
Hunger Gains (Hunger games AU)

He was reaped,he expected this to happen , he knew, so he trained to be the most dominant victor of the Hunger games years passed by till it finally happened. Follow Bjorn on his journey of dominance and rebellion. Discord link: https://discord.gg/bsM3sqMDsc

alucardtfs · Movies
Not enough ratings
8 Chs


-The next day

They were all waiting in the living room which had a big screen that would stream the results of the private rankings, finally the transmission

had started.

"Hello Ladies and Gentlemen, I'm Caesar Flickerman and today we're bringing you the private rankings of the tributes, as you know all tributes will be ranked on a scale of 1 to 12 and finally given their odds to win" a man with Bright Pink hair said in a happy and energetic tone.

"Now let's get started shall we, as always we will start with district 1 and end with district 12" Flickerman explained

" From district one Price Kent with a score of 10, and Shimmer Schmidt holding a score of 8" he continued.

"Then from district two Dax Layton with a score of 9 and his fellow district member Lana Tuffin also with a score of 9".

"District 3, Huxley Keller with a score of 7, and Penelope Tennyson with a score of 6".

"District 4, Roman Slovinski with 8 points, and Telle Petro with 8 points also".

Bjorn got bored quickly and nearly fell asleep until he heard his name.

"District 7, Bjorn Hannesson with 12 POINTS SIMPLY UNBELIEVABLE Ladies and Gentlemen let this sink" out of excitement Ceasar started shouting halfway through the sentence.

"FUCK YEAH BJORN THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT WE NEEDED" Blight yelled at him and then punched his shoulder out of pure joy, the rest of the room just stared at him in silence.

"Blight calm down let's watch this to the end and then talk about this we shouldn't waste this opportunity to learn the strength of the other tributes" Johanna said in a calm tone. Blight looked like he wanted to continue yelling but he stopped himself and sat back down.

Ceasar continued to talk "The last time we saw a rating this high was in the 54th hunger games by Vidar Hannesson seeing they have the same last name makes this even better Ladies and Gentlemen, how incredible would it be for a son or nephew to succeed his ancestors like that" Ceasar said in an excited tone.

'He's damn good at lying I'll leave him that but the question is why wouldn't he tell them I'm his son he knows it for sure' Bjorn thought while looking at the screen.

"Well, now let's continue Ladies and Gentlemen here with a score of 6 and also of district 7 Rowan Evergreen" as Bjorn heard this he was disappointed he knew she would be weak but this weak? he shot her a cold glare which she seemed to notice because she met his eyes and glared at the ground afterwards.

"District 8, Pasha Bare with a score of 5" Ceasar said in a disappointed tone.

Bjorn burst out laughing, he didn't think it would be this easy a puny score of five the others stared at him like he was a monster.

"Why are you all staring at me like that" Bjorn asked confused.

Blight sighed "forget it Bjorn you wouldn't get it" he said in a sad tone.

'What the fuck is he talking about' Bjorn thought to himself in confusion.

"District 8, Barley Mortang with a score of 7" Ceasar continued

"District 9, Miller Malo with a score of 7, Lacey Viglianco with a score of 9" Ceasar read out, Bjorn suddenly got interested again.

'So this is the girl that talked to me yesterday a score of 9 not bad' Bjorn thought to himself, Johanna seemingly had seen him getting interested and looked at him with a critical look but no matter how evil she stared Bjorn didn't notice.

"I'm going to bed" Bjorn said and left.

-The next day

"Bjorn come on we need to go to the designer and get you your outfit on buddy and after that, we have the public interviews" Blight said in a rushed tone.

Bjorn nodded, got up, and followed Blight to the elevator while they were waiting to arrive they talked about various things such as the costumes, the hunger games, food, and so on.

"We finally arrived" Blight said as he stopped in front of a door and knocked. Opening it was a woman with a tiger face, Bjorn was surprised to say the least.

"Igris, It's good to see you again" Blight said in a happy tone.

"Oh Bligh the same to you it's lovely we haven't seen each other in years how long has it been 10? 15?" she replied excitedly.

" I don't know Igris but too long, now let's not waste any time this is Bjorn as you should know" he turned around and looked at him, and Bjorn nodded. "He's here to get his outfit as you probably expected" Blight continued.

