
Free God

[You are now a God, feel free to do whatever you want.] It is said that Gods would never intervene with a mortal's doing, but what if I wanted to do so? I am neither good nor bad, I'm neutral when it comes to those concepts. What I want, are stories.

ImShameless · Fantasy
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24 Chs

The First Tragedy (3)

From the moment I was born, I did not know what a tragedy was. How it felt to lose something.

I was naive to think that the following days would always be happy and full of smiles.

[The Testament of Stories warns that the first main scenario will begin soon]

An unknown message appeared from the depths of the darkness. When I born, this so called "Testament of Stories" was born along with me. Perhaps I could consider it my older sibling seeing as to how it got named first by the creator before me.

Speaking of which, I was jealous since that modifier had the word "stories" in it.

[The First Celestial is asking what the Testament of Stories means by "First Main Scenario.]

The Testament of Stories didn't reply.

I saw a group of humans walking towards the area where they'd send me fruits.

I activated my incarnation skill and descended upon Earth once again.

"Castor, did you see that weird message too? What does it mean?"

I shrugged my shoulders as I began eating the fruits they gave me.

"Truth be told told, I also do not know what the Testament of Stories means. Perhaps we'll finally be able to witness the story that the creator was talking about!"

The humans and Castor talked excitedly, trying to guess what the story really is.

After the day ended, they waved each other goodbye as smiles stayed on their faces

The group of humans and Castor didn't know that it'll be the last time they'll be smiling and eating together happily.


[Main Scenario : #1

Task : Select a representative for the humans and dub them as the ruler.

Time limit : 5 hours

Reward : 500 coins for the Selected human, 20 coins each for every participant.

Failure : ??? ]


It's been two hours since that message appeared. The group of humans have been discussing what it was, and have been trying to select a human representative.

They also included me in the discussion. They looked up at the sun in the sky and asked if whether or not I knew what was going on.

[The First Celestial shakes his head saying he does not know.]

[The First Celestial says that this might be the "story" that the creator told him about]

The discussion continued and a representative was finally chosen.

It was Kieve, one of the humans that always came to me to deliver fruits.

I was the one to suggest him, and the humans tacitly agreed since they thought that the First Celestial couldn't be wrong.

The reason for why I chose him was because he'd always volunteer to deliver me fruits, and sometimes would sneak out to deliver me more. His kindness was very touching and would perhaps be a good representative.

[Main Scenario #1 has been completed.]

[The Testament of Stories is issuing the rewards.]

[You have received 20 coins]

I received 20 coins for being a participant in the scenario. I curiously looked at my status that said "20 coins". I wondered what they were for.

[The Testament of Stories is issuing a story for the human Kieve.]

[The A Grade Story "The First Ruler" has been granted to the Human Kieve.]

Story? I stared curiously. Is this how a story is made? I wanted to ask the creator that asked me how they were made and tell him if this was what a story was.

[The Testament of Stories has updated the system for all Scenario Participants]

[Stats can now be upgraded using coins]