
Hybrid In Twilight

Meet Ulf Ulf was born during the time of Vikings! Ulf is an abomination to vampires and shapeshifters alike! Ulf has a secret. This isn’t his first life. Read more to find out the rest. I do not own twilight! Just my OC! PS this is not and will not be a harem... don't even ask. I have a mate picked for Ulf already and it's unlike any other fic I've found on this app.

Just_authorsama · Movies
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3 Ulf The Wild Pt. 3

(AN: so Ulf letting the Volturi hold him captive for 200 years makes him a beta male because he "was afraid" apparently…he wasn't afraid I didn't say he was.. it's more like he didn't want to deal with it at this time….so in response to that.. *sticks tongue out pulls one eyelid down* in other words… idc what you think.. From now on I will only be allowing positive comments or constructive criticism.. everything else will be deleted. I will say it again if this isn't your cup of tea you don't have to read it.. useless negativity really brings me down and I really want to enjoy writing this. Oh and I guess I'm sorry if this story is similar to other twilight fics. It's just the way I decided to go about things I didn't realize things would be similar to this or that my bad 🤷🏻‍♂️ if anything I would think it'd be similar to Adrian Tepes the HYBRID fic since it was my favorite before the author just up and disappeared but whatever hope those of you who do enjoy this keep enjoying this!)

After about 59 years I decided to join the militia for the last 3 years of the war. I had made a good impression on the commander himself. George Washington was impressed by my guerrilla warfare abilities. They were fighting in the marshes and swamps doing surprise attacks when I came in out of no were butchering red coats with a hatchet and my hidden blade. I obviously had to do it in slow motion and tone it down alot so I wouldn't seem supernatural, but it was fun and excited that Viking part of me. Georgie boy offered me a spot in his company as a scout and a stealthy fighter after seeing the way I killed.

Before my little show for George I had come up with a decent disguise to appear human. A necklace with a wolf's tooth that had runes covering it. I created it to make my eyes appear that of their original green color. How many people do you know running around with blood red eyes. I was still a human drinker after all so it didn't exactly look natural. Honestly I don't know how any humans are fooled into thinking "yup that's just a regular dude" no the fuck he's not Karen sit down.

Anyways, I had a blast fighting for George. I was at the forefront of most if not all the major battles of the revolution. When it was all said and done I probably had the largest body count than most people put together, and that's just with my axe and hidden blade. I refused the musket and pistol due to reloading being so god awfully slow. George wanted me to stay and be his advisor but I politely declined. I wanted to explore more and there was a tribe of Sioux Indians around Louisiana that I had befriended before the war that I wished to visit again. Those lovely ladies in that tribe could throw down cooking seafood and being the Norseman I am I do enjoy some delicious food and drink.

Over the next 78 years I roamed around different tribes of Native American tribes. Their life style was very similar to that of the Vikings so I felt more at home with them. And I feasted on the white men who looked to abuse them. Eventually though they still came to live in reservations although, with me helping out the various elders and tribe chieftains, they ended up with better treatment. Even the white man was cautious of their protector, the beast that doesn't sleep. It's amazing what sneaking into various congressman's homes in the night and scaring the fuck out of them will accomplish. I even helped the Quileute tribe get a better chunk of land after proving I wasn't just a blood sucker. I'm sure they'll pass stories down and they'll accommodate the Cullens better later on due to my actions.

By time the Civil war kicked off I was in Houston Texas to join the war efforts on the side of the confederacy. That's when I met my target. Jasper Whitlock. I spent the next 2 years doing all I could to maintain the rank of Captain in Jasper's unit. Befriending the man was extremely easy. We naturally just clicked even if he game me shit for my strange accent. By time the Mexican Coven attacked us and Jasper was bit, he was more akin to a brother to me. I stalked them when they took Jasper away with them to there little secret fortress in southern Texas. In the night before he even had time to awaken after being bitten I slipped in dropping several smoke beads from my bracelet. I then carried the unconscious man on my shoulder and slipped away in the night. I held no grievances against the Mexican Coven, they were just doing what they had to to when their own war so I let them off without claiming a single life. When Jasper awoke he was grateful for me coming after him and didn't hold it against me for keeping what I was a secret from him. He understood that we couldn't go back to participate in the rest of the war and allowed me to lead him now. We spent a few years roaming the central plains of America looking for a certain blonde friend of mine. I was looking forward to seeing my old friend Carlisle again. We had only met up a few times since coming to America.

We found Carlisle doing doctor work after around 7 years later. It wasn't easy finding someone back in the 1800's. I couldn't wait for cell phones to be invented. Side note, my plans to start a bunch of companies and get stupid rich isn't going to happen. I'm too lazy for that shit. So over the course of the past couple hundred years I had robbed the idiots I drained and I plan to invest to make my fortune. Back to Carlisle though. He asked if I was ready to join him and start our Coven, I agreed but I still had two more things to do first that would be help us later. I told him an old seer back home had laid out a path for me and I wasn't done treading it yet. But when I was done I would be bringing him 2 more members for our Coven, and at that time I would swear off human blood. He was ecstatic at my agreement to finally accept his proposal. So at this point in time I was an unofficial member of his Coven. Jasper was more than willing to make the switch to animal blood and help Carlisle with his work. I'm man enough to admit that parting with the man I counted as a brother was a bit disheartening even if I knew it wasn't forever. For immortals such as us it was barely a blink of an eye. But still, he was the only person I've counted as family since the night my dear mother left this world more than a thousand years ago now.

