Sirius took Harry on the night Voldemort attacked and and left England. What will happen now? How will the story change? ..... Disclaimer J. K. Rowling owns everything.
Harry checked his room in the tent for the last time, taking a deep breath. Today he would leave Arizona and go to San Francisco after which he Sirius and Rachel would use the time turner. The two weeks since he had completed his vision Quest had been spent working on restructuring his mental equilibrium and magical core he had spent seemingly countless hours in guided meditation with Yiska or beginning occlumency lessons with Sirius.
He had discovered how to consciously access the skyscrapers of his vision and had begun to not just to explore but also resort the rooms of memory now his earliest experiences with his true mum and dad occupied one skyscraper and the last thing he did each night was to visit that building. He hadn't had a bad dream even on the two nights there had been thunderstorms.
He was slowly finding and sorting other memories school, his time on Bali. He wasn't looking forward to moving the rooms of death as he thought of them but he knew he would have to eventually. The other thing he wasn't looking forward to was exploring the burned out building but he somehow knew that he would have to deal with it eventually but he had every intention of waiting until he was stronger. When he was meditating in or around his buildings he would see an eagle soaring in the sky it never came very close but it was always there.
Harry grinned as he heard his godfather swearing mildly. Sirius had started swearing a week and a half ago when Beth confided over the phone that she missed him and she missed the company of John's cats so she had adopted a six week old kitten that one of her co-workers was giving away.
Harry snickered because Beth talked about how cute the kitten was with all its spots and how smart it was. And the whole time she was talking, Sirius was muttering, "It will hiss at me, take swipes at me, shred my clothes, and deposit hair balls in my shoes. I understand wanting company Beth, but a cat? What's wrong with a dog? Or a bird? Or even fish?"
John's cats had liked him and Beth but they had hated Sirius. The three cats seemingly ganged up on Sirius. The whole two month's they had lived in John's condo he had been under constant attack mostly from RK but Grimalkin had deposited a fair number of hair balls in Sirius' shoes until he got them up on a shelf rather than on the floor.
Since Beth had announced the presence of the new kitten Sirius had been very out of sorts and it had definitely distracted him from taking revenge on Harry and Rachel for their prank, part of Harry was grateful for the reprieve. He wonder if the new kitten would like him. He checked the Swiss watch that had been his father's, his own hadn't survived his burst at school.
"Sirius, I'm going out to say bye to Yiska you've got ten minutes until we're supposed to portkey out. Rachel still waiting to get the tent down and you are supposed to help her."
"Fine tell her two minutes."
Harry went to the trailer door and knocked once. Yiska stepped out in his hand he held a small box. "What's in the box?" Harry asked.
"A small token to remind you of your time here and what you learned."
Harry opened it inside was a pendant strung on a black leather cord.
"A friend of mine that makes jewelry made it when he said he was drunk, I suspect the spirits took advantage. He makes jewelry for lots of people not just for the tribe so the trading post gets first shot at his work and if they turn him down he sells it elsewhere. Anyway I saw the pendant when Fred brought it to the trading post the manager there turned the piece away because it isn't the sort of thing tourists buy.
But when I saw it I knew it was the answer to my prayers to the spirits. I have felt very badly, the feathers from the eagle were tokens of the spirit and among the Dine' such tokens are treasured for life. Yet because of the laws I was forced, in a way, to ask you to give up something sacred."
"It's okay I know you wouldn't have asked if it was something minor, me having the feathers I mean. Besides it almost felt like when I collected them as if I was doing it for another purpose anyway, so no problem."
"You have a generous heart. The gifts you and your guardian made to the tribe for my services were exceptionally generous and still you hold no resentment for what I did. That is why when I saw the pendant I decided to get it for you."
Harry looked closely at the pendant. It was large two and a half inches in diameter circle in the center was a large one and three quarter inch malachite cabochon but it was the edge that made it special the top edge had an eagle in flight flaring it's wings as if it was about to strike and around the sides and bottom was a wolf pack seven adults and five pups. "What kind of metal is this?"
"Fred, himself was puzzled, he mostly works with silver or gold although he has made titanium and tungsten-carbide rings in the past. He didn't know why he made a tungsten-carbide pendant but he said it would protect the stone. Do you like it?"
"I love it. Thank you for everything," Harry noticed a nearby chair was rattling, and then he noticed his magic was fluctuating and he focused to lock it down. "I'll write and keep you posted on my progress."
"You do that Atsah."
"Atsah? What's that mean?"
"It's the Dine' word for eagle. I don't know why, but it fits you."
"Harry! Come here it's time to go." Sirius called.
"Bye, Yiska Thanks again."
"Wind to thy wings Atsah."
The portkey deposited them in the foyer of a penthouse apartment that overlooked Golden Gate Park in San Francisco. Sirius noted the time. They pulled out the time turner and spun it the sixty turns.
Rachel collected herself and pulled out her cellphone. "I'll call the local WIS office, so the detail will know we're here."
Sirius said, "I'll do the same for Miss Tyler. Harry how about you find your room and get settled. I'll bring you the potion in a while."
Harry was relieved to see that there was very little in the apartment that his magical surges would affect. He was better than he had been before his vision quest but his power level was much, much higher than a normal nine year old wizard and Sirius had planned his training and Harry hoped that he could get control of his surges and his tendency to turn interesting colors before anything else.
He found that the penthouse had four bedrooms two with private baths and the other two sharing one. He decided he'd take one of the rooms that shared a bath. He took his trunk that Sirius had keyed so a touch and a command word from him would shrink or enlarge it on command. He looked around He unpacked his clothes, his humanities school work, his martial arts weapons, and his guitar and cello. Unsure of what else to do he pulled his cello over and started to play.
Sirius felt a surge of compassion when he heard Harry start to play his cello. Harry almost always chose his cello when he was feeling unsettled and a little depressed. Which unfortunately had been most of the time since December. He stood in the doorway of Harry's bedroom and watched as Harry played. Part of Sirius marveled at Harry, and all of him felt blessed that he was privileged to raise him. Mentally he said 'You'd be so proud Prongs.' When Harry finished his piece Sirius spoke, "You okay kiddo?"
"Mostly. I just wish I…"
"Wasn't lonely?"
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