
Heir of the Pirate Devil

The heir of the ghost was born in 1477 in the Haiyuan calendar, but he in the world of One Piece has a soul that does not belong to him. Douglas Barrett, who knows his own destiny, how should he change his destiny and dominate the world!

Jeffrey_Nin · Cómic
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200 Chs

Chapter 110 Vacation! The first step to invade the world

West China Sea, the land of ice.

The battle between Barrett and Green Pepper ended in a draw.

"Boy, you are very nice." Green Jiao said looking at Barrett.

Although this battle was not fair to Green Pepper, it ended well. At least Barrett didn't let Green Pepper lose face.

In addition, the green pepper can also see that Barrett is indeed fighting purely for the sake of fighting.

As for why Barrett asked the green pepper to use the overlord color, although Karp didn't know it, the green pepper guessed a general idea.

"So do you, I will come again when I practice for a while." Barrett replied.

Although using threats, Barrett could see that Green Pepper is a pure-hearted person and a respectable opponent.


The search was fruitless, Karp and Barrett and his party left the country of flowers on a warship.

"Old man, where are you going next?" Barrett asked.

"Snoring, snoring..."

The response to Barrett was a series of grunts.

Barrett was clutching his forehead, a headache, this problem really needs to be changed.

"Colonel Barrett, Marshal Sora's order is to maintain order in the West Sea. Recently, the pirates in the West Sea have been active."

At this time, Karp's adjutant came over and explained helplessly to Barrett.

"So, when are you going to return?" Barrett asked.

"This, the Marshal didn't seem to mention it, probably Lieutenant General Karp, decide for yourself." The adjutant replied.

"Well, when the old man wakes up, you tell him, don't wait for me, I wander around." Barrett ordered.

"Ah? Well, don't you wake up Lieutenant General Karp and tell him in person?" the adjutant said anxiously.

What a joke, even if you didn't say it in the open, everyone knows that this operation is completely for Barrett and the three, gilded.

If Karp wakes up, doesn't see Barrett, and then returns to Malin Vandor "empty boat".

Marshal of that special empty, must not be anxious with Lieutenant General Karp.

And this matter, if I tell Lieutenant General Karp, then I am afraid that Lieutenant Karp will be ravaged by him.

The adjutant was panicked.

"Wake him up for what? You will have to be beaten again when that time comes. The old man's armed look is not a blow. Anyway, the old man agreed to the holiday. Let him explain to the marshal."

After speaking, Barrett took a nautical chart, stepped on the moonwalk and left the warship, using Barrett's current physical skills, flew to the nearest island without the slightest problem.

Just leaving the adjutant, crying without tears on the deck, is this really human?


In the air, Barrett made a phone call while rushing.

Now that you have such a long vacation, let's toss about it in Xihai.

Blue blue.

"Boss, what do you think about it, have you taken any action after looking for us?"

Mitchell's voice came from the phone bug.

"Yes, I took a long vacation and was in Xihai. Do we have free staff? I am ready to start with Xihai." Barrett explained.

"In terms of manpower, it will take some time for the manpower of Jarzburg, but we have cultivated some manpower ourselves."

"Now Bell and Gaka are trained by the two of them. They each have 50 people in their hands. They are all elites who are going to be trained as tigers."

Mitchell reports that most of these 100 people were selected on Gaya Island and Alabastan, which can be said to be one in a hundred.

"Very well, transfer all of these 100 people, by the way, how about Anbu?" Barrett asked.

The Anbu, as Barrett's intelligence and assassination unit, is equally important.

"The development of Anbu is relatively rapid. At present, the official staff has exceeded 500, and there are more than 1,000 peripheral members who are responsible for collecting intelligence." Mitchell replied.

Barrett's requirements for the Anbu are lower than those of Huben, who was the steel lion in the wartime who was responsible for the invincible.

The Anbu is responsible for collecting intelligence and executing beheading operations, special forces.

The requirements of the Anbu are more acquired, the ability to gather intelligence, and the ability to conceal assassination.

The peripheral members mentioned by Mitchell are the main body of information gathering.

They don't need to perform assassination missions. They just need to collect some gossip at designated locations under the above arrangements. This is their mission.

Correspondingly, their strength and remuneration are the lowest.

As for full members, not only do they have the task of detecting intelligence and the enemy's situation, but sometimes they even have the task of assassination.

Correspondingly, full members are very high in terms of strength and remuneration.

"Very well, I see, you are picking some trustworthy, talented Anbu members, come together, yes, in terms of loyalty..." Barrett hesitated.

Barrett is going to train these guys. The Six Form is perfect for these two troops.

However, Barrett is very worried about the loyalty of these guys. After all, Barrett's power has been established for too short a time. It is normal to have such concerns.

"Boss, don't worry, the guy Amy has awakened from seeing and hearing, and with the blessing of Devil Fruit, Amy can even read the mind, so the boss don't worry about loyalty.

Mitchell assured.

"That's good, let them come, I have something to give to them." Barrett explained.

Barrett has forgotten this one, or said that the Thunder Fruit is very abnormal, the devil fruit adds a sense of sight, and forms a network of hearts.

Not only the area is large and scary, it can achieve the effect of monitoring through radio waves, but also the ability to read the mind.

As for the mind-reading here, it should not be in the traditional sense. If you understand what you say in your heart, it will not be able to distinguish loyalty.

The mind-reading mentioned by Mitchell should be an extension of the domineering of seeing and hearing, just like listening to the sound of everything or predicting the future.

But Amy is definitely not up to this level at present, so it should be the blessing of the fruit of the thunder.

Thinking of this, Barrett has some envy of Amy.


"Boss, it's the Sixth Form, I've heard about your deeds in the Naval Academy. It just so happens that the Sixth Form is very suitable for Hu Ben and Anbe." Mitchell said happily.

"Yes, that's what I think. This is our first step to invade the world." Barrett replied.

Huben and Anbu are now a group of mortals, but if they learn the six forms, then these mortals can transform into a group of little supermen.

In that case, there are too many things that can be done.

In the four seas, even in the first half of the great route, except for individual forces, almost no one can contend with the attack and assassination of a type six force.

In this way, as the forces continue to grow, the four seas are only a matter of time.

And in line with the principle of the plan to encircle the city from the countryside, after the four seas are controlled, there will be more talents and the strength will grow with the family.

Until entering the new world.

But in this way, it seems that there is nothing wrong with the revolutionary army.

It's just that they still get in the way, don't worry...