
Chapter 54: Small exposed hand

I have been in the middle of the night in the middle of the night, Wu Ye asked the driver to take away the guests, he drove home with Wu Fu. Wu's father went up in the ages. Even after taking the physical fitness pills and drinking the wine for one night, the body still had some trouble, and he fell asleep in the car. The fans were all in the suburbs. In the middle of the night, there was almost no traffic on the road. After Wu Ye opened the road for a while, I found something wrong - it seemed that someone was following him.

Soon, at a sharp turn, Wu Ye's guess was confirmed.

On the road ahead, there are steel plates welded with iron nails. Two unlicensed waste vans are on the road, and the two equally worn and unlicensed vans that follow him are catching up and swaying. light.

Wu Ye has been slow to see the speed of the car since he noticed that someone was following him. When he saw this situation, he steadily parked the car on the side of the road, turned his head and looked at the old man who was sleeping, licked his lips, and walked out of the car with a light hand. Room, whispered off the door.

Four abandoned vans quickly came down to twenty people, one by one, and they were not good at first sight.

The head of Wen's second is a small rogue head in the city. In his thirties, he dyed a yellow hair and turned a pistol in his hand. He looked at Wu Ye, revealing a sinister smile. "Kids, the fun of the cockroaches to take a trip with us, the brothers will not be embarrassed for you, or you can not afford to pick up the fine skin and tender meat."

The second is a cold scream, revealing an incomparably high (installed) cold (forced) sneer: "Kids? Can you call it? What?"

Wen Lao Er originally thought that Wu Ye would see them in this battle. Even if he didn't scare the urine, he would have to be soft at the foot. I don't know if he was not afraid, or even put them in his eyes, and the temper was rushed up: "Mom, stinky little face to face shameless, dare to marry you, Grandpa, I see you are impatient, and later, your grandfather, I will die, look at you-"

Wen Lao Er's eyes were a flower. I still didn't understand what was going on. The neck was stunned and the wrist was hurt. The gun had already fallen into Wu Ye's hand. Wu Ye took a beautiful gun flower, and the muzzle touched the temple of Wen Er Er. The cold voice: "Dare to be my grandfather has gone to the ground. If you don't want to accompany him, put your mouth to Laozi. Clean."

Wu Ye's head was shorter than Wen's second, but it was easy to hold his neck and lift him off the ground. Wen's second was unable to breathe, and his face rose purple, his eyes were protruding, his hands were constantly patted. Wu Ye tried to beg for struggle. Other small punks did not expect Wu Ye to be so powerful, seeing the boss fall into the other hand, sipping a drink, holding a knife in his hand and rushing up. Wu Ye throws the burlap and throws Wen Lao Er out to smash a group of people. Then he shoots a few shots at the feet of those people. The guns hit, and the small steel bullets shot by high-like pistols directly penetrate their feet, hurting them. Lost the 'weapon' holding his foot and fell to the ground and cried and shouted.

Two fish that slipped through the net took the knife and rushed up. Wu Ye looked at the cold eyes, and the two smashed the goods and turned their feet and turned back.

Wu Ye stretched his hand to the back, and took a casual suit to cover it. He took a real pistol from the space and fired two shots at the second. A bullet hit his neck and left a blood mark. The bullet hit the bone of his calf and the blood flowed like a note. The younger brother next to Wen's two brothers smelled a scent of urine, and saw that his blue jeans were wet with a large piece.

"You, what are you going to do?" Wen Lao Er endured his leg pain and asked with a cry. He did not expect that Wu Ye actually had a real guy. The domestic gun control is very strict. It is impossible for ordinary people to get a gun. Even his high imitation fake guns are obtained through many channels. But Wu Ye not only has a real gun, but the magical shot is only in the hands. I have seen it in Hollywood blockbusters.

Nima, he thought it was a soft persimmon. If you know that you are kicking a big iron plate or an iron nail, it is just a **** mold of eight generations, you will encounter such a comet.

The cold barrel came against Wen's throat, and Wu Ye smiled at two beautiful dimples: "I want to know what you want to do. It doesn't matter if I lie to me, if the guy in my hand knows you didn't say it. If you are on fire, don't blame me. Others, all."

When the scene was stagnation, everyone would not dare to scream again. Wu Ye's anger at that moment made them understand that he was not talking about playing.

Wu Ye used the muzzle to point twice on the neck of Wen Lao Er: "Tell me, who sent you, you blocked what I want to do today."

