
Dragon Ball: Interdimensional Saiyan Goku

After a fight with mysterious enemy Goku finds himself in another world, where he finds new people who could become his friends and rivals. Goku wants to return to his own world and meet his family, on that quest he finds something more sinister

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6 Chs

An Unexpected Arrival

In the vast expanse of the universe, where countless galaxies spiraled in their majestic dance, there existed a world unfamiliar to the legendary Saiyan warrior, Goku. After a fierce battle with a new formidable foe that threatened the safety of the universe, a mysterious cosmic anomaly had occurred. In the aftermath, Goku found himself hurtling through a kaleidoscope of dimensions, far beyond the familiar stars and planets of his own reality.

When Goku finally regained his senses, he was lying in the middle of a bustling cityscape that was unlike any he had seen before. Skyscrapers stretched towards the sky, their surfaces gleaming under the sun, and the streets were filled with people who seemed ordinary at first glance. However, as Goku observed more closely, he noticed something extraordinary. Many of these individuals showcased remarkable abilities, from manipulating elements to levitating objects with their minds. It was a world where the extraordinary was the norm.

Confused but ever curious, Goku decided to explore this new world to understand where he had landed. His presence quickly attracted attention, not only because of his unique appearance but also because he was floating a few inches off the ground, a trivial task for him but evidently astonishing for the people around him.

Before long, a group of heroes, clad in colorful costumes and exuding strong auras, approached him. They were cautious, having been alerted to the appearance of an unknown being with immense power. Among them was All Might, the Symbol of Peace, whose presence commanded respect and admiration.

"Greetings," All Might began, with a friendly yet firm tone. "I am All Might, and we are heroes of this world. May we know who you are and what brings you here?"

Goku, recognizing a fellow warrior's spirit, responded with his usual cheerful demeanor, "Hi! I'm Goku. I'm not really sure how I got here, but it looks like I'm a long way from home."

The exchange that followed was one of mutual fascination. Goku learned that he had landed in a world where the population possessed quirks, unique powers that made them special. In return, Goku shared stories of his own world, where battles were fought to protect the Earth from invaders and evil doers, a concept not unfamiliar to the heroes of this world.

Intrigued by Goku's otherworldly strength and his pure heart, All Might saw in him a potential ally in the fight against villains who threatened peace. "Goku, with your strength, you could help us make a difference in this world. What do you say?"

Always eager for a challenge and an opportunity to help others, Goku agreed. It didn't take long for the news to spread, and soon, the students of U.A. High School, the premier institution for aspiring heroes, were abuzz with excitement at the prospect of meeting the mysterious newcomer with power rivaling, or perhaps even surpassing, that of their beloved teachers.

Among the students, Midoriya Izuku, also known as Deku, was particularly eager to meet Goku. He had always been fascinated by heroes, a passion fueled by the stories he devoured as a child. The idea that someone with the ability to fight alongside the likes of All Might and potentially teach him something new was a dream come true.

As Goku began his unexpected journey in this world of heroes and quirks, he couldn't help but feel excited about the adventures that lay ahead. Little did he know, his arrival had set the wheels of fate in motion, intertwining his destiny with the heroes of this world in a battle that would test their strength, courage, and the very spirit of heroism itself.

Thus, amidst the towering buildings of Musutafu, Japan, the chapter of an epic saga began, where the heart of a Saiyan warrior would ignite the flames of heroism in a world that was about to discover the true meaning of strength and sacrifice.