
Fate/Hallowed Spring

A fanfiction of Fate Series... In 2042 disasters after disasters struck earth, it is said that the world is ending within a year or earlier. But, humanity wanted to live. And so they were given a chance, a prophecy came from the church. A Holy Grail...No. A Greater Grail is the prize... But there is something wrong.... In this series different heroic spirits from different countries will be shown...

GrayWB018 · Cómic
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91 Chs

Chapter 7: Decision

*In Kusanagi Ken Perspective

Date: 15th of May 2042 | 12:30 PM

Location: Fuyuki, Japan

"You two. Are you really sure about participating in this war?" he asked with a serious face

This war? The Holy Grail War that almost all of the mages dream of participating. A war to fulfill the winner's wish. It's a lie if I said that I am not greedy to join but I've got a lot of things at my hand right now… That is why...

"Can we refuse?" I asked as I place the tableware

Haruka and Lein's face looks surprised.

"I see… Well… Are you sure that you are going to refuse it?" he asked

"I asked if we can?"

"Are you sure about this Ken? I heard earlier that you can wish anything if you won" Haruka asked

"I don't really care about wishes. I don't want to see Haruka get hurt anymore. Yesterday, If Lein were late for even a few second we would have——"

Haruka was surprised

Lein sat down and sighed

"Well it's not like you have any choice" he said

"Then why did you even asked?"

"I am just curious about your answer"

"Answer?" Haruka asked

"Yeah, you see many people from the past and the current Holy Grail War are greedy to make a wish for the Holy Grail. What can we do? It is human's nature to be greedy."

"Are you also one of them?" Haruka asked again

"Hmmm? Ahhh… No… I am not one of them" he answered

"Then why are you in this Holy Grail War...? What is your wish…..?" I asked

The room was silent for a while… Lein was pondering for a moment it looks like the always smiling face looks gloomy…

"Sorry if I offended you"

He looked at me

"Nah not really. You see….. I don't really care about the Holy Grail. Just like the 2 of you I was forced into this war."

"You were?" Haruka and I asked

He nodded "I was chosen as a Master and was forced to join the war"

"It must be hard for you" Haruka sympathize

He smiled "Nah not really. I agreed because I have nothing to do…"

"You must be really bored huh?"

"Maybe…" He stared at me


"You know Ken, do you know how the current 14 masters were chosen? From all of the countries of the world." He asked in a serious tone

"The Masters? No the details were confidential" I answered

"Haha I see.. So the church kept it a secret even to the fellow mages"


He stretched his arms and placed it in the table

"Then do you mind me asking a simple psychological question? Haruka can answer too" he smiled

It feels like something is wrong he is gloomy all of a sudden

"We don't mind" Haruka answered first


Psychological Question? Secret? It seems like there is something hidden in this war.

"Before that what do you know about what will happen if one side won" he asked another question

Haruka is not a mage herself so it might be hard for her to answer this. But Lein gave her a simple explanations earlier…

"The winner will survive right?" I answered

"Survive…?" Haruka repeated

"Well technically that is true. But what countries will survive?" he asked again

What countries? What does he mean by that? Maybe..

"The winner's side for example… the whole East…. Right…?"

He formed an x with his arms "*BEEEPP*Wrong answer!!! No point for you Ken!!!!" he shouted

"Eh? What do you mean wrong?" I shouted

I am pretty sure that I am right…

He laughed "I see that church is really good at covering things up…"

"Covering things? Wait what do you mean?"

"What about you Haruka can you guess?" he asked Haruka

Haruka pondered for a moment

"The world?" she answered while tilting her head

He laughed loudly again "HAHAHA!!! As expected of Haruka"

"Am I right?" she asked

"BEEEP* Wrong but since you made me laugh I will give you some points" he answered smiling

One side and World are both wrong then what is the correct answer?

"Wait then what is the correct answer? If it's not the world or one side then what….? Just what..? What…? Who….? Will be saved?"

He stopped laughing "Ah right the correct answer huh….?"

He sighed and raised his two hand, 7 fingers were raised….

"What? What do you mean by that?"

"A hint just for you" he grinned

7? Fingers? What does it mean?

"Countries?" Haruka asked

Eh?!?!?!?! 7? Countries? Masters?

He smiled "Full Points for you Haruka-Chan"

Haruka and I were stunned for a few seconds

"The two of you should look at the face you are making right now"

"Wait 7 countries as in the 7 countries where the 7 masters came??!?!" I asked in a loud voice

Lein covered his ears

"Calm down Ken" Haruka patted me

Lein sighed "Riiiiiight 7 countries… Only 7 countries"

"Then why the hell are you all even fighting for? I know that even if only one side remains the winner can still find a way to survive" I asked in a calm voice this time

His looks remained unsurprised "We are not heroes you know"


"Some of the current participants are greedy that they won't care about the world collapsing. There is this guy that wants the world to end. And another one that wanted to be a hero to be praised by everyone"


"What are we fighting for?"

I remained silent

"Maybe I should start a lecture huh…? Maybe being a teacher… really suits me"

"I have to agree" Haruka agreed

He laughed at Haruka's remark and started talking "You see humans are humans"

"Isn't that obvious?" Haruka asked

"Hmm… It is really obvious you know even a monkey knows a human is a human" he answered in a curious tone.

"Monkey??? Are you comparing me to a monkey?!!??!?" Haruka asked angrily

"Not really…" he said as he look away

"You're lying" Haruka placed her hand on the hilt

He laughed a little "Anyways, humans are humans all of us are different, all of us have different wishes. All I can say is that we are not born to save the world… We are born to live the way we want to. Not just because we are living in this world means that everyone is oblige to save it"


"How can they have fun when the world is destroyed?" He continued

We nodded

He laughed again "All humans are fools you know…. Some are greedy, others are straightforward, no matter how you want to say it or put it. Humans have flaws… We are never perfect and never will… No matter how you train in the sword even if you spend all of your life on it, even if you reach the realm of divine in the end you are still human."

"Are you sure you are not just being pessimistic…?" I asked

"Nah… I am just a realist you know, I sometimes think Ideals are great but I hate it when it became too much that it only becomes a dream"

I hate to say this but I have to agree…

"Though even if we are imperfect creatures, it doesn't mean we are nothing."

"But geniuses are born…? Don't you think they are perfect in some ways?" I asked

"Well that's a great question Ken… But geniuses are not perfect, not even close"

"Why? Some geniuses have godlike abilities"

He pointed "You already answered your own question"


"Are you an idiot? I guess not? I heard from Haruka that you are really smart"

"Ken is really smart ya know!!!" Haruka shouted

"I am not really sure about that" He answered

But I don't really know what…. Genius? Godlike? Abilities?…. WAIT


"I haven't even said anything yet"

"But you already figured it out right?"

"I told ya Ken is smart" Haruka smugged

"Yes yes… the answer is god right?" I answered

"Full points!!! You see some geniuses might have godlike abilities, but who said that gods are perfect? Only an idiot would think gods are perfect beings. They make mistakes and sins you know. They are just like moderators… or admins of this world they are also not perfect in anyways"

Is he really a 17 year old… It feels like he is to mature for his age, except when he is being to playful.

"Are you not afraid…. to incur god's wrath?" Haruka asked

"Haha.. if I am afraid of it I wouldn't have survive this long in this war"

"You are really reckless"

"Besides I already lost a lot so I don't really care about dying"

Haruka and I were surprised again

"Well it seems like that surprise the two of you. Anyways I would go to the main question. If you were to save one of the most important people or Ninety-nine unknown people to you? Who would you save?" He smiled asking

————Chapter End———-