Wen Lao Er was mixed for some years. From the beginning, the school students were paid the protection fee, to the blackmail stall vendor, and then to the dance hall ktv to sell the medicine, mixed into today's small reputation in the city, the real knife did not move, hard The scorpion didn't touch it, but the titanium alloy plate like Wu Ye was definitely the first time to kick it. He has been mixing for a long time, and he has also developed a bit of eyesight, keenly smelling the **** smell of the desperate person in Wu Ye, and it is not a general thick. This kind of viscous murderousness only smelled on his grandfather who had been on the battlefield. He dared to bet that Wu Ye was absolutely carrying a life and more than one!

Paralyzed, what is he coming to? Say good timid useless bankruptcy rich second generation?

Wen Er, who has already scared the timid to shrink into shrimp, does not know that Wu Ye has not actually killed a living person yet, but how many thousands of dead people he killed? The high-intensity combat killing in just three months has quietly changed him in some respects.

Wen Lao Er took people's money □ □, still not dedicated to the extent of death. Quickly pour the beans like Yang Cheng and his friends for sale, and finally, crying and crying for more than two high-handed hands to put them a yard.

Wu Ye did not expect Yang Cheng to be so guilty, but two sentences, but also his first pick, and finally made such a means of doing so. If it weren't for his special encounters during this time, maybe he still had his way tonight. If he didn't give him some color, he couldn't swallow it.

"I want to live, right?" Wu Ye sneered. "Well, I can let you go, but Yang Cheng lets you do something to me. You will do these things to him again. Within three days, if I can't receive it. Video, the consequences...hehe."

There is no more threatening threat in this world than 'hehe'.

Wen Lao Er and his men face each other for a long time, and finally forced to nod and nod.

Wu Ye took a gun and shot it on the face of Wen Lao Er Qingbai. His eyes were as deep as he could see him: "Don't want to run, no matter where you go, I have a way to find you. Roll it, a group. Garbage." After Wu Ye threw the high imitation gun of Wen Lao Er to him.

Wen Lao Er dragged his legs and smashed his guns and his younger brothers did not dare to put one. They climbed up and even climbed into the car and ran away. There were only scattered blood on the asphalt road.

Wu Ye looked at the sharp turn blocked by the green, cold channel: "Friends, watched this half-day play, do not intend to come out to reveal a face?"

Shen Ming came out from the dark, with a fascinating look at his eyes: "Wu Shaohao is in good hands, and it really is a real person."

Shen Ming is Shen Cong's younger brother. He is one of Zhao Jun's masters. He took Zhao's command and secretly followed Wu Ye. He did not expect to watch a good show so soon. When Wen and his second class tracked and blocked Wu Ye, he still hesitated to help out. As a result, Wu Ye easily removed them. What surprised him the most was not Wu Ye's superb shots, his explosive power, but his body. He barely saw how Wu Ye grabbed Wen Lao Er and snatched his gun. The speed of the ghost was only seen in the top mercenaries, and even he himself did not have such a body.

Of course, Wu Ye could not tell him that he concentrated the enthusiasm of the "Basic Breathing Method" on his legs, and the speed would naturally be far superior to ordinary people.

Shen Ming is somewhat similar to Shen Cong. Wu Yecai just met Shen Cong. It is easy to guess that he should be Zhao Jun's person, but he does not know his name. "Are you?"

"Shen Ming, Zhao Ge's men," Shen Ming approached and extended his right hand, laughing: "Can you make friends with Wu Shao?"

Wu Ye reached out and smiled. "Of course, it is my pleasure to know Shen Ge." Shen Ming's hand is like a steel pliers. He has two hands to hurt, and two less concentrate on his hands. In a moment, Shen Ming's pain changed his face. He looked at Wu Ye's eyes differently from his previous tastes. Instead, he was careful and inquiring, and at the same time he had more respect for the strong.

Wu Ye's young age is actually a master of the house. It's no wonder that only the hand can get the old man out.

When Wu Ye saw it, he took it off and unloaded his strength. The two men confessed their hands. Shen Ming took a streamlined business card from his pocket and handed it to Wu Ye: "There is always contact, and Wu Shao will go to play." All the names of our bosses are free."

Wu Ye has just been thinking about how to get on the line of Zhao Jun. Now the opportunity is delivered to the door. He happily received the business card and smiled: "Zhao Ge is very polite, I will definitely go to the door to change my mind."

Shen Ming saw this on the road, and his face smiled even deeper: "Well, these days the old conference has been staying in the city of H, waiting for Wu Shao to come."

