
humble beginnings

An old man finding himself inside a young body in jjk, namely the younger brother of Miguel, he will act according to his age and the circumstances, what entails is that he ofcourse will have a certain amount of wisdom and will be able to adapt fast, he has to familiarize himself with the world first though, since he read jjk 30 years ago till the start of the culling games. English is my third language and I‘m just 16 so bare with me if I make any mistakes, pointing them out would be appreciated though :)

ammonium_chloride · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

snake on rotorblade

After the intense training session I just underwent , I was physically and mentally drained. Dragging my tired body back to the house, I felt utterly spent, both in spirit and in physical strength. My muscles were sore, and my joints creaked with every step. The mental effort required to control my cursed energy and master the technique had left me feeling mentally fatigued.

As I entered the house, I couldn't help but reflect on the progress I had made. While the process of uprooting a tree was still time-consuming and impractical for real battle scenarios, I had gained valuable insights into the nature of my cursed energy and technique and its unique interactions with objects. My ability to infuse cursed energy into objects and influence their attributes was a promising development, and I knew that with more training and better control, I could especially use this aspect to do formidable things.

Standing at the entrance to the living room once again, I slipped out of my J's, noting that they thankfully weren't harmed during my training.

Sadly this couldn't be said about my outfit, which was drenched in sweat, some rubble and dirt, I decided to wear clothes more fit for training the next time I visit the frontyard.

After having discarded my footwear I stepped from one entrance to the next, opening the door to the corridor, my feet already instinctively brought to me to the base of the stairwell.

{Some of the bodies old habits are resurfacing, the more I spend time in it, first of all, changing my dominant right hand to my dominant left hand and now instinctively remembering the layout of the house, also the familiarity I sense with Miguel doesn't feel like one forged in mere hours}

[Authour: the of owner of the body is dead, why that's the case is gonna be slowly revealed, also no, he won't get any memories, only subtle feelings and habits of the of owner]

Deep in my own thoughts, the body standing on top of the staircase escapes my senses and I collide with it, almost tumbling down.

A hand reaches for my denim half zip, grabbing me by my collar and holding me in place „ ndugu(bro) watch where you're going, with special awareness like that, how are you gonna even slay a fourth grade cursed spirit"

Quickly denying his claims I retort „this isn't a battle, I'm just thinking rightnow bro, anyways, shouldn't you be off to Japan rightnow?"

„I had to take care of some things before I could pack my thing bro, I'm about to leave"

Suddenly Miguel's gaze darkens and he looks me deep into my eyes, then with a heavy pull, he yanks my body into a bone crushing hug.

„Gabriel, let me tell you about the bond we share, it's all about having each other's backs. I've got yours, and you've got mine. We might drive each other nuts at times, but when push comes to shove, we're a team. We've grown up together, right? That means we've shared our childhood, our adventures, our fights, and our secrets. Our history is entwined, and that's a bond that can't be broken. Remember that time we built that big ass treehouse in the frontyard? Those are memories that we'll carry with us forever."

„Little bro, it's crucial to be aware of how others might try to manipulate us by exploiting our brotherly bond. Some people may use our emotional connection, guilt-tripping, or even try to create conflicts between us."

„Now coming to the reason I've told you all this, we're first and foremost jujutsu sorcerers or cursed users, looking at it from different perspectives. Our world is brutal and I don't want you to take part in it, but I know you will eventually join our circles so it's better if I atleast guide you on your path till you don't need me."

„Jujutsu sorcerers and curse users are insane people, rarely do you meet good, or atleast fully sane people in our world, determined by the standards of normal humans ofcourse. They will try to manipulate you and use you for their own gain till you're not worth anything anymore and then throw you away like a broken toy. As a participant in this world, don't let yourself be influenced, should I ever be captured, just trust me, for I will find a way to escape, should I die except it, most of us don't get very old in this profession. The das I return to Kenya is the das we start training, don't think I didn't see your little stunt with the tree."

Finishing his speech Miguel high fives me and Wals down the stairs, leaving me alone on top of the staircase.

I approach my room and open the door, dragging my feet to my bed, I close my eyes and drift to sleep.

My heart races as I find myself in an office, surrounded by desks and scattered office supplies. The twenty-meter-long blue snake coils menacingly before me. Its acidic saliva drips onto the floor, sizzling as it makes contact.

I don't waste any time. I get creative with my unique cursed technique. I glance around the office and see an array of objects - glass shards from a destroyed window on the floor, pencils, the ceiling, walls, and roof - that I can influence. I quickly set my cursed energy into motion.

The glass shards transform into a treacherous icy surface under the snake, after I throw some cursed energy infused sand, conveniently placed in my pocket onto them, establishing a connection, causing it to lose its grip as it desperately tries to slither across them. The snake writhes uncontrollably, unable to maintain its balance, giving me precious seconds to plan my next move.

An electric fan catches my attention, hanging from the ceiling, only connected by a plug, it hangs five meters in front of the snake and ten meters before me.

The long cable which definitely would reach to atleast thirty centimeters above the ground, is only held in place by a zip tie.

Scanning the room once more, I see a bunch of bunch of paperclips on the desk right to my side. I grab atleast two dozen of them and put them in my pocket. Jumping up on the desk, I notice the snake approaching, once it's near, it swiped its tail at me, sadly its head wasn't in perfect position under the fan yet

As the tail approaches the table, I jump upwards and infuse a paper clip with cursed energy, throwing it onto the desk turning it sticky in the process, I managed to get the snake stuck with its rear end onto the table.

Using the precious seconds before me, I land on the tail and turn various paper clips sticky, putting them onto the snake.

Jumping back, the snake frees itself out of the trap and I jump back.

As the snake follows me, I approach the wall of the office building and turn my shoes sticky, climbing up the wall.

The snake ofcourse follows every move patiently.

Once I move towards the fan on the wall, the snake following me from the ground, I touch the zip tie, turning it slippery, undoing the knot.

I feign some tiredness and the snake smells it's chance, right under the fan, it shoots into the air, certain of twisting it's way out the fans trajectory.

As only the tip of the snakes tail connects to the ground, I change the sticky attribute of the paper clip, to a slick one and let go of the electricity fans cable, injecting the fan with cursed energy in the meantime.

As I watch the the snake slipping and falling to the ground, while trying to dodge the fan, the fan connects midair with its twisted body, bisecting it and drenching me and a bunch of office equipment in purple blood.

Trying to approach the snake, I wake up again in my bed.