
Hell Bound?

a Harry Potter love story with anger, betrayal, blood, love, etc.. A girl who was now almost healed with the past incidents and was now focusing on her extracurricular activity, living a normal life but then........... She turned thirteen, she stepped into her teen age and had many plans for it but everything changed when an old man came to her house and told her things she had only dreamt of and now she is stepping into a whole new world with secrets that were breaking the unbroken, so can she keep up with them or will she broke? Can she cherish the love of her life or will be dragged to hell? Will she be able to rescue the ones she love or will watch them die infront of her eyes? Will she make the right choice or will choose the wrong? Read it to find out. POA: Complete [94,219] GOF: ongoing OOP: .......... HBP: .......... DH1: .......... DH2: .......... STARTED: 30th May 2022 ENDED: N/A *REGULAR UPDATES* The description sucks-but the story is pretty good! Mention of deaths, blood spill, language. It is a crossover of Fate:the winx saga... NOTE: I DO NOT OWN HARRY POTTER UNIVERSE ALL RIGHT GOES TO J.K. ROWLING. I only own Adriana Black, Alex, Stella, Coral, Mille, Robert, Sara,Mia, etc.. Now open it and enjoy!! A sweet message: HOMOPHOBIC PEOPLE CAN KINDLY GET THE HELL AWAY FROM THIS STORY!!!!

unnoticed_user · Película
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12 Chs

6- Sorting

~Harry POV~

Hermione told me that how Adriana bought time for professor Lupin to stand cast the spell.

She was going to tell more when I felt a light weight on my shoulder.

So I turned around and saw Adriana's head on my shoulder as she was sleeping peacefully.

"She must be really tired!" Hermione said in a concerned voice.

And I looked at her thinking the same.

We talked in ushered voices so that we don't wake her up.

We reached the Hogwarts station and students started to leave the train.

"Adriana! Wake up we have reached Hogwarts station." I said shaking her slightly.

She groaned and said "Let me sleep for some time, pleaseeeeeee I am really tired. That bastard was tough on me yesterday!"

"what?!" I asked shocked.

She didn't answered so I Shook he again and she straightened up rubbing her eyes.

"Are you okay, Adriana?" Hermione asked and she looked around in confusion for a second but answered.

"oh, yeah 'am fine." she said

"I am really hungry let's go." Ron whined.

"You are always hungry, Ron" Hermione said irritatingly.

And with that they started bickering.

"do they do that often?" Adriana asked me.

"yeah..."I answered.

We were finding carriages to reach the castle.

Hermione and Ron were in front and me and Adriana were tailing behind.

Then suddenly I remembered what Adriana said when I was waking her up.

"hey, what happened yesterday?" I blunted out.

"Huh?" she asked in confusion.

And after a second her eyes widened.

"what did I said in my sleep?" she asked looking scared.

"You said 'don't wake me up, that bastard was tough on you'" I said uncomfortably.

"okay! Before you get any wrong idea-any, I had a fighting competition with a boy and apparently he was good, but I had to win because my sister was there watching so....the fighting was really.....rough." she explained.

"you fight?" I asked a little taken back cause I thought she was friendly.

"not that fight, I told you that I take comando training, right?" she said and I shook my head."I must have forgot, long story short it was a match cause I am in free style fighting so I had to fight in order to win the medal." she said

"Did you won?" I asked curiously.

"ofcourse! I will show you the photo, okay?" she said and I nodded.

Wow! She is amazing! I thought.

We found a carriage and hoped in it.

I sat beside Ron and Hermione and Adriana sat across me and Ron.

The carriage started moving and the station started to disappear indicating that Hogwarts was near.

~Adriana POV~

The carriage started moving and I was now able to see two big white-ish grey gates but as we got nearer I saw 2 dementor gaurding the gate and my eyes automatically found Harry.

He had sunken in his seat with his head down.

~Harry POV~

The similar cold feeling returned and I knew that dementors were around.

I sunk in my seat and pulled my head down.

But after a second I realised that it affected Adriana also so I looked ahead of me and saw Adriana's face but she was already looking at me.

Her face was emotionless, as if the dementor didn't affect her a bit.

The I felt Ron shivering and turned my head towards Hermione who had closed he eyes tightly.

Then I again turned my head towards Adriana to make sure she was alright because they were affecting Ron and Hermione also.

I looked at her, her face still emotionless.

She must have felt me staring at her because she looked at me and gave a small smile and a light nod.

Now, I am really confused. HOW. THE. HELL. IS IT NOT. AFFECTING HER?!?! I thought.

Now we were passing the dementors and I was not able to control it and shifted towards Ron who had his head sunken.

I looked at Adriana and saw her staring at the dementor with tears in her eyes.

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. No one else noticed that she had tears in her eyes, so she took advantage of that and wiped them off but little did she knew that I have noticed.

"We are there!" Hermione said and I looked out of the window for the first time after I spotted the dementor.

We got down of the carriage and guided Adriana into the castle.

We were going to reach the great hall and personally, I was excited to her reaction, because when I saw the ceiling of the great hall I was shocked.

"Potter, Granger and Black, come here!"

~Adriana POV~

Hermione told me that we were going to reach the great hall but before we could enter a voice called from behind.

"Potter, Granger and Black, come here!"

They both looked behind and started walking with Ron to the voice but I didn't move, so they looked behind.

