
Eternal Sacrifice of Love

The young and innocent Ling Yao (meaning: potion of immortals) who has been betrayed by love puts aside all her emotions and decides to focus on two things Finding her sister to restore her family’s happiness as Emma and Protecting the Demon prince as the last guardian of the immortal realm. But Xu Si Cheng the only biological son of the famous Chinese business lady Li Ming/ Xu Ming awakes the emotions Ling Yao ignored and makes her fall for him. Discover the mysteries and romance encountered by Ling Yao and Xu Si Cheng’s in The last guardian ☺️

Meg_an7 · Fantasy
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42 Chs

Grand Aunt

Within less than a minute the duo arrived at their destination and Ling Yao had to let go of the demon prince but he didn't let go of her hand still and she wondered why but didn't inquire about it instead she asked why they were there.

They were at a place that looked like the immortal realm but had more of an eerie atmosphere which could easily scare a normal human but not Ling Yao.

The place they were was like a floating island but couldn't be seen from a human's perspective because places like that could be seen by some special creatures (mythical creatures) like witches, Demons, Fairies, vampires and some other creatures.

Some humans had the ability to see places like this one but they were just a few and humans with this ability sometimes end up having their own special powers or abilities which also means they also end up becoming a Special Creature, one could turn into a Demon or any other creature.

Where they were was like a floating realm supported by mists, It looked like it was the mist supporting it from falling.

After looking around the place by the looks of it she knew this was were some of Creatures lived.

She didn't know which type though.

While she was analyzing the place she didn't know the Demon Prince had already dragged her to where they were originally going to.

"We're here" they stopped in front of some kind of door but the door was standing alone, it wasn't connected to anything like a building. Ling Yao wasn't so stupid to think she could just walk around the door because she could already feel that the door was actually connected to an invisible barrier.

She looked at the door, but more like scanned the door. It had an handle but it seemed that it moved to the upper part of the door. In the middle of the door was an eagle's head and something like a hand print, just the palm and fingers.

"Try placing your hand in it, maybe it'll open since you have her powers now". The Demon Prince told her and Ling Yao was confused when he said 'since you have her powers now'and it made her wonder «is it the powers I get after the appearance of the crown on my neck that he's talking about. They are not my powers?»

She seemed confused and it seems the demon prince didn't know much about it either so she didn't bother asking, maybe where they were going to will answer question(s).

She placed her hand on the door and suddenly the door spoke, well just the eagle on the door spoke.

It said "welcome, I've been expecting you" and the door opened and the thing they saw after entering through the door was a small girl playing hide and seek in front of a house with a boy that looked like the girl's brother.

She covered the lower part of her face well and started walking over to the girl.

She knew the girl and the boy, they looked like a set of the twins she used to teach in the Immortal Realm training School.

It was a school for all kids born with powers to train them to work for good and not evil and to teach them how to defend themselves and keep their powers in control.

The girl and boy she was seeing were the most powerful twins in the school and she was their teacher. The kids were Indian which means they might be in India. So they're hovering over India.

But why India.

Before she could say anything to the girl her brother appeared and dragged her to the front of the house and said "mother has been expecting you teacher" which only made Ling Yao crease her eyebrows and she looked over at the Demon Prince behind her and she gave him a questioning look.

She looked back at the door and saw it open and was waiting to see who was behind the door. And she didn't expect to see her Grand Aunt

"Grand Aunt?!" She always heard from her Dad that they had a witch in their family and she had seen her a few times and even though the other members hated her Ling Yao liked her.

She looked nothing like a grand aunt. She looked like she was in her late twenties and she had kids that were just 12, who would think she was an old woman. Her real age was 82 but she looked 28.

Her name was Sarah and she was a witch. Ling Yao was still looking at her, wondering what she had to do with her new mark and powers.

When she looked into Sarah's eyes her powers suddenly went haywire and she started attacking Sarah unknowingly.

She tried controlling it but seems like her new powers didn't want to allow her have control over it.

Luckily she could dodge her attacks and the Demon Prince came over to help her control it. He tried commanding her but she kept trying to attack Sarah and the only thing he could do was stand in between both of them and Ling Yao was about to attack him when she looked into his eyes and she returned to her normal self.

But then she suddenly fainted but before she could reach the ground the demon Prince caught her. He carried her into the house and laid her on the couch and sat beside her waiting for her to wake up.

After a few minutes Ling Yao woke up and she saw the everyone staring at her with a look of pity which made her think wtf is happening.

"Aunt Sarah what is happening?". She asks her aunt directly ignoring the looks she was getting and Sarah didn't seem like she was planning on hiding anything from her and for that she was relieved a bit.

"Years ago I was given the powers of the witch queen. When I was your age I got the powers and the memories of the Witch queen came with the powers which answered why I was the one given the powers. I was chosen at random but the people who would inherit the powers weren't chosen at random. The first person I chose was planning on using my powers for evil, luckily I was able to retrieve it back. Later on I kept looking for the right person but I couldn't find the person.

I was eager to start my life afresh but I knew if I rushed and lost my powers to the wrong person it would affect the world so I waited patiently and then the first time your Dad brought you and your sister and something told me that I could trust you with my powers. And I consulted the people who gave me my powers and I saw a vision which was more like a prophecy. And the prophecy was that you'd be the next witch queen".

I waited for the right time to come and the crown appeared around the half moon and you have my powers now. I know you know the reason why there are two witch queens and if you don't know now you'll find out sooner or later. Listen, the other witches are planning to end the Immortals and the realm. They have big plans and even I don't know how bad it'll affect the world. I have given you my powers to support the one you already have. I know you're the Last Guardian and I know you already have great power but at some point it might not be the powers of a guardian that might help you when fighting with the witches. It takes a witch queen to defeat another witch queen you should know that".

Sarah narrated the whole thing to Ling Yao and Ling Yao took everything in patiently.

It may sound rushed but there's was no time. That was the best way Sarah could explain it all. She didn't have to go into all the details because she knew Ling Yao was a smart girl.

"So how do I control my new powers?" She asked with blank expression on her face even after what Sarah told her. She wanted to at least know how to control her new powers so that at least when she is with humans she would be assured it would go haywire.

For some reason Sarah found it hard to tell her what she wanted to know but she still had to tell her. "Well I controlled my powers by starving myself for four days. I know it sounds weird and I'm sure yours might be wierder and harder to you. There's a tree in my backyard, once you touch it and ask it it'll give you your answer".

And with that Ling Yao dashed to her backyard and she saw a weird looking tree and knew immediately that it was the tree Sarah was talking about.

She walked over to the tree with the Demon prince and Sarah behind her and she placed her hand on it just like Sarah told her to and she asked the tree as she closed her eyes.

At first she saw pure darkness then she saw something that looked like a bite on a neck. It was more of a hickey. This a joke?