
Hunger Gains (Hunger games AU)

He was reaped,he expected this to happen , he knew, so he trained to be the most dominant victor of the Hunger games years passed by till it finally happened. Follow Bjorn on his journey of dominance and rebellion. Discord link: https://discord.gg/bsM3sqMDsc

alucardtfs · Película
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8 Chs

Private rankings


"The private rankings are coming up tomorrow I want you two to listen now Johanna and I thought about this very thoroughly both of you should get try to get the highest score possibly since neither of you will get spared by any other tributes for looking weak especially not you Bjorn" Blight explained.

"So Rowan you will show off your skills with an axe, fortunately, you are quite talented and proficient with it it's a simple plan but it will give you a good score" Johanna said looking at Rowan.

"Now Bjorn you must get a high score, it is very important it's the foundation of your image, we sadly have not been able to think of something that will give you the perfect opportunity to show off your strength. Something extremely heavy would be the easiest way to do that, but the problem is we don't know if they have something like that in there" Blight said while scratching his head.

"They do, I saw them in the training room I think they go up to 400 pounds if I remember correctly, so I'll get the maximum score" Bjorn said his voice brimming with confidence. "Well fuck that's great Bjorn I'm not even going to ask what it is because I trust you" Blight said excitedly.

Finally, after everyone had eaten each of them left for their rooms and went to sleep.

-The next day

After Bjorn had woken up and eaten breakfast together with his mentors and Rowan they were told the individual rankings would be starting soon so they made their way down to the room it was reserved for.

Rowan's foot was nervously tapping the ground "don't be nervous your ranking doesn't matter" Bjorn said with a stern face her brows furrowed in anger and just as she wanted to speak "District 7, Rowan Evergreen" a voice sounded out from above "We will talk about this later Bjorn" she said in an angry tone "What did I do wrong now" Bjorn muttered to himself.

"You did nothing wrong Bjorn, why would you even put up with her someone like you shouldn't need anyone especially not someone like her" Bjorn heard a woman's voice from his right saying.

He looked in the direction the voice came from there he was surprised by a beautiful blonde woman with caramel brown eyes and an incredible smile "Who're you" Bjorn asked with confusion in his voice.

"I'm Lacey, it's nice to finally meet who everyone is talking about" she said finishing her sentence by putting her hand on his thigh "Wow your so big" she said in a seductive tone 'What the fuck is this woman talking about? my thighs are big? that's the first time I'm hearing this shit' Bjorn contemplated.

"What do you mean" Bjorn asked, she blinked in confusion but before she could answer "District 7, Bjorn Hannesson" sounded out from the speakers above them. "Well my turn now I'm sure we'll find a time we can talk and you explain to me what you meant" Bjorn said before getting up and walking through the door 'well that was a weird encounter'.

Walking into a big room he thought it looked exactly like the training room he was in yesterday other than there being a platform with tables and stools where a lot of old men sat, they were all looking at him like they expected something incredible.

'Good they're looking, I guess I could start with 200 pounds' Bjorn walked over to the Kettlebells 'damn they're quite big at this weight but that's fine I guess' he picked up the first one 'Hah that's lighter than I thought' he pressed the weight up with one hand to warm up his shoulder then he let it drop down to his hip into a normal carry. After that he started swinging it back and forth, then he put all of his strength into throwing it forward "Ugh" Bjorn grunted, *Bam* The kettlebell smashed into the wall with a loud bang, it had left a big hole and went right through into the next room.

Everyone was staring at him with a mix of respect and fear. "Damn I didn't want to destroy your wall" Bjorn said in a surprised manner. He heard chuckling "It's fine mister Hannesson, please, you may leave now we have to talk about your performance" a younger-looking man with an interesting styled beard said.

"You don't want to see me use the other weights too? I can double the weight" Bjorn said confused. Their eyes seemed to want to jump out of their sockets, again this time nervous chuckling sounded out from the young-looking man "You have done enough, leave now" he said in a rather nervous tone not wanting more of his property destroyed.

Bjorn didn't complain this time and just turned around and left.

-Back in the apartment

"YOU DID WHAT" Blight nearly fell off his chair in surprise "I threw th-" Bjorn wanted to respond " I UNDERSTOOD WHAT YOU DID BOY THE QUESTION IS HOW THE FUCK YOU DID IT THOSE ARE METAL WALLS AND NOT THE CHEAP ONES EITHER" Blight once again yelled at him.

Laughter from his right side interrupted him from trying to calm Blight down "you did well Bjorn, too bad you didn't throw it right at them" Johanna replied with a smirk on her face.

Bjorn looked over to Rowan, she just stared at her food

-Rowan pov

'He was right my score doesn't matter ' she thought disappointed in herself.

Tell me what you think, also from now I'll post pictures of important new chapters into the comments so check those out if you're interested

alucardtfscreators' thoughts