
Harry Potter and the Child Of Calamity.

After dying from drowning in a river, Liam found himself turned into a baby. Thinking 'What worse could happen now' He found himself abandoned in an orphanage. "God, What sins are you punishing me for" The sweet girl next door is Hermione!!!. What did you say I got accepted into Hogwarts!!!!! This new life doesn't seem so bad now. Liam shouted, " Magic is magnificent!!, Magic is mysterious!!, Magic is miracle!!". Author's words of wisdom: - The suspense is terrible. I hope it lasts. When you will be half way through this book and come a to a plot twist at 1 am... you won't need sleep you will need answers. please read at least 10 chapters before judging.

Novelenthusisat · Película
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60 Chs

Chapter 22: Reward.

Harry, Ron and Hermione looked towards the leaving professor's back in daze. Liam already knew the dubious and unreliable nature of Dumbledore he naturally didn't pay much attention to it. But for the trio besides him it was a very strange thing, it was the first time they were witnessing the antics of Dumbledore.

"I think today's incident was done by Snape, I saw wounds on him which could only be done by a giant dog." Harry said this in a serious tone looking towards Hermione and Ron.

Liam pretended to be confused, he didn't want them to think that he knew anything about it.

Hermione noticed the confusion on Liam's face, she looked towards Harry. Harry nodded.

"Liam, do you remember the warning which prof. Dumbledore gave us, 'not to go on the third floor' actually we happened to see what's on the third floor. There was a big three headed dog who was protecting something." Hermione explained.

"And the wound on Snape's legs were of that dog. So I think that Snape used the chaos caused by the the troll as an opportunity to go steal what's hidden in that room." Harry added.

Liam looked towards the trio wondering if he should tell them the exact truth, 'If I tell them they might not believe me, also I can't just use the prophet reason to say everything, my predictions may even be wrong. The events have diverted too much there were two trolls instead of one also the event with Hermione. This is too much strange. This may be a consequence of me changing the actual events. I tried to change the events but instead they happened anyway but even worse the intensity of the event rose to a different level.'

Liam was very confused to what he should do, he was sure he would have to include himself in the events to make sure what was deviating and to have countermeasures ready.

"What is hidden on the third floor? And why?" Liam asked.

Harry looked lost in thought but after a while he replied, "Do you remember the day we met in the bank, on that day Hagrid took out a secret package from a vault. I think the dog is protecting that. Very few people know what that is including Snape."

"Harry, truthfully speaking I don't think Snape is the one trying to steal the 'Thing', it's someone else. But I can help you in what every way possible. I will look into the species of the dog you are talking about and you try to find out what is the thing hidden in the third floor."

"We will have to take this information out of Hagrid." Ron spoke.

"Let's do that then." Harry said.

They had all distributed the work to themselves accordingly, Hermione was going to help Liam find out information about the dog while harry and Ron will think of a way to ask Hagrid about what is kept on the third floor.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

The next day in the library, Liam was looking through the fantastic beasts books to see whether he could find anything about the three headed dog. He looked into some botanical books as well to learn about some magical plants. Liam had in his mind to plant some plants with magical properties himself to earn some pocket change. He was broke, the few galleons which he got in his scholarship weren't enough to buy many things he wanted to buy.

He really wanted to buy a special bag to carry around his stuff. But he couldn't do so because he didn't have a source of income. He remembered that the weasley twins actually hold a betting business, what if he could bet some galleons on Gryffindor and win, He knew for sure that Gryffindor would win. Why not just make some money.

But this wasn't a good source of income he wanted something which he could provide him with a good source of income. Also the changes in the events are too drastic so he can't be sure of anything.

Hermione just entered the library, she came towards Liam just as she entered.

"Did you find anything?" She asked.

"Not yet, but I am looking into it." Liam replied, he already had too many things to figure out, it was thanks to his high intellect that he was ahead the other students and had already started the second year studies, otherwise he wouldn't have been able to do any of the things he wanted to do.

