
During the darkness

Yasser_Douich · Película
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4 Chs

Chapter one:the mysterious explosion

New York City bustled with life and activity, as citizens flowed through its bright and colorful streets. The city was known for its advanced laboratories that tested futuristic technology. On that sunny day, the sounds of bells and sirens echoed in the massive laboratory known as "Startech Lab," where scientists worked diligently to explore the new frontiers of technology.

In Test Room 7, Maya Price was working on a new experiment. She was a woman with long red hair and sparkling green eyes that radiated intelligence and enthusiasm. She had pure white skin and a well-proportioned body that reflected her physical agility and inner strength. Maya dreamed of becoming a renowned engineer, and she worked hard to achieve that goal.

Around her, devices flickered with colorful lights, and screens displayed complex data. Suddenly, as she adjusted the experiment settings, a massive explosion occurred, forcing her to fall backward. When she regained consciousness, she felt something strange coursing through her veins. In one moment, she felt pain, and in the next moment, she felt power and vitality filling her body.

As Maya tried to comprehend what had happened, she noticed that she wasn't the only one affected by the explosion. She saw a person kneeling on the ground beside her, slowly transforming into a glowing yellow color. It was Jonathan Wilton, the lab security guard, a man in his prime with a tall and well-built physique that reflected his physical strength and mental abilities. He had short black hair and sharp blue eyes brimming with passion and determination.

"What just happened?!" Maya exclaimed in astonishment as she tried to stand on her feet. Jonathan finally stood up and looked at her with bright eyes.

"I think we've gained superpowers, Maya!" Jonathan said in amazement.

At the same time, in other sections of the lab, strange phenomena were also occurring. The young scientist Nicholas Steele discovered extraordinary mental abilities, while the teenage girl Leia Jones gained the power to control gravity and fly.

Within a few minutes, four ordinary individuals had been transformed into superheroes. They shared strength, talent, and courage, but they were puzzled about the reasons behind these sudden transformations.

To be continued...