
Doomsday Pillars

In January 2020, the world came to an end. When the plague started it, 80% of the population was wiped out. Despair. Tears– and blood dyed the earth. When the survivors thought there was no more hope.... They came. 1008 pillars dropped from the sky, scattered all around the world in more than 100 countries. The pillars became defensive bases for all of the survivors. But in the end...after 10 years of struggle... The human race still lost. This is a story of Alex, given a second chance to start anew, one month before it all started. Witness Alex's journey in saving the world, the human race, and his family. Uncover the secret of the pillars that give power to human mutation xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Video Trailer www.avans.xyz What will readers be expecting from this novel: *Realistic world background. (Battle in famous cities; Bali, Singapore, Sydney, Rome, Las Vegas) *Real historical quotes *Sci-fi as close to real-world science *Slice of Life WARNING : The first volume is the world building and preparation, so its a slow start. When the Pillar arrive, the novel will have more cultivation and system content. If you interested of more visual, feel free to join Doomsday Pillar discord, www.avans.xyz

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383 Chs

Not Enough

The Black Snake base island, at noon, the courtyard area was already full of people. All three gang leaders and their members, the primary base guard, plus Jerry's men. All totaled 300 plus members had gathered. Alex and Jerry both were standing at the front. Jerry was currently addressing the members; most of them respected him, so they listened to him. Jerry told them what Mr. Blake did to his sister, and about the incident last night. Afterward, he said that for the gang to continue, the first thing they needed was to elect a new leader, he was open for anyone who wished to become the new leader.

Jacko already knew Jerry's strength, so he chose to stand aside, the other two leaders, Bayu was a muscular bald man, height about 1.9 meters, while the last leader was Vicky, a woman in her late twenties. Vicky had no comment, she never liked Mr. Blake, as for Bayu, he thought that he might not be as smart as Jerry, but he's sure, that he was the strongest and fiercest member in this courtyard.

He challenged Jerry to a duel; the other members thought that Jerry was still hurt because of the gunshot, but who knew that he would win easily against Bayu. The first minute Jerry only moved around testing his speed, next, to prove his strength, he let the big guy hit him, it didn't hurt him, Jerry felt both his speed and power were increased. It's addicting. Seeing this scene; every gang member was surprised, but the stronger the leader, the better they would be, so they felt glad. Jacko was puzzled by this, last night when he fought Jerry, Jerry was not this strong, after getting shot he didn't seem to be hurt, but got much stronger.

When the leadership issue was settled, Jerry started talking about the future of the Blake Snake gang; he planned to stop the drug smuggling business and decided that the gang would become mercenaries, as for the client, he introduced Alex, the guy standing next to him. As most of the Black Snake members had a criminal record, it will be hard for them to live outside of the gang, so most of them agreed with the decision, about 30 of them decided to quit and retired the life of the gang, and Jerry allowed it.

For the rest of them, a total of 300 people, Alex planned for them to be trained and prepared for the end of days, they will become his first group of fighters. Although he won't know how many will survive the plague, he still wished for these to be ready. They will be trained in hand to hand combat, axes fighting and lastly shooting firearms. The firearm supplies were far from enough, so Alex gave Jerry a job to trade all the drugs with weapons, they will need as many guns and ammo as possible. Jerry provided a rough estimate; all the drug supplies were worth about $10 million, if traded with weapons it should be able to arm 2000 people. Alex added an extra $5 million to buy a few special weapons like RPGs, machine guns and extra ammunition, a lot of extras.

The 4 Black snake posts will be emptied, all gangs will have training on the island, Jacko and Bayu will be in charge of the training and Vicky will be in charge of tradings and smuggling it to this base, Jerry requested to visit Colombia, besides trading, his main reason was to hear news about his sister, so he asked to go there himself. Alex was worried, but considering that Jerry was already a high stage mortal realm, he let him go, but Alex gave Jerry a deadline, in one week he must be back to the gang and prepare the mobilization of the gang member to Bali main base.

Alex realized that the gang also had a dozen ships available to use. Alex told Jerry about Bay city and told him to coordinate with Eka about modifying the vessel. After monitoring the preparation and training, there's nothing else Alex could do here on the island, Alex went back to the Bali Island.

The Bay city was currently crowded with 100 plus mechanics, modifying vehicles and ships, Alex had a meeting with Randy, the mayor about donating a fund to built the city's outer wall and post. Of course, he also mentioned a different kind of "donation" as well.

Next Alex went to the main base, it's currently busy and bustling with 5000 plus worker, from land clearing, building foundations, wall gates placements, and steel construction, it all progressing fast. Alex gave some feedback on the current design. The land acquisition was already finished, so he started the second stage of the plan. The wall in the north facing the mountain, the gate will be called the mountain gate, the wall on the west near the river there will be the river gate, on the east where the pillar will drop be called the pillar gate. Lastly, the south gate near the main road will be called the main entrance. Outside of the Mountain Gate until the River Gate, Alex will create a farm area, Alex decided to bring 1000 farmers to start land clearing and paddy the fields. They will also connect the farms with the river. Alex also prepared a dozen three-story outpost 1 kilometer away each outside the base for a lookout. After he finished the design, he returned to the Hotel where his family was staying; both trips took him one full day.

Tonight Alex had a lot of things on his mind; it's already day 10, 20 days left till the end of days come. Things seemed to go as planned; he got two bases under construction, 5000 plus worker, supplies delivered, vehicles, boats, he got an artifact, an Evolve, 300 fighters and weapons. But after seeing his bases and relate to his previous life...

"It's not enough."

"5000 people, 300 fighters, how many of them would survive the first plague?"

"It might turn to be a safe base for my family and friends."

"But will it have any effect on the world? Did I reincarnate only to protect my family and friends? This preparation won't bring any much different to my country, don't bother about changes to the humankind, the earth has totaled 7.7 billion people, and currently, my action was only affecting less than 7000 people. I only have 20 days left, what else can I prepare? I need to think bigger and took higher risk, I want to start getting the item to find the cure for my daughter, but I guess it can wait for now."

If Alex wanted to create an impact on the country, he would need government involvement, but it will be tough for the government to go on board with this, politicians will take too long to convince, the other way was either go straight to the Indonesian military or through the wealthiest and most powerful society in the country:

The Nine Dragons of Indonesia.

I actually wish the End of Days can start already but, i really should introduce more in depth background to the world, to create better plot, please be patient for a few more chapter.

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