
Chapter 55: repair

On the night of the positioning of the protective bed, everyone simply ate after dinner, Wu was lying on the protective bed, the special binding band was soft and strong, and Wu Ye tied the younger brother's limbs and tied his chest and abdomen and thighs according to the instructions.

Before giving Wu a mouthful, Wu Ye slammed him for the last time: "Are you sure you have to hold back the pain? Do you want to control yourself and don't faint."

Wu Li is actually stronger and tougher than Wu Ye thinks. He does not have the fear of pain as Wu Ye imagined. He nodded and even comforted his family: "Don't worry, I am not afraid, really, I am not afraid, you have to I am a little confident."

Wu's father stepped forward and licked his hair. The introverted father gently kissed his son's forehead and encouraged: "Good, this is my son."

Wu Li's expression is proud and proud: "Of course."

Wu Mu also stepped forward and her eyes were reddish. She kissed her son's thin cheeks: "Ai, wait for you to get better, my mother will accompany you to the playground for a good time." When she was a child, she repeatedly asked her to play repeatedly. There was something fun in the field, but he didn't take him there because of his physical discomfort.

Wu's face is a little feverish. Don't twee: "I'm not a kid, I'm not going to go to any playground. Brother, I'm going to learn martial arts, I will protect you."

Wu Ye scratched his nose and smiled. "Well, when you are better, I ask the best Master to teach you."

Wu's eyes are shining and the focus is on the head. "Mom, give me an injection, I'll get better soon."

"Okay." Wu's eyes were redder. Wu Ye put the mouth on Wu, and Wu took out a genetic repair solution, calmed her mind, found Wu from the upper arm vein, and put the needle into it to slowly push the medicine in the needle.

As the medicine enters Wu's body, his pale, pale body gradually turns red and hot. After a while, he becomes like a cooked shrimp. His body is sweating, his body is high and his throat is getting taller and heavier. The boring and heavy breathing and the undulating left chest prove that he is suffering a lot.

Wu mother looked at the younger son suffering from the pain and was restless. She walked around in the room, clearly convinced that there was no problem with the medicine, but she couldn't help but take out the electronic thermometer to test the temperature.

"God, 42.5c, what should the brain burn out?" Wu mother fell with a thermometer and tears.

Wu Ye is also worried about rushing to ask the system: [Nothing will happen? ]

System: [This is a normal reaction, the agent is repairing the genes in his body, and then completely transform his body. The pharmacy will protect his body's organs and will not harm him. At the request of Wu Ye, the system transmits these words to everyone through sound waves. Wu Father, they still heard the system talking for the first time. They knew that the system was of extraordinary origin and the anxiety in their hearts went away. However, after a while, Wu Li began to smother the blood in a large amount of sweat, and everyone was more worried than before. Wu and Wu mother hold the little son's hand tightly and continue to encourage him.

Time passed by, and in the pain, Wu's thoughts on the cramping and peeling of the house were just like this. He concentrated on listening to the voices of his family. These strong and vocal voices were his most powerful pillars, pulling him back again and again when he was confused.

After four hours in the blink of an eye, Wu Li has almost become a blood man. His breathing has become weaker and weaker from the initial panting, but it has also become more and more stable. The limbs of the convulsions gradually calm down until they recover. After more than half an hour, he finally fell asleep completely, and this crueler treatment than torture finally came to an end.

Wu Ye got the definitive answer from the system, and untidy untied Wu's bondage. Wu's father had already put a bath in the bathtub. After Wu Ye put A-Lei in the bathtub, he driven the power and quietly incorporated a lot of healing water into the bathtub. Before the hot water was completely cooled, he quickly cleaned it and replaced him with clean pajamas. Carefully took him back to the bedroom. Wu Li has been exhausted to the extreme, and the whole process has not slammed and has been falling asleep.

The genetic repairing liquid is more targeted than the physical fitness pills, and the effect is naturally more obvious. In just a few hours, Wu's bruise on his lips has disappeared, and there is obviously more blood on the thin cheeks. Wu Mu couldn't wait to give Wu a test of heartbeat, blood pressure, etc. The data is unprecedented.

Wu mother put down the test instrument, and couldn't help it anymore. She was crying like a child, as if she had to grieve the pain of grievances in the past 16 years. Wu's father patted his wife's thin shoulders, and the tears continued to linger like broken beads.

The eyes of the big two are also red: "Don't bother you, don't cry, go to sleep, I am guarding A. For up to half a month, Ah can be as lively as a normal child."

"Aye, thank you, thank you... oh..." Wu mother pulled Wu Ye's hand and wept. For so many years, the son who guards the congenital defects, no one knows the pain and suffering in her heart. When she sees the illness of her younger son and needs to take medicine for injections and infusions, she can't wait to see her; when she sees the younger son being pushed into the intensive care unit, again and again, her heart hurts more than the knife. Now, all this is finally over. She is not only thanking Wu, but also thanking her.

