
Free God

[You are now a God, feel free to do whatever you want.] It is said that Gods would never intervene with a mortal's doing, but what if I wanted to do so? I am neither good nor bad, I'm neutral when it comes to those concepts. What I want, are stories.

ImShameless · Fantasía
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24 Chs

The First Tragedy (2)

100 years ago, my creator asked me.

"Castor, do you know what stories are?"

At that time, I just stared at him in confusion.

He told me that everyone is a story. me, him, and everyone else that are about to be born.

He told me that stories were meant to have an ending, otherwise it wouldn't be called a story at all. I vaguely understood what he meant. But the next thing he said confused me.

"However, what I want is a story that will never end."

Such a contradictory statement was not something I could process.

If a story is composed of a begining and an end, how is it a story if does not have an end?

And as though he knew what I was thinking, my creator just smiled at me and stood up.

And then he told me.

"Castor, how would you like to witness a story?"

He said as he held out his hand as though inviting me.


At that time, Castor didn't know the weight of the tragedy he was about to accept just from holding that hand.


It's been 99 years since then. I never saw my creator again. Perhaps he was somewhere in the endless darkness called the Testament of Stories. However it was so vast and empty that It'd be impossible for me to search him.

However I was not lonely, 99 years ago my creator created another peculiar species.

He called them humans. He said that they will accompany me and help me witness a story.

"Hello Castor!"

A group of little humans waved at the shining star at the sky while carrying a basket of fruits. They were dressed with clothing made from grass.

"We're here to offer our daily fruits to you, Dear Celestial!"

[The First Celestial is smiling at the humans.]

[The First Celestial is activating "Incarnation Descent"]


The group of humans ran to me as they handed me the fruit basket.

We all sat down as we started eating the fruits that they offered me.

"Castor, what is it like being up there?"

I gulped the fruit in my mouth and thought about how to answer that question.

"It's.. sort of lonely. I can see all of you from up there though."

"Can we do that too?"

One of the humans named Kieve raised his hand as he asked.

"I also do not know. We'll have to ask my creator for that!"

Kieve answered back. "We've never seen the creator before.. you said he was graceful and powerful right? I wonder if we'll ever be able to meet him."

Castor frowned. He also wondered if he'll ever be able to see his creator once again.

However, he did not feel too down. He looked at the group of humans and put down the fruit on his hand.

"Well, before my creator left, he said that humans like you will help me witness a story. Perhaps once we witness that story, we'll be able to see him!"

The group of humans paid attention to his words curiously.

"Story? What kind of story?"

"I also do not know. But one thing for certain, is that we'll be witnessing it together."

After we ate all the fruits, I went back to my original body and the little humans went back to their villages. There were 10 villages with over a hundred humans per village. Every day they'd select a candidate from their villages and make them come to me to offer fruits.

I smiled. I was now even more curious about the story that the creator wanted me to witness with these humans.