Sirius took Harry on the night Voldemort attacked and and left England. What will happen now? How will the story change? ..... Disclaimer J. K. Rowling owns everything.
Sirius and Beth followed suit but not with the intention of sleeping. The time apart had them both wanting to be close as they talked. Sheba had been spending the nights with Beth but upon finding Sirius in that bed she stalked off in a huff. Sirius and Beth chuckled. Beth spoke softly, "Her nose is out of joint."
"Too bad, this is my bed and there is no way I'm going anywhere else."
"Real deal, how did everything go after I left Arizona."
"Scary. Arizona was the worst. Harry seems to be a potential mage or maybe even arch mage and freeing him of the horcrux had him very off balance. Yiska did his best, and helped him to find his center but it was four and a half months before he was truly stable enough for real training. He definitely has Lily's mindset that bend to the theory side of things Ms. Serra was a cold bitch if I ever saw one but by the end she had warmed up to Harry mostly because he liked magical theory. San Francisco with Rose Tyler was good. She says he's a fair to middling metamorph hair, eye color, and about five percent body mass which basically means he can't do bone structure changes but if he needs a disguise he'll have it. Montana with Malcom Reynolds was good the extra time meant that Harry perfected his core control. He proved to me he no longer needs any guidance in the finance side of things. I didn't tell Malcom but all the suggestions to improve the business came from Harry. I checked them first of course but it was all Harry. Now that he's got the economic stuff do think your dad would be willing to teach him the political stuff?
"New York was good. Jack Harkness wasn't what I expected. He was very playful and I think I learned as much from him as Harry did. Chicago was great. I had a blast with the trainees, and once he got over his hangups about training a kid, Charlie Cruz had fun teaching Harry the basics. Especially once he realized that Harry didn't know the spells but already knew the mindset and had the physical side of things down. It amused him to no end that Harry could kick the asses of a good share of the trainees. He said it would get the more complacent of them off their asses to work harder. We'll probably go back there for more training later."
"So you plan on doing this again?"
"I think I- we'll have to. I don't want Harry going to Hogwarts without a grounding. Between Deatheater children some of them older than him, and Dumbledore… He has to be prepared. I've taught him all the occlumency I know. He's got the basics which will hold up to ninety percent of the people he'll meet and is as much as most pureblood children and aurors every get but it wouldn't stand up to Dumbledore or Moldyshorts. So I need to find him another teacher. Rachel says he's a natural at arithmancy, he's also coming along in his transfiguration. We probably won't be doing jumps this next school break especially with the babies coming but we probably will the one after that. He's picked up a fair amount of gobledegook he still speaks it with a human accent though. I think maybe the next break we should get Grimjaw to send a goblin tutor. I want Walter and I to start teaching him potions on the weekends and next break. But enough about Harry I want to hear about what I missed. You, the babies, our kisses…"
The next morning Sirius woke up early and decided to call Remus and let him know that things went well with getting rid of Harry's horcrux. The phone rang three times before being picked up. "Hey Moony? How's tricks?"
"Yup it's me."
"How's Harry?"
"He's good and Horcrux free, and you won't believe how much power that kid has at his disposal."
"Wait last I heard you hadn't found anyone to get rid of it-"
"Well we found someone and did the job and spent most of… Well we found a way to step up training him since his core was strong and with some training stable enough for magical training. Seems like the horcrux had an unexpected benefit."
"Well that something I suppose. I've talked to McGonagall two days ago she's processing still not sure which way she'll swing. She did promise whichever way she won't share with Albus though."
"That's good."
"Oh and I found a legal firm, Baraccas and Smith. John Hannibal Smith and his partner Boscoe Baraccas, they are of the shark variety but oddly enough they seem to have morals. At first they didn't want to touch your case. I showed them the memory of who the secret keeper was oddly enough they changed their mind."
"Funny how that worked."
"They say that it will be tough between the problems with Dumbledore, that the Wizengamot liking to do ostrich impressions, and that the new Minister Fudge was the prosecutor in your case. The Wizengamot aren't going to want to reopen your case."
"Yeah well I think the ICW won't be giving them that option."
"Are there any other consequences to the horcrux other than a super charged core?"
"Harry was really off centered no way to control his magic. We had a bit of trouble, but Yiska Walker found a way. Harry's found his center and when all is said and done he's likely to be a mage if not arch mage and he'll probably mature early. We're still processing everything; he's apparently got some of Moldyshorts memories from the fragment. Which could be an edge in all this, however he had enough on his plate just relearning how to center so for now we've locked those memories down with occlumency. He'll have to deal with them a some point but not today, hell probably not even this year."
"Okay. How's Beth?"
"She's great she and the babies are doing fine. The medi-witch decided that they're doing a Cesarean on August 1st. Harry is regarding it a belated birthday present and can't wait. How are other things?"
"We had some flooding on the Black country estate in England, in France the main house at the vineyard needs the roof repaired. Harry's property in Wales was hit by an appalling storm I am heading out there to check on it today. So same old stuff. Stuff to do."
"Well thanks for handling things. And pass the word on about Harry okay. I'm going to go make breakfast for my family."
"Okay Padfoot. Take care."
"You too."
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