
That was close

"Mummy! Mumm! Mummy!" it was Lydia at the door waiting for her mother to open. Daisy had told her that her mother was back and with a lot of goodies.

"Yes, we are here…" Daisy said standing outside.

When Johnston heard Daisy speak, he froze not knowing what to do. However, Nancy who did not want to be in trouble with her good friend suddenly threw Johnston's shoes under the bed. She then motioned Johnston to get under the bed.

Johnston did not waste a moment. He simply got under the bed. He pushed some bags that were under the bed as Nancy covered him properly so as nothing would be seen from above. It was dusty down there and hot.

Nancy slowly opened the door. The two girls hugged.

"Wow! how are you? I thought you are coming tomorrow." Daisy told Nancy as Lydia also hugged her mother.

Lydia got inside and began looking at the bags.

"Hey, stop it! I will give you something nice just relax." Nancy told Lydia as Daisy got seated.

"Wow! I love your hair, who has made it for you this way?" Nancy asked.

"Our usual saloon has a new girl; she is so great at it. I even took her number. Johnston should see me like this he will go crazy. He loves it when I come to him with a new style." Daisy said.

Johnston heard them talking but continued to lie there like a lifeless being.

"He is so lucky to have you, such a beautiful girl." Nancy said. She then stood up and served juice for all of them.

The two girls continued talking as Johnston lay under the bed wishing it was all a bad dream. He knew if caught he would lose Daisy who was so helpful to him financially due to the nature of his job which had such a low payment.

As the two girls talked, Lydia who was playing with some toys trying to build a sky crapper with some pieces, she dropped one which fell and rolled under the bed. Nancy saw it and knew Lydia would try to reach for it.

"I will get it for you." Nancy told Lydia quickly.

"I want to finish my work." Lydia said and tried to bend to pick the piece under the bed.

"Hey, listen to me, I will get it. it is very dirty down there with a lot of dust and I do not want you to catch some cold or you to begin to sneeze. Ok?" Nancy said authoritatively.

Lydia looked at her mother and replied, "Ok, ok mummy."

Later, Daisy walked to her house. She saw many missed calls from Johnston but upon calling him, his phone was not being picked. Luckily for Johnson, his phone was in silent mode meaning it was not even ringing!

When Daisy was gone, Nancy got under the bed to pick the rolled piece of toy under the bed and told Johnson silently, "I will go with her to the roof, find ways to get out before it is too late."

Johnston nodded. Story by Anthony Kerry

Nancy picked Lydia and both got out. She walked to the roof of the apartment where some people would hang their clothes to dry. It was flattened out and had several water drums at one corner.

Johnston slowly got from under the bed. He walked to the door and slowly opened. Seeing no one at the door, he quickly got out and closed the door. He then walked innocently towards Daisy's door. He stood outside and knocked.

Daisy heard the knock and went to open.

"Oh! oh! my! What a surprise!" Daisy said feeling overjoyed. She hurled herself onto Johnston's chest and gave him a tight hug. She then kissed him.

"Welcome!" Daisy told Johnston.

"Thank you, how are you?" Johnston asked.

"I am fine, I saw your missed calls. Tried calling and you were not picking, but when you called, I had forgotten my phone somewhere. Glad you are safe." Daisy said.

"I went to a small hotel and sat there to drink something at least to pass the time. But they had such loud music such that I never heard your call, my phone was vibrating but I did not hear it." Johnston said.

"That is Mtwapa for you, at this time of the hour, they have very loud music." Daisy said.

"I noticed." Johnston said.

Meanwhile, after a few minutes, Nancy walked back to her house. She was glad Johnston was able to get out slowly without any drama. She even told herself: Eh! That was close, but that dude has such a nice dick, I wish to have it again.

The following day, as Johnston was leaving, Daisy and Johnston passed by Nancy's place.

"He came yesterday evening; it was a pleasant surprise as I did not even think he was still around Mtwapa." Daisy said.

"Eh! You came yesterday and you could not even come to say hi, you are a bad man." Nancy told Johnston.

"I was tired, I just got to my girlfriend's house and rested. The people we came with are leaving and I did not want them to leave me but I had to come and say hi as I say goodbye." Johnston told Nancy.

"Or, let me guess, it is Daisy who told you not to come to my place…" Nancy said jokingly. All laughed.

"No, she did not say so." Johnston said.

"Ok, have a safe journey and don't forget to visit from time to time." Nancy told Johnston.

"I will, for now am in some sort of a hurry and I have to go." Johnston said.

As Johnston walked towards bus stop being escorted by his girlfriend, he felt like a boss having fucked a girl and her friend all within a span of 24 hours.

Daisy escorted Johnston to a waiting vehicle which was a double cabin being driven by his boss. They hugged each other and bid each other goodbye.

Daisy walked back to the house and went straight to Nancy's place.

"I feel lonely being alone, I want us to cook here together as you tell me your adventures in Arusha." Daisy told Nancy.

Nancy laughed and said, "Don't even talk about it, I was so disappointed. Story for another day we do not talk such when this little young thing is here…" She pointed at her daughter.

"You must have enjoyed a lot." Daisy said.

Nancy laughed even harder and said, "In fact, way more than I thought, I will give you the details."

As Nancy was saying that, Daisy saw a small hand wrist beaded ornament that seemed so similar to the one Johnston usually wore. She could not remember seeing it with Johnston the previous evening but it did not bother her. However, seeing a very similar one at Nancy's place caught her attention.

"Nancy, where did you get that?" Daisy asked Nancy pointing at the bed that lying on the floor just next to a coach.