
Chapter 56: Lanshan Manor

After the second injection, when Wu Li's situation was completely stabilized, Wu Ye finally released his hand to Shen Ming.

In the past few days, Zhao Jun has been accompanying the big customers from the e country to play around in the city of H. He talked about business by the way. After listening to Shen Ming's report, he smiled and said to the old man in the big belly: "Uncle Victor, I don't know. Do you mind many interesting kids on today's journey?"

Victor's power in the e country is much larger than that of Zhao Jun. He is an old friend with Zhao Jun's father. The two companies have very close business contacts. This kind of cooperation is not limited to those industries that cannot see the light. In fact, Victor's talk with Zhao Jun was a completely clean mine. The amount involved in this business is quite large and has already affected the business direction of Zhao. Therefore, Zhao Juncai spent a lot of thoughts to invite Victor to the country to discuss in detail, because the amount of cooperation is large enough, Victor is a big eater and likes z-food very much, and he came over under the invitation of Zhao Jun.

The professionals of the two parties in the specific cooperation program are in full swing in the negotiation and consultation. Before the final decision is made, Zhao Jun will accompany Victor to eat, drink and play.

Victor came over and brought the favorite little son Daniel. Daniel was just 17 years old, was the fifth wife of Victor, and was an old man of Victor. He was raised by his parents from an early age. Spoiled in the palm of your hand, now is the time of rebellion in the second, I have been impatient with the old man for a few days.

Victor looked at the younger son and smiled: "Of course I don't mind, if he can play with Daniel, it's even better."

Daniel shrugged indifferently and lacked interest.

Zhao Jun said to Shen Ming: "You will pick up Wu Shao and send him directly to Lanshan Manor."

Lanshan Manor is also on the outskirts of the city of H. It is not too far away from fans. The average person only knows that it is the biggest dog-dog farm in h city, but in fact it is not just a dog-dog farm, but several cities in the city of h or even around. The largest underground boxing club in the province and city, the dog fighting ground is just a scorpion that attracts people's attention on the table.

The threshold of the fighting dog farm is not high. As long as you have money, you can go straight in. The threshold of the underground boxing club is quite high. The members are only accepted by word of mouth. The membership fee is astonishingly high and the privacy is quite high. It is not only an underground boxing field, but also a gambling game. Lanshan Manor only plays three nights a week. The amount of money flowing into and out of the event every night is hundreds of millions. It is one of Zhao Jun's most profitable industries.

Wu Ye came to Lanshan Manor, playing bucket dogs with friends, and took four or five million to go in front and back. Later, it was discovered by the old man that he had confiscated his pocket money and frozen all his bank card credit cards. Wu Ye never came. Wu's father's family is rich, and Wu Ye's is not tight on the money. Wu Ye buys a house, buys a sports car, reads novels and squanders money, and spends money with friends. He rarely asks, but he is not allowed to touch Wu Ye. Two things, one is gambling, and the other is poison. Of course, Wu Ye himself is also relatively measured, knowing what can play and can not play, so after seeing the old man's resolute means, Wu Ye has never been to Lanshan Manor.

It was less than two years since he last came to Lanshan Manor. The manor has expanded a lot, and an artificial lake has been built in the center of the manor. When Wu Ye arrived, Zhao Jun and others were fishing and chatting on the artificial island in the center of the lake.

Zhao Jun seems to have introduced him to Victor and Daniel with his old friends who have been familiar with him for a long time. Wu Ye had heard Victor's name before, knowing that he is not only an energy minerals company in e country, but also a rather legendary amnesty. It is definitely a person who can shake the gang of the e country with his feet. I didn't expect to see a real person today.

The history of the e-state has made the domestic gangs stand out. Victor has stood out among many amnesties because he is not doing ordinary business. He is one of the largest arms dealers except the e-government government. of.

Wu Ye wants to make a contact with Zhao Jun. He hopes to find a stable arms supply line through him. This line can not only supply him a large number of guns and ammunition, but also provide him with an ammunition production line. Domestic gun control is very strict, not to mention that guns and ammunition are within the scope of control of watermelon knives. Foreign bullets are as simple and convenient as buying cigarettes. But one thing is that they can't help but limit the types of guns. The market does not allow automatic rifles, sniper rifles, etc. to circulate. Therefore, through normal channels, Wu Ye could not buy a large number of ak, carbine, various sniper rifles, and a large number of bullets, grenades, incendiary bombs, and so on.

But these things are not difficult to get in the underground arms trading, as long as they can afford the price.

Similarly, in this plane, the price of an ak47 is only four or five hundred knives, and there are additional magazines and bullets. If there is a stable trading line, and then the cost of 'delivering the door' is reduced, the price can definitely be low. It's astounding. In the zombie plane, the price of a common ak is as high as six or seven hundred crystals, and this price is still growing because of various subjective and objective reasons. According to the ratio of transcrystal to gold 1:5, it is easy to calculate that the difference of an ak has reached two hundred times.

This difference is enough to make any businessman crazy.

The bullet of ak is about 2-3 yuan, the transaction volume will go up, and the price will be cheaper. In the end of the world, in the new round of price increases in Yucheng, the bullet has been sold to 3 translucent crystals. If it is converted into a soft sister coin, it is equivalent to 3,000 yuan.

