately Aro was unable to read me due to my wolf protecting my mindscape, all he saw was bright red menacing eyes and heard the sound of a guttural growl. You would think that would be fortunate, but the fucking weirdo was so curious he wouldn't let it go. He decided he would imprison me instead until he learned my secrets. They took away all my weapons and clothes leaving me naked, then they had a prison of very large stones created with one hole they could fit an arm through.

Over the next two hundred years or so, if I allowed Aro to attempt to read my memories they would give me just enough blood to keep me alive. He was the only one I ever had contact with until one day. One day a blonde man came to the hole to speak with me. I recognized him instantly. Apparently Carlisle wasn't pleased with the way the Volturi managed things anymore. And apparently Aro had grown tired of trying and failing to read my mind. He agreed to allow Carlisle to leave and take me with him as long as I followed the rules set by the Volturi. Which was basically, no humans should find out about us, no killing entire communities of humans unless the Volturi okay it first. Really, Aro is fucking weirdo. But I accepted as I had grown tired of the prison they had locked me in. Now honestly I could have gotten out anytime I pleased since I could have just drawn whatever runes I pleased on the walls of my prison. The only reason I hadn't was because I didn't want the Volturi chasing me all over the world.

So a few days later I was a free man. They wouldn't give me my enchanted axe back but they did give me my bracelet back, my hidden blade and some clothes. Apparently an axe that could channel lightening was too good to let go and they couldn't do anything with my bracelet so they assumed it was just decorative. The clothes they gave me weren't the ones I came in and they were a bit stuffy. They didn't want to release me out into the world wearing clothes that were a few centuries old so they gave me some stupid looking pants, some knee high socks, a button up shirt with all the frills and an overcoat. I hated it. With every fiber of my being I hated it.

Carlisle asked me if I wanted to go with him. He was planning on going to the Americas and was going to explore and start his own coven. He told me he planned for this coven to be animal blood drinkers only. Now I had just been on a bullshit diet of barely any blood at all and I had had animal blood before. So I told him that maybe in the future but right now I was in dire need of a filling drink or a hundred to get myself back in to shape. I wasn't really out of shape, I had lost some weight but I wasn't emaciated or anything, but I was small compared to the 6'4" muscular viking that I was before my imprisonment. He understood and told me I would always be welcome if I decided to give up human blood. And I would... But not right now... I did travel with him to America though. There were going to be a few wars upcoming that I definitely wanted to take part in. In my past life I always loved American history and learning about all the wars, and now as a proud viking there was no way I was going to miss the fights to come. Well there were two main ones I was going to get in on. The American Revolution and the Civil War.

I was excited about the Revolution for one main reason. I wanted to experience what America was like when it's president dropped bodies for his country. Simple as that. When I died we had a president that only fought with falling up stairs and making coherent sentences. Can you imagine what it was like when a president didn't give a fuck about the politics and just fought for what he believed in with his actual life. Count me in.

The Civil war because I was a proud Texas boy in my last life but mainly I wanted to change the fate of a certain man. Jasper Whitlock, AKA Jasper Hale of the Cullens. Don't get me wrong I'd still let him get bit but I wouldn't let him get taken by that coven from Mexico. My boy belongs with Alice and I'll be sure to get him there quicker and he'll have more time to adjust to the animal blood diet that way.

These were my goals. And when we got off the boat in Massachusetts I said goodbye to my new friend Carlisle. The year was 1721. I had 55 years till the Revolution officially began so I decided to travel around for that time.

(AN: So I did my best and used a timeline I found on Google to line things up the best I could. There will be one maybe two more chapters like this that mainly just goes over back story and then we'll get into canon. Hope you're all enjoying so far even if it's mostly nonsense. I just wanted a viking vampire werewolf hybrid... so I had to create a back story and admittedly I'm kind of enjoying it, it's like adding even more elements to an already classic story and I'm having a blast doing it. If you don't like it I'm sorry... not really though.. no one is forcing yall to read it)