
Fanfic Treasures: A Reader's Guide

Welcome to my treasure trove of fanfics! Here you'll find a collection of stories that I've loved, whether they're complete, incomplete, or still ongoing, from sites like Webnovel, Fanfiction.net, AO3, and more. Classic warning: English is not my first language, so forgive any errors (though I won't be writing anything myself, so we're safe!). And if you have any fanfic recommendations, bring them on! I'm always looking for new stories to enjoy.

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34 Chs

The Afteran - RWBY

Tags : #Fantasy/Romance 

Author: barsev 

Rating: M

Words: +197,676


Expelled from Beacon Academy after the Vytal Festival, Jaune Arc abandoned his dream of becoming a Huntsman. He settled in Argus briefly before relocating to Atlas for employment. One fateful night, drowned in alcohol, he awoke with memories of a Knight from a place called the Everafter, recalling events that never occurred, unlocking abilities and even awakening his own Semblance.

Link: fanfiction.net/s/14354463/1/The-Afteran

Personal Review: 

I found this fanfic by coincidence, but it turned out to be really good. Jaune Arc (who else?) is expelled from Beacon at the end of the Vytal Festival and gets a job as a mediator. A few years later, three voices awaken in his mind that are him but in different versions. What I like is that he doesn't become OP immediately; he's strong, yes, but not OP. I like how the characters are written and how well the story is developed. Oh, the blessed story! There are fights, but the best part is when he has to convince people and interact with crowds, winning their hearts with words and actions. With 50 chapters (so far), I didn't get bored. I recommend giving it a chance!!!


Chapter 1:

Jaune Arc stirred from his stupor. The soft melody of a familiar tune drifted through the cool Atlas air, coaxing him gently back to consciousness. With a groggy yawn, he blinked his eyes open, the remnants of sleep clinging to his mind like cobwebs. But as the music filled the room, something within him stirred, a primal recognition that tugged at the edges of his memory.

"You keep me under your spell, you keep me under your spell..."

The words of the song echoed in his mind, weaving through the fog of sleep and igniting a spark of awareness deep within him. His gaze drifted around the dimly lit apartment, taking in the familiar surroundings of his home in Atlas. Yet, despite the comfort of the usual, there was an undeniable sense of disquietude lingering in the air.

As Jaune swung his legs over the edge of the bed and planted his feet on the cold floor, fragments of memories flood his mind, like pieces of a puzzle falling into place. He remembered a place beyond the boundaries of Remnant, a realm known as the Everafter, where time flowed differently and magic danced in the air like an unseen current.

With a furrowed brow, Jaune reached up to touch his hair and noticed his hair has strips of white he didn't have before.

The melody of the song continued to play as his head ached.

A journey through the kingdoms… being trapped in a world… a Blacksmith… a curious cat and a final battle… what the hell is this? Did I drink so much last night?

Jaune felt a surge of energy coursing through his veins, awakening something deep within him. Skills and abilities long dormant stirred to life, filling his body.

These are… did this come with my Semblance?

Jaune pushed himself to his feet. He couldn't help but feel a rush of excitement as he tapped into his abilities, channeling his Semblance within him. The sensation of aura amplification surged through his veins, empowering him with a strength and vitality he had never before experienced.

For a moment, Jaune allowed himself to revel in the sheer joy of discovery, basking in the glow of his Semblance. But as the initial rush began to fade, a heavy weight settled in the pit of his stomach, reminding him of the time that had slipped away in his absence.

Three years.

Three long years since he had been expelled from Beacon Academy, his dreams of becoming a Huntsman shattered in an instant. It was a bitter pill to swallow, knowing that while he had been adrift in uncertainty, the world had continued to turn without him.

With a sigh, Jaune leaned against the cold metal railing of his balcony, gazing out at the sprawling cityscape of Atlas stretched out before him. The twinkling lights of the city below seemed to mock him, a reminder of the life he had once dreamed of but now felt so far out of reach.

Jaune wrestled with the memories flooding his mind. He couldn't shake the nagging sense of confusion that accompanied them. For years, he had come to terms with the fact that he was not considered "Huntsman material" by Ozpin, the headmaster of Beacon Academy. It had been a harsh reality to accept, but one he had ultimately come to terms with.

Yet now, as he found himself awakening to memories brimming with skills and abilities beyond his wildest dreams, Jaune couldn't help but question everything he thought he knew about himself. How could someone like him, someone who had struggled to find his place in the world of Huntsmen and Huntresses, suddenly possess such power? Was it because of the Semblance that he got this?

It doesn't matter now. He still had work to do.

Time to go to work.

He changed his clothes, eat breakfast, and drove to his place of work. The sleek, modern facade of the community building stood before him, its glass windows reflecting the morning sunlight in a dazzling display of brilliance. With a sense of purpose, he strode through the bustling lobby, nodding in greeting to familiar faces and exchanging pleasantries with his coworkers.

Entering his office, Jaune settled into his chair, the soft hum of his computer filling the air as he powered it on. The screen flickered to life, bathing the room in a warm, inviting glow as he began to sift through his schedule for the day. Meetings, appointments, and tasks danced across the screen in a colorful array, each one a puzzle piece in the intricate tapestry of his daily routine.

As Jaune delved into his work, a voice interrupted his concentration, drawing his attention to the neighboring cubicle. A colleague leaned casually against the partition, a friendly smile playing at the corners of their lips as they greeted him.

"Morning, Jaune! Looks like we've got a busy day ahead of us. We'll need to organize the community event for next week," they said.

Jaune nodded in agreement, his mind already whirring with ideas and possibilities. Community events were always a highlight of his work, a chance to bring people together and foster a sense of belonging within Atlas and Mantle.

Saphron, his sister, through Terra, suggested Jaune for the job. Originally intended for Terra, the position became available when they stayed in Argus, prompting the recommendation. Surprisingly adept at the role, Jaune has now been serving for two years. His responsibilities include organizing community events, mediating conflicts, and processing local requests. His capability to defend himself because of his aura has led to his oversight of matters concerning Mantle and Solitas, a responsibility Jaune suspects, was the primary reason for his assignment in the first place.


Jaune saw an article. As his eyes scanned the screen, the bold headline seized his attention, detailing the ominous surge in White Fang activity and the simmering tensions between Menagerie and the Kingdoms. The words seemed to leap off the page, painting a vivid picture of unrest and uncertainty.

A frown creased Jaune's brow as he absorbed the troubling news, a nagging sense of unease settling in the pit of his stomach. However, after a moment's contemplation, he shook his head, reminding himself that he was not a Huntsman. These were matters far beyond his jurisdiction, and dwelling on them would only serve to distract him from his duties. With a determined exhale, he refocused his attention on the tasks at hand, pushing aside the troubling thoughts for now.