Hermione looked at the books Liam was reading she saw that there were even books of herbology on the table, she was a bit furious, "Why are you reading herbology? We are trying to find about a magical creature not a magical plant. Isn't this wasting time?"

Liam looked towards Hermione, "Even if we find a way to bypass the dog you can't be sure that there won't be anything else. Dumbledore is not stupid enough to just let the dog guard the 'Thing' on the third floor. Also I can find an herb which can help us take care of the dog as well. It's a win-win situation."

Hermione also started helping Liam look through the books, "Makes sense, how are you able to read all this so quickly? I thought my reading speed was good but when I look at you I think my speed is like a turtle."

Liam was already very proficient in reading, and had continued his reading hobby also his comprehension ability was very good.


Why wouldn't the reading speed and comprehension ability of an adult be better that that of an 11 year old kid. This is very obvious but even so his reading and comprehension was better than other adults as he was a former elite, a topper and a scholar student.

"I used to read in the orphanage as well so I am a good reader." Liam answered.

"Oh! Is that so." she exclaimed at Liam.

After looking for a while and not finding any good information, Hermione left saying she wanted to study for the exam.

Michael entered the library a while after Hermione had left, he had joined the 'Ancient Texts' club as he was interested in Ancient texts.

"Watcha looking for? :>" Asked Michael in a jolly mood.

Liam was weirded out by such behavior he was curious, 'why is he acting like this' he asked, "What happened? you seem to be in a very happy mood."

Michael looked towards Liam and said, "You wanna know?" He moved towards Liam ear and whispered, "Emily joined the club I am in."

"Whatt!! That's great…" Liam was very happy. A while back Michael had told him that he had a crush on a girl, which is Emily.

"Well forget about that, tell me about the troll. There is a rumor going around that you fought the troll. Is that true? They were also saying that you will be rewarded tonight before dinner." Michael asked in excitement.

'So that why I am getting all those weird looks since the morning.'

Liam moved close to Michael, "Who told you?" he asked in a low voice.

"So it is true. MERLINSS BEARD!! LIAM" he exclaimed, "I thought it was just a rumor but it turned out to be true."

"Yeah all thanks to Cedric's training I was able to survive." Liam said feeling grateful towards Cedric.

"What about the reward? Do you know what you will get?" Michael asked.

"I had no idea I was going to get a reward even, we got rewarded house points what more is there to it?" Liam just shrugged it off.

"We will know tonight. It's going to be a big reward as no first year student has ever defeated a troll as of before." Michael commented.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

At night in the dinner, all the students were waiting for Professor Dumbledore to arrive at the venue. He came and stood on the podium in the middle.

"As everyone knows yesterday we had an unfortunate event, few trolls entered the castle through the dungeons. But few students were caught in between such vicious creatures but they defeated the trolls. Those students were just first year students. Hermione Granger, Harry Potter, Ronald Weasey and Liam Gremory fought and defeated two trolls for such a feat each of them will be given a reward of 50 Galleons."

All the students in the crowd went mad, few first year students were able to defeat not one but two trolls.

All the Gryffindor students cheered as three of the four students were from Gryffindor.

The Slytherin students which had been treating Liam Badly were also shocked by this revelation. Their view towards Liam had changed.

Marie and Daphne also looked towards Liam with a different light. Marie had 'I knew' look on her face.

Liam was very happy to hear that the reward was a monetary. He was in need of some money now he got that money.


Author's Small Request:

I am not a full fledged writer and have just begun writing. I don't know what it takes to start getting paid on this platform. So this pretty much means i get nothing from writing here. But (Not getting sad) I do have a earning source, which is my website.

If you are a manga, manhua, manhwa and anime fan then my site is for you. I publish content there as well. So help your brother out and visit my website.

I won't post link here cause even if I do you wouldn't be able to use it.

To visit my website just Google


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