
Eye System

Levelling also known as cultivation is the thing that the entire world revolves around. Lex had no family and was found alone at the crash site, is an absolute trash with a weak body and was bullied and abused by those his age. On the verge of death after he was nearly killed by his bullies he gave up on life until.... {Ding, host has gained the Eye System}. From then he began his journey exploring the universe and chasing after the girl he loves all while getting stronger and finding out more about himself. But life isn't that simple and fate is unpredictable. With infinite realities Lex has to make his way up from the bottom wherever he is all with the Eye System. Gaining more and more Eye Powers, while unlocking more and more mysteries, will Lex make it to the top. Author Note: Planning for a long novel with an ever growing world and MC and his personality and strength will grow and change throughout so I wouldn't judge the entire novel off the not great beginning chapters and throughout the novel you see the mc change an improve in ideals, personality and strength. Discord Server: https://discord.gg/TtnGfdKanr Note: I do not own cover art

Adam_A · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
269 Chs

Corpse Beasts Part 2

Seeing that the beasts were endless and the more he destroyed the more were formed.

He soon realised that the density of corpse beasts was higher at the exits but less dense closer to the temple despite them being much more powerful.

[If I continue like this I will run out of energy and will only dig myself into a deeper hole, so I only have one choice and that is to gamble].

Retracting Kano back into his Beast Power library, for the first time, to give himself more energy and to reduce the hassle he charges towards the unconscious Angela lying amidst the bodies and blood of the corpse beasts.

While running he swoops her into his arms, carrying her, he surges all his lightning energy into his legs as he speeds off towards the temple entrance trying to avoid the more powerful corpse beasts.

500 metres away from the temple steps, with Angela in his arms, he swiftly weaves and manoeuvres between the scarcer but more powerful corpse beasts. Trying to get as close to the temple as he can, hoping that it has something to do with these beasts and can stop them.

The closer he got, the more powerful the corpse beasts were, 300 metres away, 200 metres away, 100 metres away.

SLASH. A corpse beast slices into Lex's back, leaving a deep wound with blood gushing out. He screams in pain but knew that if he stopped now, they would both die.

Putting in every last drop of energy he had into his feet he knew that it was either do or die as he launches off his feet bursting with power and in mid-air throws the unconscious Angela forth with all the power in his arms as she lands crashing in front of the temple as she slides slamming into the gate.

Seeing this, the corpse beasts instantly gave up on her and turned to Lex with blood lust and hunger in their eyes.

"At least in my dying breath I was able to save a friend" he mumbles as he accepts what he thinks is fate.

A figure Identical to Lex in every way apart from his fiendish red eyes and was wrapped in chains in a dark damp closed space smiles evilly.

"My opportunity to take over his Originator Body has come sooner than expected, " he announces as he begins to madly laugh like an evil maniac.

However, as he tried to escape from his chains, he felt that despite being in a position on the verge of death which was inescapable, Lex never fell into despair and didn't allow negative emotions to take over him and was in fact happy that he was able to save a friend.

Despite this happening in instants, for a dying person, the last moments of your life are like an eternity as all your life flashes through your eyes and all your previous doubts and regrets come back to haunt you.

[If only I was stronger, I would be able to overcome everything and protect Ella and those I care about].

As he began contemplating his life, he realised that the only thing that would have solved all the problems he had ever been through in his life was strength. Falling deeper and deeper into the endless pit of negativity Lex was becoming less and less mentally aware and was loosening the chains on his Originator Eye Demon more and more.

"Hahahahaha, fall into despair and fuel my power, and with this body mine from the beginning I can take over the entire universe, " he roars joyously as he feels the chains on his body loosened.

"In your past life you were so positive and was the strongest being throughout the universe, yet in this life you are such a weakling that is getting kicked around like a dog in a subsidiary of the lower plains" ridicules the Originator Eye Demon, seeing Lex in such a miserable state.

As his control over his mental state loosened more and more and he was falling deeper and deeper into despair, the Originator Eye Demon was gaining more and more power and control over Lex.

"I hate my life" roars Lex as he became blinded by negativity.

About to pounce on Lex the corpse beasts were drooling at the sight of such nutritious meat, but before they could begin to eat, a figure beautiful woman's face formed of mist with a purple diamond gem on her forehead appears in the sky.

"STOP" she orders to corpse beasts who instantly freeze in fear.

"Return to the ground immediately" she orders again.

As the face began to shrink and the body of a beautiful woman made of mist was formed.

With his drained body and blurred vision, the last thing he sees is the face of a beautiful woman with an all illuminating purple gem on her forehead before he falls unconscious.

With a wave of her arm with mist swoops under Lex lifting him up in a soft bed of mist, similar to a cloud.

Within a dark and damp place, Lex once again is facing off with his Eye Demon.

"I am so weak that I have to face my demon twice in less than a week" he mumbles to himself.

"Just give up and let me take over, look at yourself so weak, with so much at your feet you still can't even gain a footing in the Lower Plains" he ridicules trying to break his will.

[Lower Plains, I guess I really don't know anything, but I cannot show any weakness before my Eye Demon, who feeds on my negative emotions and feelings].

Lex was keeping a calm and collected visage despite staring at a figure identical to himself that is so demonic and evil.

"I am the master and you will not gain control of anything" he exclaims trying to convince himself that he is the one in control.

Hearing this the Eye Demon couldn't help but laugh, "hahahaha, you don't even believe what you said yourself, now it is time to take back what is mine" he roars as he charges at Lex releasing a suffocating demonic aura as his eyes flash with a deep and dark red and black.

Staring deep into his eyes he could see sadness, anger, wrath, greed, loneliness, all negative emotions that weigh down on oneself, soul and spirit were all collected and sealed within his eyes.

Just as he was about to be destroyed by the Eye Demon frozen still in fear, he felt a sucking sensation as he was swooped out of the Eye Demon prison.

"You got away for now, but won't be able to escape forever" declares the Originator's Eye Demon as he felt suppressed once again within the prison and missed out on an opportunity to gain control.