I set off after letting Carlisle in on my plans for the next few years. I decided to go back to Norway for a visit until the major events I needed to partake in took place. I went to Ireland to pick up some of my spoils from my raids in the past. I had hidden them under an old abandoned fortress (wasn't abandoned when I found it if you know what I mean) so I returned to collect what I could carry easily then departed for my true destination. It took a few months but I did eventually find my way back to the shores of southern Norway. The familiar coastline along the fjord sang to my heart bringing back happy memories of my mother. I spent 5 years there just being nomadic, roaming from small village to small village. Then one winter I had made my camp in a wooded area to settle for the winter. I was just living off the land and hunting various animals trying adjust to a diet I would be adopting in the future. I didn't need to drink blood often or eat food but I did try to eat every day. Ever since the whole nearly starving thing with the Volturi I had become a bit of a food maniac. But anyways, one night I was settled by a fire sewing some new pants out of hide from a deer I had killed a week ago, when I heard the sounds of a predator chasing its prey. Normally I would just let it be but from the sound of it, that prey was a human. And that human was a girl. I traveled the two or three hundred yards in the blink of an eye. I arrived in time to see the girl bleeding from various claw marks from the giant bear standing over her. She would die shortly from blood loss if the bear didn't finish her first. I don't know why but the sounds of the pleading girl make me act. I transformed into the 8'6" tall bipedal monstrous werewolf form I rarely took. One swipe of my giant hand broke the bear's neck and he landed with a crash into the snow. I changed back knelt at the girl's side. I still remember her pleas like it was yesterday.

*flashback no jutsu*

"P-please... Please help me..." She pleaded.

"Girl.. If I help you, you will be like me.. a monster.. is that what you wish?" I asked her.

"Please.." She struggled to get out. She was growing weaker from the continuous blood leaking out of her.

"You could die still..." I offered once again but she just reached out to me weakly just trying to hold on to life. "Very well." I then sunk my elongated fangs into her outstretched wrist, letting my own venom flow into her veins. Vampires have a gland in their mouths that produces the venom that can change a human into one of them. I had that glands as well. She then passed out with a pained look on her face. "I don't know what you will be when you wake up, but now you're life will be tied to my own, for an alpha wolf never betrays his pack." I told her before grabbing handfuls of snow and rubbing them on her wounds to clean off all the blood. I then picked her up and carried her back to my camp, dragging the carcass of the bear behind me.

*Flashback End*

I spent the rest of that night altering some of the hides I had to make her some new clothes. They would do until I went into town to get supplies next. She was nearly as tall as me at almost 6 foot tall. She had ruby red hair and a freckled face. Before I bit her she had deep blue eyes. She was slightly muscular and had callused hands showing that she spent her life doing hard manual labor. She was pretty and as the changes from my bite took place she only became prettier. I took the bear and pulled tooth from it before butcher it and laying out the hide to dry so I could tan it or make a coat or a blanket from it. I then went to work making a necklace and carving runes on the tooth I pulled for the girl that had the same effect as the wolf tooth I wore. She would still have those pretty blue eyes as long as she wore it.

When she woke up it took some time to calm her and convince her everything wasn't a dream. She took it well after her initial shock. She gladly accepted her new life as she was an orphan who did whatever job she could just to survive. Her name is Ivana, no last name. She happily took Cullen as her name and said she would follow me wherever I went. She became a sister to me as we didn't feel anything even remotely romantic for each other other than finding each other attractive. Now to what she was. She is exactly like me. She has an extremely high body heat like that of her wolf side and the blood red eyes and the unquenchable thirst of a newborn Vampire.

I spent the next 5 years teaching Ivana control and the innate abilities of what we are. She had no talent for the runes like me and we weren't sure if she would have any unique abilities but we'd find out sooner or later if she did have one. I taught her about how we operate as a species and the rules of the Volturi we must follow for now. I taught her about the imprint through our wolf side, and usually when vampires find their fated one they're together forever unless death parts them. There were other things I spoke of mainly my own morals as far as drinking from humans and how I feel about it and the deal I made with my Coven to stop drinking human blood when I join them officially. She was happy to adopt my way of life although she wasn't crazy about having someone other than me as her leader but after hearing about Carlisle she would follow him to an extent.

After that time it was time to go back to America and see Carlisle and update him on things. I still had about 37ish years give or take before I intervened in history to help out another future Coven member, but I was looking forward to introducing my brother to my new little sister, Ivana who I had grown quite attached to if I'm honest.

(AN: So I think there will be one more chapter worth of back story before I get to canon. I do have a plan for Ivana and her future mate since I've already messed with history and canon so much why not fuck with it some more. Just like Ulf's mate has been decided. Ya'll may not like it but it's my story and I want it done this way. thanks for reading!)