

Histoire suffers from short-term memory lapses. She begins life anew with a few lost memories including those of a god, Fiend, who is in love with her. Her best friend is also in love with her, but her love interest is someone who lives in another country. She meets a wealthy young man who happens to be her neighbor and an old school mate she forgot about. Together they face hardships until Fiend returns to her and new problems arise. Histoire forms new relationships with other people, but knowing what their fates are, Fiend gives her an ultimatum: that she can only save one out of the five. Who will she decide is worthy of being saved?

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137 Chs

Call Me Sometime

It was a few hours past dawn when Histoire's eyes opened wide. Disorientated, she glanced down at the bed covers, and, hopeful that the drink she shared with Sosha did not result in an unfavorable outcome, raised them to see that she had on a night dress. Sighing in relief, she threw her head back down on the pillow. There was no cause for unnecessary concern because she had not been intoxicated when she went to sleep. She recalled staying awake for an hour or so with Sosha, then he left after the unceremonious conversation. She immediately went to sleep afterwards.