
Eternal Sacrifice of Love

The young and innocent Ling Yao (meaning: potion of immortals) who has been betrayed by love puts aside all her emotions and decides to focus on two things Finding her sister to restore her family’s happiness as Emma and Protecting the Demon prince as the last guardian of the immortal realm. But Xu Si Cheng the only biological son of the famous Chinese business lady Li Ming/ Xu Ming awakes the emotions Ling Yao ignored and makes her fall for him. Discover the mysteries and romance encountered by Ling Yao and Xu Si Cheng’s in The last guardian ☺️

Meg_an7 · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
42 Chs

Demon Prince

After staring at each other for some seconds Ling Yao averted her gaze and asked Cheng if he'd care for more chocolate balls and he said "Sure".

She gave him the whole box but removed two from it and he asked if she was sure she wanted to give him all the balls.

For some reason her mind went to something dirty and she smiled secretly and said "balls". Cheng looked at her after hearing this and said, "you've got a dirty mind yet an innocent face" with a smirk on his face.

"Why'd you say so?" Ling Yao asked him.

"What do you know about balls?"

"Why don't you let me show you what I know about balls by letting me play with yours". She asked him with her left eyebrow up and he said "I don't mind".

Ling Yao almost chocked on what she was eating when he said that.

She looked at him and saw him with a smirk plastered on his face. She felt like hitting him when she saw him smirk but instead she rolled her eyes at him.

Both of them didn't say anything to each other for a few minutes until he asked her about her origin but she didn't say anything instead she asked "why do you want to know?"

He replied with a weird answer which made Ling Yao look at him with a weird look. He had said they were the only ones in the lecture room and it was too quiet for his liking.

Cheng didn't look like someone that liked talking, he didn't even look like he wanted to talk at all so why tf would he want to know about my Origin. Weird!

Ling Yao was lost in her thoughts and she didn't notice the glow on her neck. Of course she couldn't see her neck but the light glowing from the right side of her neck was so bright to brighten the room alone in the night.

Cheng who saw the glow from Ling Yao's neck scrutinized his face and moved to her other side. He removed the hoodie covering her Face and touched the place where the glow was coming from.

Ling Yao couldn't look at him because she could feel that the color of her eyes had changed to a golden color and she knew why.

That last mark had appeared, she had a half moon tattoo by the right side of her neck under her ear. She heard a crown would appear around the half moon and she guessed it just did, right in front of a full human.

She was still calm because she was sure Cheng wasn't the type to scream and run.

She had to leave the lecture room ASAP before anyone would walk in and see a weird tattoo glowing by the side of her and she also needed to explain a few things to Cheng which means she'd have to use her powers. She teleported both of them away to her house in Korea.

It was dark in her house because she moved to LTG's home, but it was neat and clean.

She managed to find her way to light switch but before she could switch on the lights she sensed someone else's presence and it seemed she couldn't sense Cheng. She tuned around and saw someone with same pair of golden eyes like hers presently.

"D…De…De…Demon Prince" Ling Yao stammered with her eyes wide open. She couldn't believe who she was seeing right now.

The person she was born to guard with her life.

The person who left the Immortal Realm and never showed up again.

The only person who had the right to determine whether she's to live or die.

That same person was standing right before her, looking at her. She had no idea what to do. She switched on the light and saw him in a black hanfu with dragon imprints and the image of a guy standing by the road appeared in her head.

'He was the one I saw this morning, so I wasn't hallucinating'.

He was wearing the same hanfu he wore when he appeared in the morning and he still had his mask on. She couldn't see the lower part of his face and she just kept staring at his eyes, she was so confused.

Firstly her tattoo got completed and now the Demon Prince finally appeared to her but why?

After regaining her senses she got on one knee and does the fist and palm salute. Ling Yao waited for him to tell her to get up but he didn't talk for a few seconds which made Ling Yao wonder if he was still there.

After waiting for a minute he finally spoke "get up" and Ling Yao got up as per his order. Immediately she got up he grabbed her left hand to look for something but when he couldn't find it he asked her to show it to him.

He had asked for the mark of the Demon Prince's Guardian. Only the last guardian possessed it and she and the Demon Prince were the only ones who could see it. And now that he couldn't find it he was starting to get angry.

Ling Yao immediately showed him her mark when she noticed he was getting angry.

She had used her powers to hide her mark from anyone, including the Demon Prince because she noticed that immediately she clocked five, whenever her mark appeared she'd transform into her guardian form so she used her powers to hide the mark.

"I'll be taking you somewhere so you have to get changed to your hanfu" he said this in Chinese as they were speaking to each other in Chinese.

She didn't waste time while getting changed because she just had to go to the safe in her room to get the hanfu and then change in her room.

She packed her hair in a ponytail as usual.

When she was done she went out to meet him. He was staring at her cloth because she didn't tie her belt well and her jacket was opened a bit and her a little bit of her cleavage could been seen and this made him gulp.

Ling Yao didn't notice as she was still confused and she was trying to wear her shoes.

He noticed she wasn't concentrating and he told her instead to adjust her jacket. His voice startled her a bit but she wasn't scared. She thanked him and adjusted her belt to tighten her jacket.

When she was done getting dressed he wanted to hold her hand to teleport then them away to where he wanted them to go but Ling Yao asked him about Cheng because immediately he appeared Cheng disappeared and she couldn't see any trace of him.

She couldn't even sense him at all and she was worried that the Demon Prince might have done something to her dance partner.

"I've put him to sleep and he won't wake up until we're back" The Demon Prince told her with a straight face and Ling Yao sighed out of relief.

He asked her if she was ready and then he grabbed both of her arms and placed it around his neck. Ling Yao was confused as to why he couldn't just hold her hand and as if he read her mind he gave her an answer.

He said "because as we're teleporting, if we're going to the same place it's better we hold on to each other closely so that we don't get separated in another dimension and also because of the heat one feels when one's teleporting to another world" it made sense to Ling Yao because she had heard of something like that from Mr Lee.

The Demon Prince had placed his right hand on Ling Yao's waist to support her and he bent a bit so that she wouldn't have to stretch too much because her hands might start to ache soon, he used his left hand to open a kind of black hole but also a portal. The portal swallowed them in and then closed up sending the duo into a different dimension.

I’m sorry it’s taking so long to update my chapters. I’ll try to update them earlier next time. Also, since Ling Yao is in Korea it means she communicates in Korean to the people there. And when she’s also interacting with a Chinese she speaks Chinese and this is mainly with the Demon Prince and other characters in my story. This chapter may seem a little confusing but the next chapter will explain it all. Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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