
Honey, I Hate You: Married To A Beguiler

She will do anything to escape her death, including marrying the man that she detested the most. Dayton Katherine, who thought true love, and happiness prevails all things, was led to her doom by that thought. Marrying the man she truly loved was her dream, but it turned out to be a nightmare she never saw coming. On her wedding day, after she lost everything including her position, and wealth, she was murdered by the man she loved dearly. It turned out he deceived her, and made her know that what she thought existed was only a fantasy which deluded her. After being killed, she was granted a second chance– a chance to redeem her mistake. Katherine woke up a day before the day she died. Now, she is desperate to run away from her mysterious fate, but they are bound to happen. For her to escape the fate of dying on her wedding day, and being killed by the man she loved, she decided to marry Jaylen Eric. She wanted to believe all men weren't the same, but she was mistaken. She caught Eric kissing her cousin an hour before their wedding. She had no choice but to marry him in order to protect herself, she is bent on hating the beguiler she got married to. This time, she won't waver for this man, nor will she allow her mind to be clouded by thoughts that will delude her. What if he turns out to be the most supporting, caring, loving, and reliable person she ever met? What if his feelings were genuine towards her? What if he began to make her waver, and her life got endangered? Will she be able to cope with what lies ahead of her? Allow the pressure from her in–laws, cousin, and her fate swallow her? Or come out strong from it? Except; “Do you think you can keep hating me?” His question made Katherine turn to face him. She hesitated before she replied, “Yes, I will never waver for you, Honey.” A teasing smile playing on his lips, Eric took a few steps closer to her. “Wifey, do you think that wall of hatred won't melt down if I try seducing you?” Seeing the determination in his eyes, she can't help but laugh. “Try, and see.” (I will be updating two chapters per day except Sundays.)

Muhammed_shafa · Urban
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24 Chs

Their Privacy

"I'm sorry, Annabella ran out because she suddenly remembered that she had an important project to work on," Mr. Maxwell said after he returned to Eric's ward, his smile strained.

Eric carefully raised his gaze to stare at Mr. Maxwell, whose lies were obvious. "Oh, no problem… besides, my wife would like some privacy," he said, staring at Katherine.

Madam Quinn bit her lip before she said, "Eric, are you not afraid of being alone with this lady? Don't be fooled by a pretty face– they can hide the ugliest secrets."

"Not as dangerous as those, who pretend they care, yet desperately want you out of sight," Katherine uttered, directing her words to Madam Quinn.

"Quinn, since Eric needed rest, let's get going. I will speak with the doctor in order to know when he'll be discharged," Mr. Davis, who knew where this conversation was heading, said calmly.

"Take care, Eric," Ethan said, a sly smile formed on his lips.

Avery didn't bother to say a word before she walked out with her mother and brother.

"Katherine, please make sure Eric takes his medications. He can be so stubborn sometimes," Mr. Davis added and bid the couple farewell before leaving the ward.

After everyone left, Eric's ward became spacious. Somehow, Katherine felt strange being alone with a man in a room, especially when she disliked him so much.

She wanted to excuse herself, but Eric's voice made her hesitant.

"Kathe, there is something you're doing that I don't like."

Her ocean blue eyes widened at his words, wondering what he was talking about.

She approached his bedside and sat beside him. "Eric, what did I do wrong? Are you mad at me because my ex stabbed you?" She asked, sadness and guilt laced in her voice.

Eric sat up carefully, his back propped against the wall before he began. "Katherine, you don't have to be kind to me if you don't want to. I hate it when you, or anyone challenges Madam Quinn. No one has the right to, not even me."

Katherine chuckled at his words, wondering if something was wrong with his head. Why is he now defending that wicked woman? Did he expect her to act like a fool by pretending not to hear her horrible words?

"Eric, did you hit your head on something?" She asked.

She recalled how he appreciated her the other day for talking back to Madam Quinn in his stead. Why did he suddenly change his mind?

Eric forced a smile, pretending to be fine even though he was still feeling pain.

"Katherine, I can't stand anyone talking rudely to her, not even my own mother," he paused briefly. "I did not blame her because no one will accept a child out of wedlock to live in the family house. She also raised me for fifteen years and I have a lot to thank her for."

"I apologize, Eric. Also, you don't have to tell me everything about you. Just give me orders and I will obey them. After all, you are my husband," Katherine said sweetly.

A faint smile made its way to his lips as he watched Katherine acknowledge him as her husband. He never thought this could've been possible, but he was proven wrong.

He'd always had a crush on her… It started when he attended the party hosted by the Dayton family. She looked beautiful, calm, and almost as if she didn't know how to talk. He fell for her the moment he set his eyes on her.

Believing he could win her over, he decided to try his luck. But the hardworking lady, who would go to extreme lengths to impress her father, rarely had any spare time for chit–chat. Left with no option, he decided to ask for Annabella's help– in exchange, she requested he pretends to be her boyfriend for the meantime.

"Eric, what are you thinking about?"

Katherine's voice made him snap out of his exciting thought. He raised his gaze to glance at her. "Nothing… just wondering if you will really obey my orders," he replied.

"If your orders are naughty, then I won't obey," given the look on his face, she was quick to make an exception.

"Ahem, I should go see the doctor before he becomes too busy to attend to us," Katherine did not allow Eric to say anything before she excused herself.

She headed to the doctor's office. After she got to the doctor's office, she knocked faintly and walked in after she got permission to.

Pointing at one of the chairs facing him, the doctor urged her to sit down.

After she sat down, she inquired, "Doctor, when are you going to discharge my husband?"

"Mrs. Eric, given your husband's condition, he has to be admitted for two more days," he replied, still concentrating on the files he was going through.

"Why? The surgery was fine and my husband is alright, what else are we supposed to be doing here?" Afraid of Asher's return, she wanted to get out of sight. She knows there is no one to protect them if Asher decides to come for her again.

The doctor hesitated before he replied, staring at her, "Mrs. Eric, your husband has to undergo observation to check if his injury isn't infected. He also has to go through physical therapy before he will be discharged."

"Okay," she replied sadly. She stood up, and took her leave.

On her way back to Eric's ward, she continually checked her back to see if she was being followed. She knew she'd escape the critical part of her fate, but she had to be cautious.

"Eric, are you okay?" The moment she saw Eric on the floor, she rushed up to him before she inquired.

Eric chuckled at how melodramatic she was. It was nothing more than a tumble, but she reacted as if he were at death's door.

"Eric, I said; are you okay? Are you hurt?" She repeated her question, tears clustered in her eyes this time.

"I am fine. It is just the pain I felt when I tried to stand up. It is normal for every patient that undergoes surgery," he replied, a silly smile on his face.

"Oh… then, I have to go get you drugs," she said, about to go, but Eric's voice made her wait.

Desperation reflected in his dark brown eyes which were piercing through hers, he said, "Katherine, can't you stay with me? I want you more than the medicine."

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