"Adriana, professor called you too." Harry said.

"Huh?" and then I remembered that my last name is Black.

"oh yeah! I forgot my last name is Black." I said cheekily and started following them.

We fought our way from a flood of students and met a lady in emerald colour robes and a witch hat.

She had a Stern face and green eyes. Her skin was white and she was tall.

She looked at us and said.

"Mr. Weasley, there is no need for you to come. Please go to the great hall and they will be joining you in a moment." she said in a Stern voice and Ron turned to his heel and walked in the great hall.

I looked at him till he disappeared in the great hall. I was really excited to enter the great hall because they told me that it was huge and full of surprises.

I was pulled out of my thoughts by the lady's voice.

"and you must be Ms. Black?" she asked and I nodded.

She gave me a small smile and gestured us to follow her and we did.

She took us in an empty corridor but I was busy watching the portraits of people who were moving and talking to others.

We reached a room where she stopped but I was not paying attention causing me to bump into Hermione making me stumble.

Harry looked at me and put his hand on his mouth to stop him from laughing.

I glared at him and moved in the room. It was a circular room that was lit by torches.

The room consisted of a set of table and chair with a sofa at the side.

There was a window through which a ground was visible but as it was dark outside so the ground was not clear.

"Please have a seat!" the lady said gesturing towards the sofa.

Harry and Hermione went to sit on the sofa and I tailed them.

We sat on the sofa and the lady said.

"Professor Lupin sent a letter telling me that you have encountered a dementor, is that true?" she asked and Harry and I nodded.

She signed and said "okay I have called madam Pomf-" she was interrupted by a loud bang on the door.

An old lady with blue eyes and pale skin came in.

She wore a light blue robe type cloth which was half covered because of her white apron.

She looked like a chef from fairy-tale to me.

"we are fine!" Haary said but was ignored.

"What is it professor?" the lady in blue cloths asked.

"Dementor,madam Pomfrey." the Stern lady replied.

I leaned down a little and whispered to Hermione.

"who is madam pomfrey?"

"the lady in blue is madam pomfrey, she is the doctor here." she whispered back

"ohh!" I breathed out.

"they are not going to be the only one this time." she said grimly.

"We are fine!" Harry said again but a little louder.

"Oh of course you are!" the Stern lady said.

"what do they need Madam pomfrey, a night in the hospital wing?" she suggested.

"No we are absolutely fine, see!" I said standing up.

"Yes!" harry supported.

"OK you both! Then eat some chocolate!" madam Pomfrey said.

"Professor Lupin gave us." Harry said and I nodded.

"He did?" the Stern lady asked.

"Yes!" Harry answered

"finally we got a good defense against the dark arts teacher, who know his remedies." madam pomfrey said in releif.

"Hmmm,then off you both go." the stern lady said

Harry and i started to move towards the door but were stoped.

"Black!" the stern lady called.

I turned around and said.


" you are going to wait outside the great hall till Professor Dumbledore call your name,okay?" she asked more than ordered but fine.

"yeah, okay." i answered

Me and Harry turned around ready to get out of the room but i stopped and turned around.

"excuse me!" i said.

"yes?" the stern lady asked.

"what is your name?" I asked yp

She smiled and answered

"Minerva MCGonagall."

My eyes widened when I realised that her name was on the letter.

"you are the d-deputy headmistress?" I asked.

"yes, now go or else you will be late." she said

"Hermione?" Harry asked.

"I have to discuss something with her you both go she'll come in a minute." Professor MCgonagall said.

We both moved out of her office and started moving towards the great hall.

"are you scared?" Harry asked suddenly.

"What?" I asked a little confused.

"well, you know about the houses, right?" he asked and I nodded.

"so, are you scared?"

"no, I don't know much about wizarding world, so it doesn't really matters that much." I answered.

"oh!" he replied.

And with that we reached the great hall, he said me to stand near a pillar because he wanted to see my reaction when I first see the great hall and with that he went inside.

After one or two minutes I heard my name being called from the hall so I took a deep breath and opened the gate of the grate hall.

There were four big tables with students sitting around it and a platform on the end of the hall with 7 chairs and a chair which looked a little more grand than the others.

Then I looked up at the ceiling.

It was transparent with stars showing.

It felt so nice that my mouth fell and I stared at it in awe.

"Ms. Black if you please!" Dumbledore said gesturing me to come.

And I Shook my head and started walking to the platform.

I looked around and saw people staring at me and whispering to each other.

I reached the platform and a small creature gestured me to sit on a chair.

I sat on the chair and he placed the hat on my head which he was holding in his hand.

Then suddenly the hat spoke and I jumped a little.

"Black! I thought when you will be comming Ms. Black." the hat said.

"ammmm... Thank-you... I guess." I replied.

"Hmmm.... I see courage and loyalty in you..... Hmmmm.... Unique.... I see power inside you that I saw 28 years ago in your mother..... But it is not defined yet..... She didn't had much of them.... But if you practice you can be powerful than Merlin himself... Brain... A lot of it....kindness..... Not very much but a lot to help someone..... Courage is a lot with loyalty... Hmmmmm... Were should I put you..... Better be...."

"GRYFFINDOR" the hat yelled and the table at the extreme end with red and yellow banners erupted into cheers.


Only this much for this chapter, will update soon! Till then.....