"Ah, yes of course follow me sweetie" she went back into the room with Bjorn and Blight following her closely. "Be careful with these boxes will you sweeties, ok you two come here and sit down while I get it for you" she walked off into a connected room.

Blight and Bjorn waited in silence for just as they got bored she came back with lots of small boxes.

"I'm back sweeties now Bjorn please stand up and undress we have to get this on it's not too complicated a few pieces, yes but you'll only have to wear it once. It's comfortable too and perfectly tailored for you" she said in an excited tone she was seemingly happy to do her work.

Bjorn was given brown leather boots, shin guards made from tree bark, brown leather trousers, a green warrior skirt to wear over the leather pants, and a chest plate that looked to be made of tree bark as well, it was beautifully carved, forearm guards with small wood branch spikes, shoulder pads made from wood topped with tree leaves, a green cloak and an incredible helmet carved out of wood attached to it where branches which looked like horns.

"This looks incredible Igris, thank you" Bjorn said sincerely.

"Don't worry about it sweetie I will do whatever I can for a future victor, now you two have to go the interviews with Ceasar will be starting soon" Igris said in a rushed tone.

Blight and Bjorn both nodded at her and left walking through the small hallways Bjorn looked like a war god chosen and blessed by the forest.

They arrived at a big room where carriages and the other tributes stood, they quickly joined Johanna and Rowan who stood at a carriage bearing the number 7.

"Finally you two made it, I nearly worried you wouldn't come" Johanna said with her usual smirk on her face "Also Bjorn you look good, intimidating they chose your costume well" she continued.

Bjorn nodded at her in thanks, he then turned to look at rowan and her costume he nodded in satisfaction her costume was pretty much a copy of his just less fancy so it wouldn't be as heavy.

"You look good Rowan, I like it, you should wear this more often" Bjorn said jokingly.

"Thank you Bjorn you look good too" Rowan said with a blush on her face.

"Stop that you two, get on the carriage it's about to start they're bringing in the horses" Johanna said in a more serious tone.

"Everyone get on the carriages and make sure to stand steady we don't want you to fall on the ride" an emotionless voice sounded out from the speakers.

Bjorn and Rowan stepped onto the carriage each on their respective sides, Bjorn on the left and Rowan on the right.

Soon the carriages started moving and a big gate opened to let them through.

Awaiting them was an amazing view and cameras, they didn't have to smile or anything since their helmets hid most of their facial features from far away.

They drove till the end of the way where they took a left turn and went back into the gate.

Soon they were all waiting on a platform waiting to go out for their interviews with Flickerman, their numbers were diminishing slowly, Bjorn looked around most outfits were either boring or too fancy in the bad direction, then he spotted Lacey and she spotted him as well they made eye contact neither side wanting to give up first until finally she broke and looked on the ground, finally, he heard his name "District 7, Bjorn Hannesson" the speaker sounded out.

"Good luck " Rowan said in a nervous tone.

"Like for what" Bjorn scoffed and walked onto the main platform where the interview would happen.

"Bjorn my friend, let me say you look amazing today, I just hope you won't kill me with one of these hornes on your helmet haha" Ceasar said while stretching out his hand, which Bjorn ignored.

"Let's see how this conversation will go and then I'll decide on that" Bjorn replied with a stern face.

"My my you sound intimidating, I wouldn't be surprised if some children just started crying because of you" Ceasar said.

"Now let's start with some questions for you my friend Bjorn, you had the odds of 1 to 2, which are incredible, to say the least, tell me did you expect this?" Ceasar questioned him with an interested face.

"Of course I did I'm surprised they aren't 1 to 1 to be completely honest with you" Bjorn said brimming with self-belief.

"HAHA Bjorn you truly are one of the most confident people I have ever met in my life but of course, the question is if there is anything behind that?" Ceasar said while laughing.

"Confidence comes from skill Ceasar I think that's answer enough" Bjorn told the older man sitting across from him.

"That's a good answer if I ever heard one haha, ok now last question Bjorn tell us how did you acquire your score of 12" Ceasar said in a serious tone.

"Well basically I threw 200 pounds of steel formed as a ball through one of your walls" Bjorn said rather uncomfortable.

Long chap today couldn't find a good ending so here you got more enjoy also I'll post pictures of their costumes in the comments

alucardtfscreators' thoughts