
Expensive ass

Nancy had not even noticed there was a beaded wrist ornament on the floor. She looked at it. "Oh! this one?" Nancy asked and picked it. "Yes." Daisy said feeling herself getting tense. "I picked it on the road on my way in, I thought it looked beautiful." Nancy said. Daisy picked it. It exactly looked like the one Johnston used to wear. "You sure you picked it? my boyfriend has such and I really wonder how it got here. In fact, it is this one. He did not have it yesterday." Daisy said. "Then he probably lost it out there and I picked it." Nancy said with a smile on her face. "Ok, I will keep it for him." Daisy said. She decided the next time Johnston will come; she shall ask him about it. She even began to doubt that Johnston was in a restaurant the time she was calling him and he was not picking. However, Daisy not wanting to rattle what she did not have evidence for, she simply dismissed the story. She knew Nancy was the type of girls who can get any man she wanted. Her beauty and charms were on another level. ---- Story by Anthony Kerry 0711403777 The following morning after escorting her daughter to go to school, Nancy got a call from a strange number. When she received, it was a man. CALLER: Hello, is this Nancy? NANCY: Yes, who are you? CALLER: I am Mathias. NANCY: Which Mathias? MATHIAS: The man who you have been chatting with online, you gave me your number and I sent you some money to come but you did not come. NANCY: So? MATHIAS: Don't be rude. NANCY: What do you want? MATHIAS: Why did you lie to me? NANCY: Tell me what you want and stop wasting my time I have a lot to do. MATHIAS: I will make you pay for conning me. NANCY: I never forced you to send me any money. Besides, when you sent, I was in some serious trouble. I had not paid my rent and even now as we speak, my mum is sick admitted in KNH. I need around 23,000 before evening and I do not know where to get the money. (Nancy began to pretend to cry) MATHIAS: Are you sure or you are just lying? NANCY: Please, lend me some, will my mother die when I know I have someone who loves me? Please… MATHIAS: the problem with you ladies is that sometimes you lie to us men just to eat our money. NANCY: Oh! my God! Why would I make such a lie with my mother? She is sick, if you don't believe me, I will even send for you my photo with her and you will see. MATHIAS: Do so now. Nancy terminated the call. She went to her photo gallery and got a photo she had taken with her mother 2 years ago when she was admitted having a bout of malaria. She sat with her on the bed, her mother lying down and she sat at the edge of the bed. She sent the photo to Mathias. Mathias saw the photo and immediately called Nancy. MATHIAS: I am so sorry, when did she get admitted? NANCY: Last week. MATHIAS: Let me send for you 10k, it is what I have for now. NANCY: I promise to repay you, please help me even if you can get 20,000, I will look for the rest, please… will your future mother in law die as you watch? MATHIAS: Ok, wait. Mathias disconnected. After a few seconds, Nancy's phone vibrated. She checked. It was an M-pesa message. She had received Kshs 21,000 from Mathias. Nancy immediately called Mathias. "In fact, I will go right now and pay some of the bill as I look for the rest of the money, God bless you so much, you are such a great man. I promise I will come to visit you after I get my mother out of the hospital, I promise…" Nancy said trying to sound as genuine as possible. "Please, don't lie to me this time, it is not good to keep me hopeful and then fail to show up." Mathias said. "I will make sure to come." Nancy said. She could not even remember Mathias was from which town, and she did not care. Story by Anthony Kerry "Keep me updated." Mathias said and terminated the call. Nancy, when she got to her house, she literally threw herself onto the bed, let the phone land on her pillow and said, "Wow! God bless men, they easily give women money…" But to make a convincing lie to Mathias, Nancy later during the day wentcunning to a cyber guywho used to make them fake receipts. She instructed him to make for her a nice receipt which would seem as valid as possible.

"It should seem like it came from KNH, I have someone I want to dig money from…" Nancy told the cyber guy.

The guy, who was only known by his nickname "Mwasi" told Nancy, "You have luck with men, or, is it because you have a nice ass?"

Mwasi even caressed Nancy's ass.

"Stop touching my ass, this ass is so expensive you cannot afford it…" Nancy told Mwasi jokingly.

"What, give it to me one day and see, I will bang you until you won't even walk." Mwasi said as he continued to prepare a fake receipt using a graphic designer and editor.

"I know men like you, those men who brag how they will fuck you until your ovaries come out through the pussy normally do nothing to a woman." Nancy said.

"What? Are you daring me?" Mwasi said.

"Finish my work fast, I need to make a convincing lie!" Nancy told Mwasi.

Mwasi quickly finished making the fake receipt. Nancy gave Mwasi 200.

"Stop joking! Do you also get paid such small money for your services?" Mwasi asked Nancy.

"I am not here to feed you and your chick." Nancy said.

"This is my job!" Mwasi said. Story by Anthony Kerry 0711403777

"Are you taking the money or not?" Nancy asked Mwasi.

Mwasi grabbed the receipt from Nancy and told her, "Friendship and business do not mix. You pay me 1,000 or get the fuck out of here." And with that, he continued with the rest of his work completely ignoring Nancy.

Nancy got to her purse and got out 800 shs, all in 200 shs denominations.

"This is what I have." Nancy said.

Mwasi took the money, looked at Nancy, smiled and told her, "Now we can joke. I never joke with my work. If I decided to be swayed by asses in Mtwapa on my business, I will sleep hungry. You ladies are so cunning. Someone comes here, wants to smile to you so that you will not charge her, not me."

"That is why you will never win beautiful ladies." Nancy told Mwasi.

"Do I care? If I let a woman pay me with sex, I will not eat sex for supper. I do your work, you pay me with cash, hard cash…" Mwasi dished some notes from his trouser pocket knee, showed them to Nancy and continued, "You ladies think men manufacture their own money, this is money from my work."

"Whatever!" Nancy said and turned to walk away.

"It was good doing business with you, after we are done with business, you can bring for me your ass…" Mwasi said.

"Go for the useless ladies who will let you empty your balls for free, my pussy belongs to real men, not broke boys…" Nancy said. She turned, showed Mwasi the middle finger and walked away.

"Whore!" Mwasi said silently, "All I want is money from my business, not pussy…"