
The stolen goods

The pastor began to pray. "Hey! Shut up!" Nancy told the pastor. She shouted such that the pastor even stopped praying.

"Shut the fuck up! What did you come here to do? Pray for me? You are wasting my time. did you bring me here for this shit? What sort of a man are you? Now, listen to me, without wasting my time, you better give me the rest of the money or I will make sure your tape will go all over internet." Nancy told Pastor Nickson.

"What tape?" the pastor asked.

"I have recorded everything we did here, so you are free to pray, to yell, to leave etc. but that is it. if you don't give me the remaining agreed money, you are in for a rude shock." Nancy said and since she was pissed, she got to bathroom showered as the pastor sat there with a blank mind.

Nancy was done showering and came out, she rinsed herself as the pastor watched all along saying absolutely nothing.

"Nancy, did you say you recorded this?" the pastor asked. He sounded scared.

"Dare me." Nancy said.

"Please, I beg you in the name of God, please delete it. Don't expose me, I am a man of God, a family man too, a trusted pastor with good reputation. Please don't expose me." The pastor said.

"You are making unnecessary noise now, you fulfill your promise or get your nudes all over internet, the choice is yours. I am done with you." Nancy said. She then went to lie on the bed totally naked with her legs wide apart. She was really anticipating to have sex that evening such that she felt so disappointed.

After much pleading, the pastor finally agreed he will send her the money but will have nothing to do with her.

"Do as you wish, but without you giving me the money, you will wake up to find your naked ugly body all over internet." Nancy told the pastor.

"I will fulfill my promise." The pastor said. He then wore his clothes and stood up to go.

Nancy woke up the following morning to find a message from a different number had sent her Kshs 32,400.

Nancy however had a few more days to go. They had agreed for her to be in Arusha for a few days, the days that the pastors were to have a convention. She did not immediately go back to Kenya. It was obvious the pastor had no intentions of going to see her again.

Nancy even visited a few places around Arusha town, took many photos around the town until she was satisfied with her stay in Arusha.

Nancy did not even wait for the days to end. She checked out of the hotel a day before her stay was over.

Nancy did not meet with the pastor for the rest of the days. She booked a bus to Mombasa where she got at some minutes past 5 pm. She then took a matatu to Mtwapa. When she got at Mtwapa, she got to a supermarket and did a lot of shopping for herself, her daughter and some for her friend Daisy.

She told herself: At least let me reward her for staying with my child.

Nancy did not even tell Daisy that she was going. She wanted to surprised her. She got to her house, being helped to carry the items she shopped by the gateman, got inside and sat there thinking of how to surprise Daisy.

Nancy walked to Daisy's house. She tried to open but it was locked. She thought for a while: is she inside or, where is she?

Nancy knocked. No one replied.

"Where is this girl now with my daughter?" Nancy asked herself. She got out her phone and called. The phone was going through but no one was picking.

"Where is Daisy?" Nancy asked herself. She slowly walked back to her house as she held her phone. She decided: ok, she will come back, she probably went somewhere with my daughter.

Nancy began to unpack the items she had bought. She then got to bathroom and showered, wore a short dress which was almost transparent and lay there watching a movie.

She had just watched the movie for about 20 minutes when she heard a knock at the door. Thinking it was Daisy, she went to open the door. However, she came face to face with Johnston, Daisy's boyfriend.

"Hi." Johnston greeted her.

"Hi." Nancy replied.

"I came to see Daisy, just arrived from Mombasa. I am trying to call her but her phone is not being picked." Johnston said.

"I am also calling her and her phone is just ringing. Welcome." Nancy told Johnston.

Johnston got inside and sat at the seat next to the door. He tried calling Daisy again but the phone was not being picked.

"Maybe she will be here in a few minutes." Nancy said.

Nancy served Johnston with some drinking water.

"Thank you." Johnston said.

As Nancy moved around the house, Johnston was just ogling et her. He tried hard to resist her. However, Nancy began to play tricks with the man. She simply sat in a suggestive manner with most of her thighs exposed.

"I forgot my spare keys in her house so I cannot get in." Johnston said.

"She will be here, just wait for her." Nancy said.

Nancy began thinking: this man seems like he can bang someone nicely. She got so deliberate to sexually provoke him until he could not resist her. He got a hardon which he struggled to hide.

Nancy decided: before my friend comes, I am going to sample this dude. I am dying of dry spell here as the pastor I anticipated will bang me disappointed me.

"I want to go." Johnston said standing up. He noticed Nancy's intentions. However, Nancy stood in front of him and stopped there.

"Not unless you," she paused, looked at him, licked her lips and said, "I want you right now."

"But you are friends with my girlfriend this is wrong." Johnston said.

However, Nancy pushed Johnston backwards until he fell onto her bed. She then went on to unbuckle his belt and pulled down his pair of trousers. She did not even wait for him to do anything else. She got the man's boxer, pulled it off to reveal an erect penis that was literally facing the ceiling. Johnston had a very long, thick and strong penis full of veins.

"Wow! just how I love it!" Nancy told herself.

"Stop this…" Johnston said.

However, Nancy who got instantly so aroused upon seeing Johnston's penis literally forced the penis into her. She pushed herself hard feeling it going deeper and deeper into her until she could not take it anymore. She moaned out loudly as she began to gyrate her hips while moving her enormous hips up and down.

Johnston decided, after all, it is already done. He grabbed her, stood up with her, turned her around, dropped her onto her own bed and continued to thrust into her with a lot of energy until the whole bed began moving.

"Yes! Fuck me hard! Bang me hard! Tear that ass!" Nancy kept on saying as Johnston banged her with all his energy. He was thrusting with so much force until she could feel like the long penis was dislocating something inside her.

When he felt like ejaculating, he did not even hold. Johnstone pushed harder into her, pulling her by her waist. He spanked her ass hard and pushed even with more energy until it triggered her. She felt her whole body begin to shake. She felt like her heart was stopping. She tried to catch her breath as she exploded until she screamed.

"Oh! God! Just how I like it!" Johnston said, "You have such a tight pussy! My God!"

Nancy held a kegel as Johnston ejaculated literally milking him. He felt like he was about to pass out.

Nancy's phone began to ring. She looked at it; it was Daisy calling. She picked it.

"Hi, sorry I had misplaced my phone at a salon I had gone to. How are you?" Daisy asked.

"I got worried. I am back in Mtwapa and cannot even see you." Nancy said.

"I am on my way to the house; I am with Lydia. You never told me you will come back today." Daisy said. Nancy could feel Daisy accelerating as she walked.

"Just come, I have a surprise for you." Nancy said. she terminated the call.

"Daisy is on her way…" Nancy told Johnston.

"Gosh! Where is she now…" Johnstone asked. He grabbed a towel that was close there and began wiping his penis which was all wet.

Just then, they heard a knock at the door.