
Honey, I Hate You: Married To A Beguiler

She will do anything to escape her death, including marrying the man that she detested the most. Dayton Katherine, who thought true love, and happiness prevails all things, was led to her doom by that thought. Marrying the man she truly loved was her dream, but it turned out to be a nightmare she never saw coming. On her wedding day, after she lost everything including her position, and wealth, she was murdered by the man she loved dearly. It turned out he deceived her, and made her know that what she thought existed was only a fantasy which deluded her. After being killed, she was granted a second chance– a chance to redeem her mistake. Katherine woke up a day before the day she died. Now, she is desperate to run away from her mysterious fate, but they are bound to happen. For her to escape the fate of dying on her wedding day, and being killed by the man she loved, she decided to marry Jaylen Eric. She wanted to believe all men weren't the same, but she was mistaken. She caught Eric kissing her cousin an hour before their wedding. She had no choice but to marry him in order to protect herself, she is bent on hating the beguiler she got married to. This time, she won't waver for this man, nor will she allow her mind to be clouded by thoughts that will delude her. What if he turns out to be the most supporting, caring, loving, and reliable person she ever met? What if his feelings were genuine towards her? What if he began to make her waver, and her life got endangered? Will she be able to cope with what lies ahead of her? Allow the pressure from her in–laws, cousin, and her fate swallow her? Or come out strong from it? Except; “Do you think you can keep hating me?” His question made Katherine turn to face him. She hesitated before she replied, “Yes, I will never waver for you, Honey.” A teasing smile playing on his lips, Eric took a few steps closer to her. “Wifey, do you think that wall of hatred won't melt down if I try seducing you?” Seeing the determination in his eyes, she can't help but laugh. “Try, and see.” (I will be updating two chapters per day except Sundays.)

Muhammed_shafa · Ciudad
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24 Chs

Eric, Please Wake Up

"Doctor, how is my husband's health? Was the operation successful?" Tears streamed down Katherine's cheeks as she struggled to find the words to ask the doctor.

A sly smile tugged at the corner of the doctor's lips before informing her about the good news.

"Mrs. Eric, the operation was successful. However, he is still unconscious."

Overwhelmed with relief at the good news, she went on her knees, staring at the ceiling like a crazy woman.

"Heaven, thank you. Thank you for bringing my husband back to life. Thank you for answering my prayer," she muttered, tears streaming down her face.

"Mrs. Eric, we will transfer the patient to the VIP ward. Every care will be administered to ensure he wakes up," the doctor reassured her before leaving.

After the doctor left, the nurses moved Eric from the operation room to the VIP ward.

Inside the VIP room, Katherine sat beside him, her hands on his weak hand, which wasn't moving.

"Eric, please open your eyes for me. Please open your eyes because I am so afraid," she uttered, tears welled up in her eyes.

"Where is that bitch that almost killed my son?"

The door flew open, and echoed Madam Quinn's voice. She walked up to Katherine, and slapped her.

Katherine stood up to speak. "Madam Quinn, I am–"

Madam Quinn laughed at Katherine's words. She stepped closer to her before she interrupted her. "Katherine, you think I am so naive? I know your type– those who put on an act of piety to kill? You can deceive everyone, but not me!"

Katherine rubbed her aching cheeks. She did not want to talk back at Madam Quinn because she deserved every treatment she was getting now.

"Katherine, if Eric doesn't wake up, you and your family will face the consequence!" She uttered loudly, sending chills down Katherine's spine.

"Nothing will happen to my husband, Madam Quinn," she replied in a calm voice.

Madam Quinn ignored her and walked up to Eric, whispering, "If you know what is good for you, don't wake up and bid this earth goodbye."

While Madam Quinn sat beside Eric, feigning concern, others who heard about the incident, rushed over to the hospital.

The moment they walked into the room, Mr. Maxwell and Annabella approached Katherine, while Mr. Davis, Ethan and Avery walked up to Eric's bed.

"Katherine, how did this happen? Did your lover actually stab Eric? Did you just stand there, and watch while he stabbed your husband?" Annabella asked many questions at the same time.

Katherine heaved a sigh of disappointment. She knew the reason they were here and won't give them the chance they wanted.

"And which of your questions should I answer?" Katherine inquired with a pale facial expression.

Annabella laughed derisively at Katherine's response, wondering what had happened to the woman she had known for twenty five years. The Katherine she knew would never reply to her question boldly; rather, she would stammer with tears streaming down her face.

After she managed to suppress her laughter, she took a step closer to Katherine, trying to intimidate her.

"Katherine, do you honestly think acting like you care about Eric will overcome the evidence against you? Do you really think no one here, including Mr. Davis, knows you and your lover planned to kill Eric?"

Katherine, who couldn't suppress the anger she was feeling, decided to walk away, but got dragged back by her sister.

This time, Annabella's words were audible.

"Katherine, stop lying to everyone here, will you? Didn't you try to commit suicide in order not to marry Eric? Why the sudden change of mind if you don't have another plan?"

Annabella's question made everyone raise their gaze– all gazes directed at Katherine.

This time, Katherine knew she wouldn't escape Annabella's plot. Ever since they were young, she knew Annabella had been jealous of her, and had always wanted everything she had– including her dresses, cars, wealth and position as the vice-chairwoman of Dayton's family.

"Am I the one who should stop lying or you, Annabella? Do you think acting this way will change the fact that you and my husband–"

"What is this noise all about? You all did not even allow me to sleep peacefully," Eric's voice interrupted Katherine.

Upon hearing his voice, Katherine rushed up to him without hesitating. She took his hand into hers without a glance towards his family. A bright smile made its way to her beautiful face which was looking pale moments ago.

"Eric, thank you for waking up. I am glad you woke up," she said, tears clustered in her ocean blue eyes.

Eric chuckled at the way she was exaggerating. He didn't expect the lady who claimed to hate him to act this way.

"Eric, what really happened?" Mr. Davis, who had been silent all along, inquired.

Eric hesitated before he replied, a sly smile formed on the corner of his lips. He stared at Katherine for a few seconds before he returned his gaze to his father.

"I ended up this way because I protected my woman. A strange guy almost stabbed her, all thanks that I was there to stop him," he replied, a silly smile on his face, like a man crazily in love.

Upset, Annabella gritted her teeth before she stormed out of Eric's ward. She didn't expect him to be this nice, and caring to Katherine, who he barely knew. Despite having been his girlfriend for three years, he had never treated her this way.

Mr. Maxwell who saw Annabella stormed out of Eric's ward, walked out to meet her.

"Why are you acting this way, Annabella?"

"Uncle, the question is supposed to be why are you acting this way? Why do you treat her well and let her have all the good things? Why are you treating a stranger better than me? Am I not your niece?" Sadness laced in her voice, she inquired.

Mr. Maxwell chuckled at Annabella's question before he walked closer to her.

"Annabella, I know why I am treating her like this. I am doing this because of you."

She burst into laughter at her uncle's absurd statement, wondering if he thought he was talking to a baby.

"Me? How is this for me?"

"I have a plan to make you the president of our company, and it involves using Katherine. This isn't all there is to Katherine. She is a special key to your own success, so don't be impatient." Hearing his words, she felt curious and happy.

She is curious about knowing everything about Katherine, but she knew her uncle would only tell her what he wanted her to know.

Good day, I hope you enjoy this chapter. Please don't forget to support me.

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