Even if Wu Ye took it back and sold it at the original price of 1, the price difference is definitely beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

And these ammunition Wu Ye brought back to Yucheng, even if it is not sold, only for the younger brothers, can also save the unimaginable integral and crystal nucleus.

After the shop was robbed and Zhou Sheng Chen Caosen's death, Wu Ye had already understood that what is moral and moral in the end of the world is illusory. Only by holding the power in his hands can he be truly worry-free.

No matter what happens with Qin Wuhua in the future, he wants to get the details of the brain, at least 11 months in the last world. In the eleven or two months, there may be countless changes. If he can't really be strong, the next encounter is probably not as simple as the shop being robbed.

During this time, Wu Ye's heart emerged more than once. He once told Qin Wuhua's base plan.

Especially after having a space ring, although it is only 27 cubic meters, a small room size, but enough for him to do too many things.

Before Victor's birth, Victor was a black boxer. After he left the boxing ring, he continued to play in the dark world. He even sharply sniffed the thick and rancid blood of Wu Ye. Wu Ye wanted to leave a deep first impression on him. He did not deliberately converge on his own momentum. Although his momentum was destroyed by his powdered baby face, he successfully caught the attention of Victor. , take the initiative to extend his right hand to him.

Daniel also extended his right hand and smiled: "hello />

Two less: "..." paralyzed, even if the fourth level of Laozi has not passed, read a lot of beautiful drama can also understand your bird language! Girl, your sister, rolling thick! Two less screaming, simply ignore Daniel.

Sometimes it looks like it is cheap, and the two little beautiful baby faces are occasionally proud and can poke the heart of the uncle and uncle. I laughed twice and didn't pay attention to it.

Daniel is really boring and deliberately bad. He is five years younger than Wu Ye. The Europa pedigree makes his eyebrows out of childishness early, and his head successfully breaks through 180. Wu Ye is indeed more like the 17-year-old baby. The spoiled Daniel was a little unhappy. Wu Ye swept his face. When Wu Ye took the fishing rod and fished, he continued to make a bad side. He deliberately screamed for a while, and throwing things for a while always wanted to scare away the fish of Wu Ye. This kind of child's trick, Wu Ye simply did not bother to take care of him, the self-satisfied Ba Zhaojun gave him a translation, as much as possible to talk with Victor.

Chatting and talking about the antiques of the z country, the second few finally have a little fur can be sold out, Victor as a foreigner likes the antiques of the z country, but only knows a little fur, two half a catty two people together It's a lot of speculation. Zhao Jun originally asked Wu Ye to come over, just want to try his depth, I did not expect him to unexpectedly vote with Victor. Victor is humorous, Wu Ye is quick and quick, and there is no flattery and flattering. Victor has added a few points to Wu Ye's good impression.

From time to time, Wu Ye cheats with abilities - the fish in the water seems to be particularly fond of the water he has attached to the healing effect - no matter how Daniel blames, he succeeded in becoming the most fishermen fishing today.

After a full fish feast, today's main event is long overdue.

For the first time, Wu Ye knew that there was a black box in the Lanshan Manor. After a few **** battles, the atmosphere in the field was completely mad, and the politicians of the rich and the rich were screaming in madness. Wu Ye looked at the boxer who was desperately fighting on the boxing field, and he couldn't look down on the waves. I have seen the hard struggles of the human beings in the end of the world, the cruel killings, the accumulation of corpses in the moment, the sudden change of human bones, and the more I saw. The fear of getting deep into the bone marrow gradually became numb. The spotted blood on the platform is just like Wu Ye's.

Another time the contest ended, the boxer who was seriously injured and killed was taken down. Daniel had just voted for the wrong object. The money he won tonight was lost. Although he did not let go of his little money, he was a little uncomfortable at the bottom of his heart. He turned to see Wu Yebo's unspeakable appearance. As soon as the eyeball turned, he asked him in Russian: [Little sweetheart, would you work hard? z country kung fu? ]

Wu Ye couldn't understand his bird language. Shen Cong did his best to act as a translator, and even translated the three words of Xiao Tianxin.

Two less angry, the cheeks bulged, and glanced at him. "It will be a little."

[Don't you dare to compare with my Ballshak? In fact, Daniel is not stupid. His experience and experience may not be able to let him sniff out the scent of death on Wu Ye, but he keenly saw his father and Zhao Jun want to test Wu Ye's mind. They are not good enough to make a request directly to Wu Ye, but there is nothing wrong with it. Victor is so fond of his younger son, it is not without reason.

Ballshak is Daniel's personal bodyguard, black, height 197, weighing more than 200 pounds, the rough five senses are very fierce, cold eyes are extremely sharp and cruel, at first glance is the blind. Wu Ye is twenty feet shorter than him, and he only weighs half of him. He is like a delicate and fragile little doll.

"What is this dare?" Wu Ye raised his chin and smiled (forced) to look at Daniel. "If you lose, what will you give me?"

Daniel squinted slightly, and there was still a distance between the eyes of Victor's old python, [How do you know that you will win? ]

"Then, after we win or lose, let's talk about the color, how?"

At this moment, Wu Ye's eyes were cold and imposing, and Daniel looked at his delicate cheeks and somehow his heartbeat was slightly messed up.