"Shen brother is polite," Wu Ye heard in his car, knowing that Wu's father woke up and smiled: "It's not too late today, I have to send the old man home, and we will talk again the next day."

"Okay, talk again in the next day."

After Shen Mingmu sent Wu Ye to leave, he looked down at his swollen hand and his face was finally cracked.

Mom, it's so cute, it's really awkward.

However, the hand is strange and strange, not like a trainer, go back and check his information. Shen Ming's dull hand, slowly walked back to the car, drove back to the fans and no longer tracked Wu Ye.

Wu's father woke up when he heard the gunshots. He didn't even think that his son's skill would be so powerful. He was a bit sad when he was proud. Others don't know the depth of Wu Ye, but he knows it clearly. He is the most lazy and can't bear the hardship of the family. When he was a child, he was interested in signing up for two days. Taekwondo was thrown to death and refused to go. From small to big. The number of times people fight can be counted with their fingers, but now, the son has easily subdued a group of rogues.

Another world, I am afraid that it is more dangerous than Aye said.

On the way home, Wu's father thought a lot. When he arrived at home, Wu's father suddenly said, "Aye, our current money is not profligate, so it's good enough to run you and Ali, you don't go there. ""

Wu Ye stunned. He didn't expect the old man who had always hoped that he would like to go forward. He would say such a thing. His heart was warm, but his face was a mouthful of disbelief: "Isn't the old man still drunk?" How can I talk about alcohol? You don't want to be mentally minded. I can't bear it. I want to continue my life as a young master. Don't you want to get a richest man?" Seeing the old man's eyes blinking, the second is too busy. "God Dad, I know what you are worried about. My skills are also seen today. No one hurts me. Besides, I still have a system. It is really dangerous. I can go back through the wormhole and go back here. You put a hundred hearts, your son, I will be fine, and promise to give you and my mother a pension."

What is the end of the pension, it sounds really unpleasant.

Wu's father had long been accustomed to his son's mouth that could never spit out ivory. He could only sigh and say: "In any case, you have to remember that you have a strong hand in your strength, and you must be careful."

"Know, know, you are going to sleep soon, my mom should wait. I am really, the older the older, the more embarrassing than my mother."

Wu's palms began to itch again, licking his son's eyes before he went to sleep.

Wen Lao Er is very efficient. When the three-day deadline is reached, Hua Peng's forefoot will send Wu's positioning guard bed. He will drag his legs and squat his face to the door, and put a USB flash drive with Yang Cheng video. Sent over. He looked at Wu Ye with a sigh of relief, and there was a hint of wanting a knot at the bottom of his eyes. Wu Ye asked him coldly and asked him a 'have something'? He shook his head in a scared, ran away with a tail.

"Boss, we moved Yang Cheng, what should I do in the future?" Yang Jiahao is also a high-end family with a family of more than 100 million yuan. They let Yang Cheng out of such a scandal and recorded the image, I am afraid that Yang will not let them go. It's not too easy for a family like them to pack up the bottom of their group. Wen Lao Er and each of his younger brothers have already regretted it. Mom, for the one hundred and twenty thousand in that area, offended a big comet, and turned back and bite the employer. This is going to be spread out. How are they going on the road in the future? Mixed?

Wen Laoji took a sip: "Yang Cheng that dog x is the most self-sufficient, anyway, the money we knocked on him, enough to slap a few golden pots to wash your hands. Big deal, a few brothers divided the money. Go to other provinces and cities, take a woman to have a small business and live a good life."

Wen Lao Er's age is not small. After drifting for so many years, he has seen through it. He thoroughly realized the phrase "to come out and have to pay back sooner or later". His original savings plus the money for this vote, there are three or four million, and in the ordinary small county, it is also rich, and it is a blessing for Anan to survive this life.

Wen Lao Er's rapids retreat and divided the eight million who had been extorted from Yang Cheng. The incognito was buried in a small county town that was not too remote or prosperous. His wife and children were born with a stable mother. Waiting until one day in the future, I know that Wu Ye has stood up to a countless person who can only look up to the unattainable height. He also secretly sneaked through it. If at that time he was more courageous, he would die in Wu Ye, the result now. Will it be different? However, I turned my head and looked at the fat-stricken son. The old lady and her wife were happy to pick the dishes. Wen's second thought that the decision at that time was the most wise one he had ever done in his life. The fly is gone.

And his brothers still can't let go of the temptation of the world of flowers, and finally one night is desolate.