
Free God

[You are now a God, feel free to do whatever you want.] It is said that Gods would never intervene with a mortal's doing, but what if I wanted to do so? I am neither good nor bad, I'm neutral when it comes to those concepts. What I want, are stories.

ImShameless · Fantasy
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24 Chs

The First Tragedy (1)

I sat down on the grassy land as the wind passed through my body.

I wonder if this was how freedom felt like.

I stared at the grasslands in front of me. This was a view I would've never been able to see in my past life.

After I figured out how my ability worked in this reality, I created a world similar to Earth.

I sat there and looked up at Castor, the first Celestial I created. It acted as the sun of this place, making light visible. And perhaps, allow life to germinate.

[The First Celestial is curious about its creator]

I couldn't help but smile. I wondered if this is what a father felt like after seeing their newly born child.

[The First Celestial wants to sit down on the grass with you]

Since Castor was a star, it obviously couldn't join me. It was impossible for such a big thing to come to this place.

However, I'm basically omnipotent in this place, nothing is preventing me from doing impossible things.

"Why don't you come sit down with me, Castor?"

I said as I slowly imagined a way for Castor to be able to descend to this place.

[The Testament of Stories is updating the system]

["Incarnation Descent" has been added to the system of the Celestials]

I glanced at the sky where Castor was.

'He should be able to figure it out.'

[The First Celestial is shocked.]

[The First Celestial is activating the skill "Incarnation descent" on Earth]

Light engulfed the area in front of me. A being was slowly being formed.

A boy with short light blue hair, resembling the light that the star Castor emitted, red eyes resembling the fire within that very star.

It could've been a touching scene for me if it weren't for the fact that the boy was naked.

I immediately added him some clothes. A black cloak which resembled the darkest black.

I patted down the grassland next to me, indicating that he should sit.

Castor tilted his head. He stumbled as he tried walking towards me. Perhaps he was not used to walking just yet.

Castor just stared me as if curious about my very existence, looking me up and down as he sat down next to me.

[The First Celestial is very curious about its creator]

I smiled and asked him.

"Castor, do you know what stories are?"