"Mom, what do you say? Ah is my closest brother and brother, we are relatives, and I don't have to say 'thank you' between me and him."

After a while, Wu Mu was crying and dumb. The scorpion finally calmed down and left the room of A's departure with the support of Wu's father, and returned to her bedroom to rest. Wu Ye has been guarding A from the bed, watching A's still weak and lying on the bed, his heart suddenly appeared a word: pity to take the eyes of the people. Then, the brain began to uncontrollably emerge from Qin Wuhua's pair of soft and tender eyes.

So late, what is he doing? Should I sleep, are you asleep?

That **** hurts him so much that he can't sleep well for so many days, and he is thinking about it. Go back and be sure to calculate this account with him!

The deeper and quieter the night, the calmer mood slowly settles down. Wu Ye entangled a little bit of the problem of not looking straight into the heart, and it took a long time to make him want to understand his true feelings for Qin Wuhua.

That kind of feeling should also be like...

Second, seriously thinking about it in a responsible manner, he and Qin Wuhua have no future, this serious problem. I haven't had time to think too far, a very real problem is in front of me.

With Qin Wuhua's body, can he really "attack"?

It's enough to be sad when you like a man. He definitely never wants to contribute his ass! As a result, the second few began a new round of entanglement.

Bored late at night, Wu Li has been sleeping very well, there is no abnormal situation, Wu Ye also clarified the true thoughts of his heart, and began to take a mobile phone to brush the net.

Xuanyuan x Chulou, what do you mean? These two seem to be the "one sword against the nine 霄" male and male two, not all have been closed for several years? How is the progress still in the serial? At the beginning, he also rewarded the author of a sword for more than 100,000. The impression was a very classic old text. Was it a continuation? Regardless of the advanced to see what is going on. The second less did not see the big 'same person' next to the word, and began to scan the text in a ten-line...

The next morning, Wu woke up to see his brother's face... The wretched expression was inconsistent with the temperament of his baby face. He didn't have to think that he must see the yy chicken blood. However, Ayi did not know his stupid brother who entered the wrong website and opened a new door.

Under the action of the genetic repairing liquid, during the three days, Wu was far from sleeping more than awake. As Wu mother saw his face getting better every day, Wu Li also clearly felt his body. It is getting better and changing...

After the injection of the second gene repair solution, Wu's painful time was significantly shortened, and the pain was much lighter than the first time. On the night of the injection of the drug, Wu Ye once again kept the younger brother's wanted, and then brushed the night for pure love.

I never thought that the two people who had jq would be matched together and there was no sense of violation. No disobedience is not terrible, the terrible thing is that when he goes to brush x points, all kinds of soft sister papers that were previously loved have become wallflowers, and there are only a variety of cp in the mind. What is even more frightening is that even the awkwardness in his own heart has dissipated a lot...

"Wu Ye, give me something, or I must let you regret it!" Wu Ye just turned on, a voice that suppressed the madness on the phone, slightly familiar.

Wu Ye looked at the number and didn't know: "Who are you?"

"Wu Ye, don't put garlic, give me the u disk, beg you." I asked you three words to say that it is hard and extra teeth, and I thought it was killing you.

"Oh, Yang Shao," Wu Ye blinked and yawned and said: "Why, did you ask someone to wait for you?"

"Wu Ye!" Yang Cheng can't wait to climb over the phone and bite Wu Ye. Too shameful, he has never been so shameful after living for more than 20 years. And there is a big handle that falls on Wu Ye's hand. If he is known by others, he will be ruined in his life.

Two less sneer: "You originally wanted to shoot my video, the purpose is to threaten me? The result did not expect the person being invited to fight against the water, but instead he made a road, not to die will not die, who you blame? Since you Clearly things are in my hands, you should be more aware that I can never return it to you. Of course, I am not as good as you, as long as you stay away from me, don't come and provoke me and my family, I promise That video won't flow out of my hands. But if you still want to do something small, don't blame me for being mad. Yang Cheng, your old man is not just a son, think about it." Finish, Wu Ye Just hung up the phone.

Yang Cheng slammed his phone in anger and cried with a sullen face. At this moment, he regrets a hundred times more than Wen Lao Er and others. Why do you want to provoke Wu Ye for a while?

Lian Yu is still not sure what happened to Yang Cheng. He simply thought that he was ill. He deliberately took a medicated soup from home and came to see him. When Lian Yuqiao gave birth to Yang Cheng's bedroom door, he looked up and looked at it. The gloomy and distorted eyes were like a knife.