
Cp 16

" Harry get some wolves to protect and take Hayley Home "

" Yes mine Alpha" said Harry

( 20 minutes later)

" Is it done Harry?"

" Yes, Alpha, She left with 4 wolves, she will be safe."

" Good, You may leave"


~~~Ring Ring ~~~~~~Ring Ring ~~~~~~Ring Ring ~~~~~~Ring Ring ~~~~~~Ring Ring ~~~

{ Yes } Klaus

{ Where are you ? } Elijah

{ At the Bayou, Why are you asking? } Klaus

{ You may want to get home, right now and bring your pack cause you may need it } Elijah

{ What do you mean by that Elijah?} Klaus

{ Some took Hayley and Killed the Protection detail, she Had } Elijah

{ WHAT! HOLD DOWN THE SITE, I will be there soon } Klaus

~~~ Call Ended~~~~~~ Call Ended~~~~~~ Call Ended~~~~~~ Call Ended~~~


" War? what happened?" Harry

" Someone took Hayley and Killed one of our own"

" I alert the Elders to prepare the rights, and arm the pack." Harry

" Good, I see you at the Plantation."

( Nicklaus Flashes to the Plantation)


Klaus was Kneeling by the dead wolves, sniffing at the lingering scent of the killers, trying to figure out by the smell who conducted the attack.

" Witches, I still smell the lingering magic in the air. Brother I thought you had this under Control between us and witches"

" I do Niklaus, But this attack took us by surprize and it's not retaliation from Marcel or the vampires." Elijah

" I got the scent, warn the vampires and the city to stay indoors tonight because will be hunting and out for blood. Damn Witches I thought we had an agreement. Brother the agreement is null and void. Bring me Marcel"

" As you wish Nicklaus" Elijah ( Leaves)

" Harry, Gather the wolves and let us take them to their final resting place."

( looks at the wolves)

" By the great wolf, I swear to you, you will be avenged as we know you tried by all means to protect my mate. Rest easy knowing the wolves will hunt and feast this night."

( 2 hours later)

" What do you want Klaus?" Marcel

" Marcel, Did I need your help"

"WHAT?" Marcel

" Someone took my mate and my cub, your younger sister"

" Younger sister?" Marcel

" Yes, Marcellus I do regard you as mine son, even if I have never spoke it aloud. You are a Mikealson. Marcel son of Niklaus."

" What do need" Marcel

" Protect your sibling"

" Done" Marcel

" Inform yours the calls of wolves will ring tonight, so they should keep safe."


Howls could be heard throughout the night as Klaus and the pack searched for Hayley it was only after he court he scent that he shifted back to man form and call Elijah to where he followed the scent. When he got there he saw Hayley with her throat cut open laying on top of the stone slab.


Elijah immediately entered after hearing Klaus cry and saw Klaus crying over Hayley, holding her with his sword on the floor.

" Brother, I was too late, my...mate is died."

" How about the child, where is the child?" Elijah

" the cub is not here. We might still have a chance"

Klaus Rans and shifts in to wolf form to catch any scent quicker, He manages to catch a scent which leads he to the witches cemetery. He Howls to alert the pack of his location and he quickly shifts form and enters being followed by Elijah.


" Brother we passed twice already. we running out of time " Elijah

" Then we should move faster"

" Or smarter, I woke up at the church. I felt this hunger. I knew what I needed. I can feel her. She's Here. I feel my baby." spoke Hayley

" You died with the baby's blood in your system. Ha-ha my mate is in transition."

" Which means she must drink the baby's blood to complete the transition" Elijah

" To be born a Hybrid"

The Mikealsons trailed behind Hayley as she lead them to the Baby, they could here chanting as the got closer. When they turned the corner they Saw Genevieve hold up a silver dagger Hovering above the baby. When the witches saw them approaching Monique and Cassie walked in front held hands and placed their palms towards the Mikealson pushing them back with magic. When Klaus saw this he pulled out his Desert Eagle and shoot Genevieve in her shoulders which pushed her back from the baby.

" You fools! To come against us in our place of power in our strongest hour, you don't face three, you face us all" said Monique making the ancestors appear

But this was quickly silenced by Klaus shooting her and Cassie in the shoulder and kneecaps. which also made the ancestors disappear as he walked by the he shoot them in the head killing them as they went to Genevieve.

" Elijah, Rebekah left he up and put her on her knees"

" Why?" asked Hayley

" The ancestors left me no choice." said Genevieve

" Willing to sacrifice a child for power" said Hayley

" Oh, not just power. It was the ancestors Decree." said Genevieve

" It was How's decree" Elijah

" I'm surprized you have to ask, after all you were the one who convinced your siblings to consecrate her in New Orleans soil." said Genevieve

" Esther" said Hayley

" Enough of this. You made me think I lost my mate and cub for that I sentence you to death. But don't think you will be heading to the other side, cause you won't."

Niklaus removed his sword from the sheath and swag the blade at Genevieve neck. With a clean cut removed her head as he was done he cleaned his blade and put it back at the sheath and gave Hayley the sword. He pulled a Odin and pissed on her corpse will cursing her( American Gods Season 1 episode 6 Vulcan's death).

" Really Nicklaus, was that necessary?" Elijah

" No But I enjoyed it"


Upon arriving at the Plantation the were welcomed by the pack and they reintroduced themselves to Hayley's new scent as well as pay Respect to the newest member of the pack.

" You know this is not the end" Elijah

" Let them come, this time we won't be caught with our pants down. We will be ready. I will be ready."

" As you say Brother, Harry" Elijah

" You called mine Alpha" Harry

" Yes, Send word to the other packs allied to the crescent wolf that Hayley has been found and is mated to me and has delivered a healthy cub and that we wish to unite the packs."

" As you wish. mine Alpha it shall be done." Harry leaves

" I love it when a plan comes together"
