
Fate/Hallowed Spring

A fanfiction of Fate Series... In 2042 disasters after disasters struck earth, it is said that the world is ending within a year or earlier. But, humanity wanted to live. And so they were given a chance, a prophecy came from the church. A Holy Grail...No. A Greater Grail is the prize... But there is something wrong.... In this series different heroic spirits from different countries will be shown...

GrayWB018 · Anime & Comics
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91 Chs

Chapter 6: Ranking?

*In Kusanagi Ken Perspective

Date: 15th of May 2042 | 8:35 AM

Location: Fuyuki, Japan

"Well there are many things to consider in ranking servants. Such as their abilities, parameters, weakness, true names, and most importantly their Noble Phantasms" He said as he arrange the stones in a line. In the table there are 2 lines made of 7 stones. He gave the stones signs and named them by class.

"I will start of in the West. In the West, I gathered a lot of information about servants though it is hard to find the real names of some servant but I was able to deduce them. First off the one I considered the weakest in the West is this" he pointed at the last stone near us. It has the sign of Archer.

"The Archer class specializes in long rang battles, though I hate to say that some archers use cannons and swords but that is not the topic right now. I will keep this short and rank them fast"

"Following Archer in ascending order we have Assassin and then Berserker the one you fought yesterday"

"Berserker? If I remember correctly his name is..."

"Flamma" Haruka answered

"Right... Haruka do you have a grudge on him or something?" I asked

The atmosphere change around Haruka

"Heheheeh... He is quite lucky yesterday... the next time we meet I will win definitely... I won't let him get away for trying to kill Ken not once but twice... I will settle this on my own..... Heheeheheh"

SCARY!!!! Really scary her face right now. I forgot Haruka might always sound nice like the good neighbor next door but when her switch are flipped she became a predator..... I just hope she won't cause to much trouble.

"Woah there easy Haruka" Lein said as he try to calm Haruka

"Ah right. I am really sorry!!!!" Haruka bowed in apology

"Haha, *Ahem* continuing from where I left Lancer, Rider, Caster and then Saber"

Then the ranking from the West is like this from weakest to strongest



Berserker - Flamma





"You said that you know some of their True names right?"

He nodded "Well I will tell them the next time, next off is the East"

This is what I gathered from his explanation to the East from weakest to strongest








Berserker is on top? Wait isn't he the Master of Berserker

"Well Chief is placed on top since it is my own ranking. Hehe"

"No matter how you look at it isn't this to bias"

"You might be right but I believe in Chief. Chief is the strongest in this Holy Grail War, if it's just a normal Holy Grail War we might have some struggles but not in this one" He looks confident in

their strength

"WAAIIITTTTT!!!" Haruka Shouted and pointed the Saber Stone

"Why am I placed last, WHY? WHY? WHY????"

Lein scratched his cheeks

"Hmm how would I explain this?" he pondered for a moment

"Sabers are considered as the strongest right? So why am I placed last?"

"You really hate losing Haruka"

"Of course I hate losing! Just thinking about it irritates me"

"Well I can set a few examples. But the most obvious one is because the two of you are still novice when it comes to a Holy Grail War"

"But still——"

Suddenly, overwhelming pressure surrounded us it feels..... suffocating. I keep grasping for air Haruka is also struggling from the pressure.

I can't forget no even if I want to.... I probably won't be able to forget this.

The two of us being crushed by pressure and the overwhelming bloodlust Lein showed. It is like the happy go lucky person earlier became an emotionless killer.

After a few seconds everything went back to normal. Except for me and Haruka trying to recover from earlier.

"We should stop here" Lein said as he gulp down his tea

"What's with that earlier!!!!"


I keep grasping for air. Damn it I can't even breathe properly. I should calm down for now. INHALE..... EXHALE

"I am just showing you the difference in power" he said and he place the cup down

"Difference in power?" Haruka asked

It looks like Haruka recovered properly

Lein nodded "You see not because you are considered the strongest doesn't necessarily mean you are one. Right now the 2 of you are frog in a well"

"Isn't that a roundabout way of saying we are weak" I said

"BEEEPP!! You are wrong minus points for Ken"

"You lost some points Ken" Haruka smirked

"This is not a game you know"

Lein laughed "Well all I want to say considered to "Us" who are chosen... no "Us" who are carrying the lives of every single person of our country. We who fought and survived the 2 of you are still immature from this. I am saying that you are not weak you are just lacking experience"

"Isn't that technically the same" I argued

"NO NO Watson" he answered

Haruka laughed

"You see. The 2 of you are already strong if this was... No.. Actually scratch it I won't say anymore"

"What a cliffhanger"

"Anyways I'm sorry for the intimidation earlier" he bowed in apology

"No need it is a new experience haha" Haruka laughed it off

And the rest of the conversation continued as Lein explain to Haruka the fundamentals and basic of a Holy Grail War.


After a few hours talking it is finally lunch time Haruka and I worked together to make lunch while Lein went outside for a while

"Do you think we can trust him? Ken" Haruka asked while he was chopping

"I want to but I got this unsettling feeling"

Haruka agreed "I also feel like something is wrong I can't quite put a finger on it though"

This is rare. Haruka being serious like this. She is usually a happy go lucky type person. But she is acting weird today.

Someone knocked in the table. Haruka and I were surprised


In surprise I nearly dropped the plate I am carrying "WHE-WHEN????"

"When? I was here a while ago but you didn't notice? It's quite rude talking like that to someone who saved you." Lein smirked

"We-weelll" Haruka and I are thinking of an explanation

"No need to explain. I already know I am suspicious. And if I where in your position I would also be cautious"

Haruka and I just cooked quietly and we prepared the lunch

There was this gloomy atmosphere maybe because Lein thought that we trusted him and was feeling betrayed or something.

"Ah thank you for the meal"

As we are cleaning up Lein was sitting on the table and staring at us

"Uhm. Lein can you please not stare at us" Haruka asked

"Sorry. But I will get straight to the point"

Haruka and I stopped what we are doing and listened

"You see...."

"You see?"

"Do you have desserts?"

I knew it this guy really.

"Hahahaha I am just joking. Just Joking really haha"


"You're no fun Ken"

"Stop with the jokes!!!" I am tired of retorting

"Okay! Okay! *Sigh* Enough with the jokes. You two. Are you really sure about participating in this war?" he asked with a serious face

——————Chapter End——————

Saber , Knight of the Sword and Heroic Spirit of the Sword , is one of the Three Knight Classes among the seven standard Servant classes summoned for the Holy Grail War. Servants placed within this class are agile and powerful melee warriors adept at swordsmanship, boasting high ratings in all categories, and they are often heroes from the Age of Gods when magecraft was still commonplace. The qualifying conditions require the Heroic Spirits to have legends as knights of the sword, and it is the class that requires the highest levels of attributes in all but the Magic attribute.