
humble beginnings

An old man finding himself inside a young body in jjk, namely the younger brother of Miguel, he will act according to his age and the circumstances, what entails is that he ofcourse will have a certain amount of wisdom and will be able to adapt fast, he has to familiarize himself with the world first though, since he read jjk 30 years ago till the start of the culling games. English is my third language and I‘m just 16 so bare with me if I make any mistakes, pointing them out would be appreciated though :)

ammonium_chloride · Cómic
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7 Chs

Sticks and stones may break my bones

After examining the piece of fabric stuck to the chair I avert my eyes and grab my plate and glass.

Waddling to the kitchen to put my dishes into the sink I pray that Miguel won't catch me, I only spent around two hours with him but I already cherished his company.

{What I already know of his personality, he won't ever let me live it down if he were to catch me rightnow in this position.}

After dumping my things into the sink I hurried into the hallway.

Looking left and right, not spotting Miguel,I practically fly up the staircase , taking three stairs at once, reaching the end I cast a quick look around and scurry into my room.

Exhaling in relieve I close the door and open the wardrobe.

An open compartment at the top, with a bunch of sweaters, some half zips, zippers and teddyzippers greeted me.

[Author: skip this part if his outfit doesn't interest you]

Opening the compartment right below, I spot a bunch of pants.

Some baggy jeans in royal blue, baby blue, sky blue, black and harbor grey, lay neatly folded, right besides them some baggy cargo pants of different shades of beige and brown.

To the left a stack of cord pants in a lot of colors and a weird jeans, it's made out of denim, but feels like cargo pants to the touch and is cut in a similar form.

At the left corner of the compartment some miscellaneous pants are folded on top of each other, a pair of green pants made out of gobelin fabric, adorned by palm leaves in different shades of green.

On top of the pile lies a a pair of black leather pants with a loose fit.

[photo in the comments for the ones hard to describe]

The compartments below are filled with a bunch of tees, socks and underwear.

Closing the wardrobe and looking to the left, I see a bunch of shoes, some J's, some yeezys and new balance.

Grabbing a beige tee, a yellow-brownish denim half zip, the leather pants and retro J's, I throw them on, ofcourse after changing my boxers and putting on some socks.

[Fit here]




[20min time skip]

Standing in the front yard infront of a tree, standing crooked as it grew out of the side of a little hill, I glare at it like it's my arch nemesis.

Concentrating intensely, I will my cursed energy to flow, much like electricity, through the intricate pathway etched into my very body and soul, as I kickstart the technique that has become my sole ally in harnessing this force.

Bending down, I select a stone from the ground, each step deliberate and measured. With unwavering focus, I concentrate on halting my cursed energy right at the precipice of my technique. The the stone feels cool and heavy in my hand.

Testing its weight, I flick it into the air not once, not twice, but thrice, a ritual of sorts to muster all my mental fortitude. I form another stream of energy, flowing in the opposite direction of my inherent technique and slowly guide it towards the stone. I sense a strand of energy transferring from me to the stone. It's a delicate equilibrium, and beads of sweat form on my forehead as I maintain this control, a testament to the sheer exertion of my will.

With my technique on one side and the stone on the other, I find myself in a precarious balancing act. I must prevent my cursed energy from flowing into my technique while, at the same time, infusing the stone with it. It's a mental tightrope walk, an intricate dance of concentration, requiring every fiber of my being to remain in the moment, as I endeavor to split my cursed energy in two directions, keeping my technique dormant and empowering the stone simultaneously.

Once I injected an adequate amount of cursed energy into the stone, I aimed at the tree standing about seven meters away, reel back my arm with a the power my triceps, shoulder, neck musculature, hips and lat could gather and hurl it towards the tree.

As it sails through the air with a loud swish, I concentrate once more.

I wait for impact and as the stone connects with the tree,I let my cursed energy flow into my technique, fixate myself onto the stone and try to connect with the energy inside it, finding the residual cursed energy I placed into it, I fixate onto it and kickstart my technique, using my own cursed energy inside the stone, as a connection between the tree and I, I will my technique to affect the tree.

This time I utilize the slick aspect of my ct and let the tree gain slippery attributes. As the tree uproots and crashes onto the floor I'm satisfied.

{Using my cursed energy as a medium even if it's outside my body, I can use my ct even in a certain distance. Making the tree slippery caused the roots to stop connecting to the ground below and gliding out the paths formed by the roots themselves, as it had nothing to hold onto anymore, the tree glid out of the hills side and crashed onto the floor.}

After this mental torture I immediately drop to the floor, my ce thankfully isn't completely empty, this action only costing me about ten percent of my reserves, I note that my ability itself isn't very heavy in ce use, the only problem I face is my horrible control over the energy, wasting a lot of it, with better control this would have cost me around two percent.

The second thing I note, is that the larger the object, the bigger the ce cost, as well as the longer I want something to be sticky or slippery, the higher the ce cost aswell. How these two points correlate, if they simply add to one another, or multiply the cost is still unknown.

The third thing I note is my ability to infuse cursed energy into objects, not thinking about it at first, I just did it, but now that I contemplate about it, I note how peculiar it is.

{Ce shouldn't be able to be stored in ordinary objects, if it was that easy to store ce in objects, thousands of cursed tools would exist. Ce can probably be infused into objects, but as they are an even worse vessel than ordinary humans it quickly leaks and fades away. The sticky property, my ce has as its base is probably what prevents the ce from leaking.}

The fourth thing I found out is pretty simple, even though the ce in the stone is used as a bridge to connect me to the tree, only the ce in my body, flowing towards my cursed technique is used up.

Laying on the floor I realize that the whole process of uprooting the tree had taken me twenty minutes, way too much time for it to be used in a real battle.

I stand up from the ground I threw myself onto, not too long ago and resume my training, this time training the control I hold on my ce, as well as repeating the technique of remote starting my cursed technique.

Two hours have passed and I finally figured out, as well as categorized my technique a bit.

The size of the things I want to influence doesn't really matter, what matters is the size of the surface.

The more the individual or object I want to influence is in direct contrast to the attribute I want to relay, the higher the cost. To explain it clearly, while an ice cube of ten x ten x ten measurements, already meting and standing in the sun, wouldn't even cost me one percent of my ce to make it more slippery, making it sticky to the touch, would cost me about forty percent of my ce.

Training another two hours I managed to get the casting time for the remote cursed technique move I tried in the beginning, down to sixteen minutes, not a big improvement, but I was already tired at that point.