
Harry Potter:The rise of Voldemort

This is the story of how Voldemort's soul traveled back in time. Will he realize his mistakes will he change or will he conquer. Dumbledore won't know what hit him. I don't own harry potter jk rowling does. And the cover is also not mine

atharva_saraf · Película
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32 Chs

Allies or minions?

Hillary moved through the people blocking the passageway and made her way towards the compartment in somewhere middle of the train.

A boy suddenly bumped into her, he had messy black hair and blue eyes he also had round glasses on his nose. Overall his appearance was not bad but, still, if it were to be compared to the boy she met on the platform this boy would not compete.

"Sorry," he said hastily and continued to go his way. I must also remind you that the passageway was filled with people and there were only some spaces near the doors to stand idly and chat but they were not on one of them.

"Hmph, What a rude boy" when she was going to move ahead and look for further compartments her sight fell on the compartment in front of her. In there she saw the boy reading the book with one leg on top of another, it felt like he was some kind of prin-

"Move away" a voice called when she looked at the interrupter it was some scary-faced fifth year(probably). With a audible "eep" she hastily moved and opened the door to Tom's compartment.

Tom noticed that the door was opened and so he looked away from his book now paying full attention solely to the newcomer. He saw the girl he had met on the platform and her expression was the one which countless victims of his had. it was fear and it was pure genuine fear. Tom smiled, he liked this girl, the first expression she showed him was awe and the second was fear. Now just worship is left and he would make her one of his minions. No, not minions it was 'allies' Tom was an ikle-goodie first year, how could he have minions.

He gave a small inviting smile and gestured her to take a seat. He noticed that the eyes of this girl followed every movement of his, which was commendable for mud blood, she could have a natural aptitude in dueling he will have to groom her talent and loyalty. Perhaps in his previous life, he had seen this girl as some non-valuable mud blood.

She took the seat in front of him. She looked uncomfortable when the silence stretched for a few minutes Tom again looked up from his book and with his ever-present smile said

"Names Riddle, Tom Riddle" in reaction she giggled like a five-year-old as Tom's way of saying his name was similar to that of 'James bond movie'.

"Hello señor Riddle my name is Hillary Danny," she said in a faux Mexican accent impersonating another character from the movie.

From the previous confrontation, Tom gathered a few notable points like she's a shy girl in front of strangers and a fast opening girl in front of comparable. It was beneficial for Tom as eventually when he will add her to the group she will be like an open book to him and her shyness to strangers will help him keep her from going astray.

The rest of the ride was uneventful in terms of productivity but it was a peaceful ride, watching the view of the grassland and the field from the window and making small chats with the girl.

By the end of the journey, Tom had solidified his position in Hillary's heart as a relateable charming, and soft-spoken boy.

[ Yo guys another chapter here for you and it is a crucial step in Tom's journey as this meeting will impact the future of the wizarding world unexpectedly. And don't worry he will not have any romantic interest other than Minerva and possibly Bellatrix.]

If you like to vote with power stones The goal of 70 was not complete but I wish that you reach 100 before the next chapter which I will release somewhere 13 hrs later.